4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 801: Is this civilization?

Now our exploration team is connecting somewhere in the world.

I have encountered a lot of creatures in this world, and this creature is the most amazing creature...

Although there was a small-scale battle at the beginning, now we are quietly moving and there is no fighting, but this is probably a temporary situation.

In short, we are now quietly exploring... these creatures called ground mirrors.

The ground mirror is not a huge creature hidden in the ground as originally thought, but a group of creatures, each of which has a pyramid shape of about one centimeter and a white surface. It feels like a mirror structure, using an unknown way. The ground moves in a sliding manner, and light of different brightness and color is scattered on the body surface to communicate.

The ground mirror itself seems to have a very high degree of technology.

They can make very sophisticated weapons and currently find three weapons.

One weapon can emit high-temperature ray, the second weapon can continuously emit small spikes, and the third is... can emit their own 'blood'.

The blood of the mirror is a viscous liquid of silver, which will slowly harden under the air environment. There are still many 'visceral' in the body, and the function of these internal organs is not yet known.

The weapons are obviously different from their internal organs. They are 'installed' from the outside. Some mirrors are not equipped with weapons, but they are equipped with other things, such as work tools.

The entire huge mirrored pits seen on the surface are actually the 'city' they have built, with criss-crossing passages. Space for a variety of uses. Among the content found so far. Their only source of resources is the charred creatures at the surface of the potholes.

These charred creatures will be transported into the depths of the underground city, undergoing various treatments, and finally transformed into materials that can be used by the earth mirror...

This creature is unexpectedly complex and seems to be a highly developed civilization, but in this world, the area they occupy is not large, even for the whole world is negligible...

Of course, their technology also has some... defects.

As far as the current discovery is concerned. There is no monitoring system in their channels, so we can easily get to this location.

I will record more about them...


"Are you finished recording?"

When the scholar closed the recording device in the helmet, the brave side asked him.

"Yes, I have recorded the situation of the mirror until now..." The scholar said: "They... really surprised me."

“What makes you surprised?” The robbers said behind the scholar: “Is it because they look like a barbecue machine?”

"No, I mean they... forget it, let's talk about it later." The scholar looked ahead: "There is still a lot to study here."

Now, the expedition team is still in the channel of more than 30 centimeters in diameter, they are attached to the top of the channel, looking at the situation below.

From the previous contacts, scholars have known the “scope of perception” of the ground mirror. Although it is not clear what they are observing, as long as the distance is far enough. About twenty centimeters away, the ground mirrors don't know where they are.

Therefore, they can now be well hidden on the top of the mirror, and the gnome responsible for death is also very quiet and quiet.

This gives scholars the opportunity to observe the activities of the mirror. Now there are a lot of transparent squares with charred meat inside.

Beside these squares, there are many mirrors moving. Although they don’t seem to do anything, as long as the mirrors are close, the squares with the meat will open automatically, and the meat inside will stick to the ground. On the body of the mirror, the mirror then took the meat to another place.

And those squares that are vacant will soon have a new piece of meat in the mirror.

It looks like a 'cultivation point', and the geoscientists used those meat to cultivate microbes, which scholars have previously confirmed.

What it needs to confirm now is, what does the ground mirror do with the microbes in these meats? This can be seen by moving the field a little.

There is a big...hole in the wall of the passage not far from the front. From the position of the scholar, you can see that there is a rock cave inside the hole.

The ground mirror is transporting the meat removed from the cube into the rock cave, then throwing it to the ground and walking out. Some of the mirrors carry things when they come out. It is some golden shiny stones.

It can also be seen from the outside that these stones are collected from the caves. The ground in the caves is 'long' with many such stones, most of which are dim, and those with bright colors are mirrored. Bring it out.

“It seems like this...” the scholar said: “They first let the microbes live on the meat for a while, and when the microbes grow to a certain extent, they are brought into the cave, when the microbes may have The ability of the bright stone, the stones in the cave are all made by microorganisms."

"These shiny stones are what the mirror really needs..." The scholar said, while recording the things here.

Susumi said next to the scholars: "It seems that they have a very good lifestyle."

“Yeah...” the scholar said: “I think we should be able to communicate with them.”

"It's impossible, I have already done that kind of thing." The brave said on the side: "It's boring to look at it here. We should go on and play one game. Are you right?"

“Wow?” The gnome found the brave look at himself and immediately shouted: “Wow!”

At the moment when the gnome made a sound, all the mirrors that carried the meat and the stone suddenly panicked.

They threw meat and stones on the ground and then desperately fled to the distance.

"It was discovered..." The scholar said: "It seems that their perceived distance is not fixed, but these are workers, they are not wearing weapons, so have they escaped? We can lick now..."

"Wow, oh!" The gnome screamed and jumped into the group of mirrors that ran hurriedly below, which scared them to run faster.

"You hurry back..." The scholar hasn't finished, the brave patted it and said: "Don't always be afraid of shrinking, this is... adventure!"

Saying, the brave yelled and jumped, then rushed over to the nearest mirror, and reached out and held it up.

"Look, you caught one!" The brave yelled at the scholars above: "It is still the first time to catch a living, and has been hiding there but there is no such opportunity!"

"Okay..." The scholar jumped from above and took over the ground mirror captured by the brave. It found that the mirror was continually twitching, and the surface was constantly flashing with various colors.

This can be thought of as the trembling of its fear, so where do you start research?

"Wow! Oh!" The gnome was next to the stone that had been thrown by the ground mirror, but it was all spit out and it seemed to be hard to eat.

Although there is no phagocytosis, the mechanical tongue in the mouth still has a taste function.

"These stones..." The scholar picked up a stone path: "Right, study the material and know if these stones are the food of the mirror..."

'boom! ’

The voice of the scholar did not fall, and there was a burst of fire in front of him. The strong impact made it fly out. It also shattered a large number of pieces of meat here, and various fragments splashed everywhere.

"It’s coming so fast... I have prepared new weapons.”

The scholar stood up and saw a large group of ground mirrors in the direction of the escape of the ground mirror workers. The tip of the top of the top of the lens shimmered with red light. These mirrors clearly belonged to the 'soldier. ', all equipped with many weapons.

"Hey!" The brave went to the scholar's side and pointed the sword at the mirror that the scholar hugged: "Did you not see that we have... the temperament? Actually dare to attack?"

"Although they can receive sound..." The scholar said: "But I don't think they understand."

'Snapped! ’

At the moment when the scholar finished, the ground mirror held in his hand suddenly exploded, and the silvery blood sprinkled all over the floor.

"They actually..." The scholar noticed that the ground mirror exploded because of the attacks of the soldiers in the distance, and several soldiers purposely aimed at the ground mirror it was holding.

"It seems that they don't like captives falling into the hands of the enemy..." The brave raised the sword and said: "So a fierce battle is already inevitable... bones, ready!"

"Yeah!" The gnome spits out all the stones in his mouth and poses aside the brave.

"When did you give it the name?" The scholar said: "And can you command it?"

"We met in battle." The brave said: "The comrades can understand each other without language! Go! Let us pick up the silvery rain in them!"

The brave and the gnome jumped high on the ground at the same time, rushing to the distant mirror group with incomparable momentum.

But their figure suddenly slammed down and then fell from the air to the ground.

"What is this?" The brave reached out and touched it without knowing when a transparent wall appeared.

"Do you think this kind of thing can stop me?" The brave slammed into the wall with a sword, and with the bang, countless cracks spread like a spider web on a transparent wall.

‘嗡’ At the same time, there was a strange noise in the entire passage.

"They are heating up the entire space!" the scholar said aloud: "They want to trap us here!" (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks~ The river crab can't eat ~ the monthly ticket of up to zero~

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