4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 802: sacrifice


Under the sound of the wonderful sound, the passage where the exploration team is located is covered by high temperature, and the meat on the ground also changes dramatically with the temperature rising sharply.

“The temperature here has risen quite high!” The scholars have a large number of testing equipment, so it can detect changes in various things at any time.

The brave asked: "Are we going to be cooked?"

"Of course not." Scholars said: "This temperature is far from reaching the upper limit we can withstand."

"Then... don't worry!" The brave once again slammed the transparent wall in front with a sword, and the crack suddenly doubled. The group of mirrors behind the wall seemed to be scared and retreated a little.

Unlike the scholars, the brave is almost completely prepared for the battle, so it has no detection ability, but the combat ability is very powerful, it can make a powerful blow at an explosive speed, and its feet also have the ability to grasp the ground. This makes it not to fly itself because of its power.

"Crush it!" The brave once again took out a sword, and the transparent wall in front of it shattered, but at the same time as the wall shattered, countless attacks hit it.

These attacks included small spikes, high-temperature shots, and small explosives.

The brave man stood in the innumerable attacks like a tower, which even made the brave himself feel a little surprised. Therefore, he turned his head and looked at the scholar: "I should feel pain?"

"...It seems that our armor is too strong..." The scholar said: "But don't care..."

"Wow, oh oh!" As they spoke, the gnome had already rushed over and it jumped into the group of ground mirrors. Grab any recent goal.

The ground mirror that was bitten by it rang the cracking sound. The silvery blood splatters on the ground. The gnome then loosened to bite a target.

"It reminds me of the time before..." The brave rushed over and smashed the gnome together in the group of mirrors.

Wherever their attacks go, there will always be silvery blood rain, and scholars will watch their battles in the distance, and the robbers and Susumi will come to it.

"It's like a movie." The robbers looked at the brave man who was fighting and asked the scholar: "What do you think?"

"... Usually movies don't play like this." Scholars said: "Most films are promoting ‘justice wins,’ so...”

"So, it is killing the innocent demon." The robbers stretched out their forelimbs and pointed at the brave: "The devil is usually very powerful at first. Until a hero stands out..."

"That is..." The scholar suddenly noticed that outside the brave battlefield, there was a mirror that was covered in scars and was moving at a very slow speed.

The ground mirrors are very scared to be injured. They usually die as soon as they have a small wound. Although this has a lot of wounds, it can actually drag the body to move.

This should say that its perseverance is very strong? Or is there any special structure in the body?

It slowly moved to the side of a meat-filled box, then gently touched the square with the tip of the head, the square opened, and the meat inside fell out.

Then it aligns the open square with the tip, and the silvery blood comes out of the tip. Dropped into the square...

When it was done, it fell to the ground. Never move again.

“What is it doing?” The scholar looked at the ground and said: “It seems to be...”

When the rumored, the scholar felt that the ground seemed to have a burst of tremor...

"It seems like it started something!" the scholar said aloud: "It may be a very dangerous thing!"

"What?" The brave kicked a ground and said: "What is dangerous... Ah!"

It didn't finish, and several nearby mirrors were around. They didn't use weapons, but they used the body to hit the brave and stick to it.

The surface of the ground mirror has some kind of adhesion, and the same is true of the gnome. The gnome is now stuck in the center by several mirrors, and it is still struggling...

"What are these things doing!" The brave smashed a ground mirror: "They seem to be crazy!"

"No..." the scholar said: "They want to hold you back, waiting for the things that started... come!"

‘Bang...” In the distance of the passage, the sound of vibration continued to come and was getting closer and closer. Soon, scholars saw the source of this shock.

That is a huge amount... silver blood.

This is not necessarily blood, but it does look exactly the same as the blood of the mirror, and it is... too much.

Just like a flood, the silvery blood came from a distant passage, and it took away everything on the road, and soon approached the position of the brave.

"There is such a thing... Run! Bone!" The brave immediately opened the mirrors of the body and jumped to the side to help the gnomes open the mirrors, and then ran with the gnomes in the direction of the scholar.

"Finally, they decided to sacrifice themselves and summon a powerful force to defeat the enemy, just like a hero." The robbers said to the scholar: "We also run fast. If we die, we don't know if it will cause spirituality." damage."

"What?" The scholar was shocked: "The instructions didn't say ah... forget it! Run!"

As they said, they all turned and ran to the other side of the passage, but the raging silver flood was no slower than them.

In fact, the speed of the flood is much faster. It will roll up all the corpses and minced meat on the ground, and it is getting closer and closer to the expedition team that is running away.

"Ah, wow!" With a scream, the floods swallowed them all at once, and the intense currents carried them deep into the passageway.

What will they be the result...?


"I don't know how their exploration is going." On the other side of the distance, the instructor thought about the exploration of the team while looking at the picture in front of him.

But it still has things to do now, that is...

"I have promised not to bite you... You should feel very happy...you have never had such a wonderful promise in history, just let me go, or I will kill you..."

"Hurry up and let go of it, or I won't be happy!"

In the picture, a dying brain-building monster is there, and there is a group of split brains next to it.

The instructor thinks that this may not be enough pressure on it, but it does not need to always try on this brain, but also to find other brains, because they are different in character. (To be continued...)

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