4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 807: Near perfect

How long will it last?

Here is the inside of the stellar bus, a hole in the **.

Lin has always been paying attention to the growth of organs here. It seems that this organ has grown up and can go to Ershi, but that is... I don’t know when it will grow.

However, the stellar bus said that it is a growth. It is better to say that some parts of the body, such as rock minerals, are transformed into organs. This speed can be said to be quite slow. In proportion, it is slower than most organisms. .

Therefore, when Lin observes its growth, she will do a lot of other things, such as paying attention to various things on Mars, the war on the rock, the things that connect the world, and the crystallization in Ershi. Excavate more information inside.

At the same time, you will have a leisurely chat about the sky.


"Stop your move, oh! Don't! You obviously just let us guard our way!"

Lin looked at the creators growing up day by day and became the giant trees that stood in the world. On the contrary, the group of mini guardians around the creators became weaker and weaker.

"Look, fluff, look at their sad appearance... They understand where their future will go, and even if they are stupid, they will feel a thorough fear at this moment."

In front of Lynn, the creator is like a giant tree standing on a tumbling man. Its tentacles are criss-crossed in the air, and various energy creatures fly between the tentacles.

For this kind of energy creature, the creators don't pay attention to them, let them hunt each other among the tentacles, play with each other, but there is an energy creature creator who takes care of them in particular.

That is a group of small **** of light crowded on the dark edge of the world.

"Don't say such terrible words! Why don't you guard us for this thing!" They are small nucleators, and these small **** of light squeezing into a ball with a horrified word.

Recently, Lynn took a large part of them, and now only the last small part is left, they will not proliferate.

The original small nucleus has always been fearless. They often quarrel with the creators, but now it seems that they are scared as the number gets smaller.

Although the little guardians who Lin took away were not afraid of it soon, they would start looking for a 'place suitable for guardianship'. Then I cheered myself up, and the original fear of thought soon disappeared.

Therefore, these small protectors can get the pompoms and make brains... quarrel.

Lin recently received a lot of information from the faculty, and the patriarch said that a brain-hunting and a nucleus guard will probably quarrel forever.

And when the number of protectors increased to two, three. Brain-creating can also cope with it. Only the nucleus guards are more than six, and the brain-killing will slowly fall into the ‘downwind’.

Ten nucleators will soon make the brains feel unsustainable, but even then, the brains are not willing to disclose what they know.

It would be better to say that the performance of the brain-creating will make its interrogators think that it does not know anything at all. Lin feels that the ‘will’ of the brains is indeed very powerful. After all, even the creators can’t help them.

"Now let them disappear completely, fluff, and then the world will belong to me completely, without these sorrows and sorrows. The world will also be closer to perfection." The creator said to Lin: "You seem to have recently found A rather rich world, the place that is called the world of connection...but I will create a world that is more perfect than that, yes...just need them to disappear immediately..."

Now, the creators are a little excited...because these little nucleators, who have always been thought to be hindered, are about to disappear, and its world is finally closer to what it thinks... perfect.


“Did you not notice something?” Lin asked the creator: “After I took them away, there were some conditions here.”

"The situation? What do you think will trigger when they leave? Fluff?" The creator said: "They will leave no impact."

It seems that the creators pay less attention to the outside world.

However, Lynn knows that when the creator builds a world of dreams, its body in the real world is still growing, but this growth is like...automatic growth.

The creator does not seem to care much about the real thing. So it doesn't seem to notice... there are some things happening underneath it.

Because the creator is now living in the position of 'dreams'.

The dream food has been in a state of sleep, and there is no special movement, even if the creator continues to expand dreams and growth in its place.

but. When Lin took the little nucleus away, Lin felt the position... The dream seemed to be active.

I did not feel anything when I first took away a few nuclear protectors, but when I took it away, I found out that...the dream food is indeed moving.

This kind of 'movement' is not really active, but exudes some information. Lin can feel this information, except for Lin. There is another creature that feels it.

It is the swaying of this place... but it doesn't do anything special, and Lin just seems to be very excited to see it.

And the creator... seems to be ‘sinking’ in his dreams, nothing is felt.

Lin believes that... there may be some connection between the dream and the protector, so Lin said something about it with the creator.

"So, you think it has to wake up, fluff." The creator said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with this... take them away and let them disappear."

It seems that the creators feel that it is most important to let the small nucleus leave.

"So that's it, but then there may be unforeseen circumstances." Lin said: "It doesn't matter?"

“The world is full of unforeseen things.” The creator said: “Fleece, I will not fear the unknown, I will face any dangers that I may face, and then let it disappear.”

Although Lin feels that the creator has grown up for a while, it is better to try to face the dream food, but since it has said so... then let's get started.

First, let another dream space be connected to the creator's dream space, and then drive the small nucleus into it. Now it is quite easy.

In this way, Lin took all the small nucleators away.

But Lynn has not taken them away from the world, but placed the brains of their dreams in the dream space next to the creators.

This does not seem to have any effect on the dream food. It seems that only after the small guardian is taken away from the world will what happens.

Lin does not take them away now, because according to the evangelist, the small nucleus used to force the madness of the brain is enough.

So now they don't have a 'useful place' for the time being, and take them away for a long time to see how it affects the dream food.

Thinking, Lin once again entered the creator's dream.

"It's very good... fluffy, I finally saw a completely clean world." The creator is now in the middle of excitement. This seems to be the first time... talking to it here, no small guardian is interjecting next to it. .

"Now, I will make my world grow up quickly...but..." The creator said: "As you said, fluff, after I took those things away, I definitely felt it, yes...that The creature called the dream food seems to have a new movement, maybe it will indeed wake up, maybe it will bring fear to the world that has just become perfect."

"But I don't think it can do this kind of thing. Do you feel it? Fluffy, its power is not strong, it is power that cannot affect me."

What the creator said should be its feeling of dreams.

However, Lin felt that the creator could not understand the dream food at all, and the dream food itself should be a very special creature.

"In short." Lin said: "Your... things are still in this position. I decided to take these things away after a while. At that time, the dream food may wake up."

"I will be prepared to face the fluff at that time." The creator said: "When will you take them away?"

"... ten days and nights."

.................. At the same time, on the other side...

"When will you be ready to tell your plan?"

"You will never know the location of the treasure."

"Yes! Even if you told you, you don't know."

"No, tell it and it will know."

"It doesn't matter, it's good to kill it when you get there."


The instructor is looking at a group of brains through his imagery in his own laboratory.

These brains are newly recruited. It is true that their personality is different from the one that started the test. The Master tried to find out the more fragile one from this group of brains, and then let it go. And the protectors... exchange.

Some brains are indeed more fragile.

The Master has found one now.

"Do you dare to stare at me?" The brain-building monster on the side of the picture noticed the metal spider of the priest looking at it, and suddenly said with full emotions: "You know that a creature in the past also made this. Kind of action, then did it get a tragic end?"

"It's up to you." The voice of the instructor fell, and a tube was suddenly attached to the head of this group of brains, and he received the head of the brain-creating.

"What is it doing! Hurry and kill it!" The surrounding brains suddenly became frightened, and they stared at the pipe that was stretched out and collectively rushed up.

But before they did, there were more pipes that stretched out and touched each brain.

Then a lot of brains and nucleators may be enough to make any random madness go crazy.

So in addition to the brain-worry that was used for ‘torn’, other brain-connecting geeks have some special uses... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~zoiberg~ a lonely chopstick ~anjarry~ monthly ticket~

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