"... solved a lot." The brave wiped the silvery blood spattered from his body, and now it is surrounded by mirrors... the body.

They were smashed, cut, broken, and all sorts of causes of death, and some were bitten by gnomes.

As long as some part of their body is damaged, a large amount of silver blood will flow out, and then it will not move quickly.

Some of the mirrors escaped at the end, but most of them were killed... The scholars felt quite puzzled. It said to the brave: "Why do you have to kill them here when you come in... Do you have any opinions?" After that, the scholar looked at Susummi.

"I don't have any opinions." Susumi said: "I will also guarantee the safety of the expedition. Besides, we have prepared a lot of weapons for this body, just to give us a fight."

"You don't need to care about this kind of thing..." The robbers said, "Isn't the ‘hero’ in your movie often done this?”

"I said don't mention movies... forget it." The scholar said: "I think they will attack us again if they will, we will leave here first."

The scholar's discourse has been endorsed by all the players. In fact, it is a nominal ‘captain’, but these players are not very obedient.

Left the mirrored bodies of the ground, they just found a entrance under the wall and went in.

After entering the entrance, there is a long passage in front of the scholar. The passage is a circular structure with a diameter of about 30 cm. Generally speaking, this structure is not good for creatures other than robbers, but They are no problem no matter what shape the road is, because their hands and feet can move against the wall and they won't be blocked because of the shape of the road.

Now the scholars are moving around the top of the channel because they think the mirror won't climb the wall.

"There was something weird there."

After a long walk in the passage, the brave pointed to the front. I saw a large number of protruding objects appearing on the ground in the distance.

These raised objects are square and transparent, and there seems to be something inside.

"Stop moving forward, first observe..." After the scholar slightly adjusted the field of vision of the eye and brought the image of the distant object closer, the scholars found that these squares protruding from the ground were filled with blackened objects.

“These are... cooked meat?” the scholar said: “Do they biodecompose the burnt creatures on the mirror into these pieces and then install them here?”

"Oh oh oh oh!" The scholar finished. The gnome suddenly yelled and jumped, then flew to a meat-filled square where he tried to bite the square.

"What are you doing!" This time, the scholar finally understood what the gnome was thinking, so he immediately called: "You can't eat meat now?"

“Oh oh?” The gnome turned his head and looked at the scholar with dissatisfaction.

"I know..." and the scholar turned his head and looked at the roaring worm: "I know why you have to bring this thing here..."

"What?" The robbers made a surprised look: "Do you actually know?"

Because the players of this action are said to be Lin and the planners, but the scholars did not communicate with them, the only responsible for communicating with the leader is the robbers.

“Do you want to watch the movie?” The scholar said: “Because those movies need a companion who will find death, the story can be developed. Generally, they encounter various monsters. All kinds of dangerous reasons... Because of the roles responsible for finding death."

"Yes, you guessed it." The robbers said: "The gnome will come into contact with the creatures in the most...in a simple way."

"But this is not a movie!" said the scholar: "Our goal is to quietly study the creatures here."

"No, it's not actually that purpose." The robbers said: "The real purpose of our expedition is to get in touch with the creatures in various ways, including those that are more straightforward, such as fighting."

"Fighting, research, communication, anything you can do if necessary." The robbers said: "Besides extermination of them. But that is impossible, so don't worry."

"What? It doesn't matter if you attack them casually?" the scholar questioned.

"Yes. It is to detect the reaction of the creatures here in various ways, and this...the reaction of the world." The robbers said: "So arrange for players of different races."

"Why don't you tell us at the beginning?" The scholar asked: "I have been worried..."

"They all know." The robbers looked at the brave and Susumi, and the two also agreed.

"You don't know it." The robbers said: "This is the one that can't be rummaged. It says you want to observe when you can guess the specific situation, and then go back and report the time you guessed. ”

"The thing that can't be rolled is..."

"Teacher." The roaring worm said: "It has recently played a game called 'Who will go crazy first' with the brain-building monster, and now I think it may not be able to support it. So I think it is nothing to tell you in advance. problem."

"Okay." The scholar said: "If that's the case, then don't worry so much, then let me see what the meat is going on."

It said that it jumped from the top of the channel. Now the gnome has bitten the box of meat, and the meat inside has been made by the gnome. It is still eating.

but. This mechanical body did not seem to have swallowing function. The gnome chewed for a long time and found that it could not be swallowed. Then he spit the meat to one side, and then ran to the side to continue to scream like a sulking voice.

The scholar picked up a piece of gnome's leftover meat and then tested it.

"What is the good study of meat?" The brave also jumped from above and asked.

"The ground mirrors are obviously not organic...cell creatures, but why should they store them?" The scholar said: "There must be no other purpose... this is!"

"Oh? Did you find anything fun?"

“There is a lot of microbes on this piece of meat.” The scholar said: “And there is only one species, I think they may be raising such microbes.”

The brave man said: "Since they don't eat meat, the microbes that they raise must not eat."

"Yes, there must be other purposes, and..." The scholar looked up and looked at the passage ahead.

The front passage extends all the way to a far distance, and the ground is covered with densely packed meat cubes. These things have caused great doubts for scholars... (to be continued...)

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