"The time has already arrived, the bones are full, you feel it, and the adventure is calling us."

On the wall of the virtual private land, two figures shining with metal light are standing there.

Looking at the vast world ahead, their hearts are high-spirited... Although they don’t have a heart now, even if they have, the heart won’t be fighting.

But many creatures believe that fighting spirit is born from the heart, whether it is Atlan, or the virtual people, or the original people living on Mars.

"This mech feels much better than that one... It really is a big one without a sense of disobedience."

Under the wall, the other companions of the brave came over, and the scholars were constantly moving their arms there, and at the same time said to the robbers on their bodies: "But why are you still so small?"

"Because I was so small." The robbers stood on the shoulders of the scholars at this time. It was also a machine, but it was only a little bigger than the original miniature and became the same size as its real size.

"Then we will go deep into this world to explore." The robbers said: "Your body is too fragile and easy to die. These new bodies can keep you in a state of being unlikely to die."

“Do you mean that you are likely to die?” the scholar asked: “Will it not affect the spirit again?”

"No." The robbers said: "Your body death is not affecting your spirit, but there are some creatures in the world... to distinguish that you are not the deity, and you can find this position along the information you have connected. Find ... your true body."

“Is there such a creature?” The scholar said with amazement: “It’s not that we use dream energy as a connection, so it’s not easy to disconnect or control?”

“Dream is closely related to life.” The robbers said: “Any kind of creature here may appear, be prepared.”

"It’s not an adventure without danger." The brave raised it, and it was still full of jagged swords: "Come on, let us start the journey!"

"Oh wow!!!" The gnome also screamed with great cooperation.

"...then let's go."

that's it. The expedition team set off... Their first stop was where they had been, the top of the city of the mirror, the plain of the mirror pit.

The brave held the big sword in front, and the scholar was at the end. It was always head down. Detecting previous data.

The information about the ground mirror has been sorted out almost, and the scholars have almost learned about this kind of small creature with wonderful civilization.

However, there is still one thing that scholars have not confirmed. What is the intelligence of these mirrors? Have they not thought about developing to the outside? Or what restricts them?

This has not been confirmed...

As far as scholars are concerned, there are no dangerous creatures on the ground in the Jingkeng Plain. There is only one 'spearman' hidden in the sky, but it is not always a spear. Most of the other come here. Creatures are burnt by the mirror pit.

"Is this world really not developing into a too powerful civilization..." Thinking, scholars continue to look at its information.

The robbers sent a copy of the information from the pompoms to each of them shortly before. There are many introductions about connecting the world.

There is really no one that is too powerful to connect the world. In any case, they are in balance... This is what Ersh said.

However, there are occasional special creatures in the connected world.

These creatures may have developed to a sufficient extent to have the ability to leave the world.

Then they left, and did not make the act of transforming the world. That is to say, no creature here would be like the 'normal situation' that the virtual people think, and it will change the whole world when it reaches the top.

This is a very wonderful situation.

So scholars are more and more interested in this world. It feels that it is really good to come here for research...

"It seems to be on the verge."

Just when scholars think so. The foremost brave stopped, and the continuation of the mirror pit plain had reached the border in front of them.

And after the mirror pit plain. It is a piece of ... dense jungle.

It should be called the jungle. Huge, differently shaped objects are clumped on the ground. Some are like giant tentacles. The thinnest is also nearly ten meters in diameter, extending to the height of hundreds of meters. Some are other shapes, like corals, or trees, and the colors are varied, but most are dominated by gray. And it's quite huge.

In these huge ... creatures, there are also many small creatures attached, they jump between them, some do not move, much like small animals that shuttle between the forests, as for those who do not move They act like leaves or fruits, but they don't actually know what they are, but they can clearly see that they are not growing on top, but sticking to them.

“The creatures here seem to be dominated by cell types...” the scholar said: “Most of the creatures that are burnt at the mirror should come from here.”

The robbers said: "Yes, some of your kind are also."


"That's the thieves." The robbers said: "There are some of them running into here. If we go in, there is a chance that we may encounter them. You can detect their signals here."

"There are signals...but they went into this place...and haven't died yet?" The scholar said with an incredulous emotion: "It doesn't feel like..."

"There are still many mysteries in this world." The robbers said: "It won't kill the creatures that come in quickly, in the first place..."

"In the end, let's go ahead!" The brave screamed, and then climbed up along a huge tentacle on the edge of the 'jungle', and the gnome followed it.

"Climb to the heights can always see very far!" The brave climbed to almost half the height, which is about 50 meters, where it shouted at the scholars: "Come on!"

"It is true that you should climb up and see." The scholar looked at it and touched the ‘the tentacle’, and then climbed up, and Susumi followed it.

“The scenery above is great!” When the scholar climbed halfway, the brave and the gnomes had already reached the top. When they cheered on it, the scholar suddenly had a strange feeling.

It's like there is something... the feeling of killing it. (To be continued...)

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