4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 803: Learn more about

Observation of the ground mirror.

We are going deeper here, and this world of mirrors has already had a period of time... time.

For the ground mirror, I have a new understanding. The ground mirror still has a lot of control over the underground city that I made. For example, they can heat the whole place.

During this period we have had a lot of conflict with them. In the recent battle, the ground mirror found that we could not beat us, and we started the ‘flood system’ to wash us away.

It is also necessary to record these ‘floods’. They are silver and look like the blood of the mirror. However, after some tests, I found that this liquid is different from the blood of the mirror and should not belong to the blood.

But still don't know where they came from...

The ground mirror will make so many systems, but there is no monitoring system, they can't make it? Still not aware of what to build?

In our society, the reason for the monitoring system is to deal with the same kind, perhaps the mirror does not need to deal with the same kind.

But I doubt very much that they will not be invaded by other creatures when they live in this place? If they can, they also need something like a monitoring device to be safe...

All in all, they still don't know where I am... I don't know where I am.

The flood rushed us, which made me come to... somewhere, but as a result, I know more about them.

I saw their...life, yes, the mirror is the area where everyday life is done.


After recording the ‘Research Diary’, the scholar closed the recording system.

When a scholar discovers that he has stopped drifting, it is already in a narrow space, like most other places, surrounded by mirror-like structures.

Scholars believe that this is a small room on the wall of the passage. It was in this position during the impact of the silver flood. When it was just rushed into the small room, the entrance to the room was automatically closed, so scholars There is no way to go out now.

Unless it learns the brave, use the brute force to open the entrance.

but. The scholar decided to investigate the place a little bit first, so it looked around here and found another exit soon.

So the scholar left the narrow room through that exit.

but. It has reached a new place, and the first impression that this place gives to scholars is... still very narrow.

This is a square pipe, which is so narrow that scholars can't stand up and can only crawl and move inside, however. The bottom of the pipe is transparent, which attracts the attention of scholars.

When the scholar climbs in the pipeline, he can see the outside situation through the transparent bottom.

It can be seen that this pipe should be suspended in a high position, and the ground outside is almost the same as the pipe...about sixty centimeters.

Moreover, there are a lot of ground mirrors on the ground there.

Although I have seen a lot before, it seems to be the place where the most mirrors gather. Scholars are using their own systems to count each of the sights they see into the quantity.

They are at least tens of thousands here, and they should really be their ‘city’, where the ground is still a mirror-like structure. These mirrors move back and forth, seemingly very busy.

There is not only a mirror in the city, but as scholars slowly move forward in the pipeline, it sees a lot of facilities.

Some facilities are very similar to the 'pool'. In a circular pit with a diameter of 10 cm, it is filled with silver water. The surrounding ground mirror occasionally enters and then rolls inside and swims out.

Scholars have also seen other things, such as buildings made of golden stones, which are mostly square and have many entrances around them. The length, width and height are all over a dozen centimeters. There are a lot of mirrors in and out of it. I don't know what they are doing in the building.

Another facility is a round... dish with a lot of triangular pits on the plate. The pits and the mirror's body just coincided. The scholar saw that there were many mirrors that climbed onto the plate, embedded the body in a triangular pit, and the whole body of the mirror began to tremble.

For more than ten seconds, they will come out of the pit, and the next mirror will join.

This may be some kind of... entertainment facility. Only scholars can't understand.

Some of the surrounding facilities are similar. Although they are different in shape, they are basically a function. The ground mirror will touch these buildings. After a period of contact, they will leave, and then the next mirror will follow.

Earth mirrors often use light-emitting capabilities to communicate with each other, and scholars believe that they all have a... personality.

This kind of behavior makes the scholar feel wonderful, it is all recorded, although I still don't understand what it is.

However, there are still some scholars who can understand the behavior. Scholars climbed and climbed and saw a building. The building is as large as 30 centimeters. It is very big. It is hemispherical and has many silver tentacles extending around it. .

Occasionally, the surrounding ground mirror will approach the building, it will reach under a tentacle, then the tentacle will reach the ground lens and slowly open the tip of the lens.

The tentacle takes a thing from the tip and swallows it, then spits a thing out of the tentacle and puts it into the head of the mirror.

“It turns out that they are equipped with weapons like this?”

Obviously, the tentacles of this building are equipped with weapons in the head of the ground mirror, but not only weapons. After a while, the scholar discovered that the building assembled the weapons that it had seen and assembled. A lot of things that it has not seen.

This thing placed in the tip of the head seems to be the only equipment of the mirror, and they are not wearing any clothing armor.

Although the size of the mirror is different, the equipment placed in their heads is very suitable.

After recording the situation here, the scholars continue to follow the pipeline. Scholars still don't know what their pipelines are doing, and they feel like some... ventilation ducts.

But does the mirror need ventilation?

When the scholar thought about it, it soon saw a new building.

The new building is also hemispherical, about the size of the previous distribution equipment, but it does not have the tentacles, but has a large number of round and square pipes connected to it.

The building continued to make a sound of sound, and there were many mirrors dangling around. Scholars discovered that these mirrors emitted light from the tip of the head, and the light would illuminate the building with a specific sound.

There are also many mirrors that carry a lot of stones around them, open one side of the building, and then throw them in.

"This should be their ... energy room? Those stones were originally used here..."

At this time, scholars have created an impulse to look down. It wants to know how this energy room works. After you understand it, you can understand all the techniques of the mirror.

"Energy Room?" At this moment, the voice of the brave rang in the head of the scholar: "It sounds like something that would have been a big explosion when attacked!"

"Wow, oh!" and the voice of the gnome.

“Where are you now?” the scholar asked. “It seems to be in a far position.”

"Yeah, we are all scattered now." The brave said: "It doesn't matter, we can gather again, we will meet in the old place."

"What is the old place?"

"It's the pipe that puts a lot of meat." The brave man said: "Or you want to set up a new place to meet."

"Then join me here..." The scholar said: "I can wait for you here, but it is best not to make any noise when you come..."

"That's it!"

...at this time, on the side of the brave...

"Have you heard it? Bone, we are leaving!"

"Oh, wow!"

"But I have to see how to get out first."

The brave looked around and it and the gnome now stand in a place similar to... the waste station.

The ground underneath it is gray, and there are many meshes on it. It radiates extreme heat from the mesh. Although the brave does not have so many detection functions, it can still feel it.

Around it, there is accumulated waste.

These objects are various, with broken lenses, wrecks of the ground mirror, small stones, and pieces of meat, as well as some strange shapes, like machinery.

Some of them were rushed here with the brave, but some of them were originally here.

When the rushed silver flood penetrated into the mesh of the ground, it showed the environment.

"Where is the exit?" The brave looked up and looked around. It was surrounded by rocky walls and looked like a cave. The brave man came in from the top of the cave when he came in, but it can’t see the exit now. Only one rock wall can be seen from above.


Suddenly, the gnome climbed to the side of the waste pile and shouted in one direction.

"What? Are you talking about it?" The brave also noticed that there was a not obvious crack on the rock wall in the direction of the gnome.

"It seems that there is our way out." The brave raised the big kennel in his hand: "Then the sword will open the way!"

‘Boom! ’

"What happened?" The brave felt a violent shock at the foot, and the whole ground began to sink down, and the heat inside those meshes rushed out wildly.

"It turned out to be like this... but it can't stop me!" The brave put the sword back on his back, and then with his hands, his body suddenly flew up from the ground and went to the rock wall at a very fast speed. The cracks flew away.

At this point, the brave pulled out the blade again... The crack on the rock wall slashed past.

'boom! ! ! ’

The sword has not been cut, and there is a strong explosion behind the brave. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks~ The rewards of life~

Thanks ~ 穹空之灼~ With the monthly ticket of Suo~~

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