4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 810: The second civilization?

New civilization record.

There are a lot of incredible things in this world. When I first saw the mirror, I felt this way... but the thieves who escaped here made me discover more wonderful things.

I had a brief contact with them, and because of the brave move... I got a chance to study a thief.

This thief really does not belong to my class, because when I studied its body, I found that almost all of its organs were replaced.

The replacement of the organ lives in its body.

These creatures are temporarily called "skins", they are small creatures... but they have strong technical capabilities.

I don't know how they did it all at first, but they did hollow out the body of the thief.

Fat, blood, these things are gone, muscles and some bones are replaced by a more intense structure, still playing its original role.

Of course, these new muscles do not rely on oxygen and the original nutrient supply, but rather supplement the energy mainly through the 'power station' established by the 'striker'.

At the end of each limb, the 'Gapworm' is also equipped with flying power units, which are similar to those used in airplanes, but are smaller and more sophisticated, allowing them to fly directly to an adult.

In addition to these modifications, the "skins" have also established a lot of things for life.

Its heart has been replaced by a place of residence, the shape is not much different from the previous one, but the material and function have long been different, there are many small spaces inside, and a lot of worms live.

The words of the lungs...should be a storage place. They store a lot of resources in it... a viscous substance rich in water and various nutrients.

As for the other lung. It should be considered a place of entertainment. There are many strange forms of architecture in the area where the worms are built. Here, they process a large amount of food ingredients into other forms of food, and many buildings have unknown uses, but I speculate that they are mainly used for entertainment.

Other organs, most of which are similar situations, are not transformed into the 'community' of life, but become something like a factory.

These organs are connected by channels that can be deformed at will. The worm built a ... city, which has a very good function, and all of this is concentrated in the body of the thief.

And in all of these places, the most important thing seems to be... the 'command room'.

A part of the thief's head was hollowed out, and the worm established a facility there that connected an unreplaced organ in the thief's head: the brain.

This facility is the command room, which may have the function of controlling the brain and is also operated by the worm.

But it seems that under normal circumstances, the command room does not maintain control of the brain, it just sends some emotional signals to the brain.

For example, let the brain feel angry and the like. At this time, the thief being controlled is still in a situation where he does not know what happened.

They... even if they are transformed into this. As a revamped person, I still don't know what happened.

The thief can still use his brain to control physical activity, because the new muscles of the worms are also connected to the brain. Maybe when the hands and feet are active, it will feel some abnormalities, but there will be no doubts... So after these worms were transformed, they themselves lived their lives according to their own perceptions.

The worm also built a life-saving device for its brain, providing the necessary nutrients to keep the thief's brain alive.

The worm can only fully control its brain when necessary, and usually uses the method of sending emotional signals to change its living habits.

For example, let it eat the appropriate 'food' to maintain the operation and life of all equipment and worms in it.

I think this is the second ‘civilization’ I have ever met.

They are small, but they have sophisticated technology that allows them to almost completely replace the internal organs of a creature and turn it into a living community.

I think other thieves are also occupied by the worms. They look normal when they are not forced to control, but they will temporarily forget everything as long as they are sent by the control room in the brain.

I have almost understood it, but I still have a lot of questions... Why do you want to choose this way to live? Maybe this can live better?

According to the roaring worm, non-cellular organisms are not easy to become targets here, so the modified thieves are also the same. In fact, their skin has been replaced with other materials, perhaps the worm believes in such protection. Underneath, you can move freely and avoid becoming a prey.

Or there is some other reason...

The worms should not only occupy the virtual people, I think they may have lived in various local organisms in this way from very early age.

The creatures here... are really complicated.

Well, this record will come here first... Next, you should move on, but first you have to find those teammates who run around.


The scholar ended his record, stood up on the ground, and put down the half of the body in his hand, then said to the robber on the shoulder: "Let's go."

"I want to inform you here." The roaring insect said: "They also set off."

“What?” Scholars wondered: “Who are they?”

"It’s the Master." The robbers said: "They are responsible for exploring another place. Most of the places should be areas where non-cellular organisms are concentrated, quite... dangerous."

......... at the same time, on the other side...

"So, which direction do we head in?"

In the camp connecting the world, the virtual people, a metal spider is standing on the high wall of the periphery, and there is an obese, worm-like creature beside the spider.

"I don't know." The worm said to the spider: "Just keep rolling, right."

"You should know what we are going to do..." Metal Spider said: "We are going to find the nearest 'door'. The environment in this place is on a star bus. After finding the 'door', you can go to another A stellar bus is on, there may be a completely different environment over there, but we won't stay in one place for too long. We have to find more doors to confirm how many stellar buses make up the connected world. ......"

The worm said: "They are no longer rolling."

"No, it should still be rolling." The metal spider said: "But it may stop soon." (To be continued...)

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