4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 811: Small struggle

"Do not!!!"

A scream of screams echoed in the jungle of the New World. △,

"This is the second one, it’s really fast..."

The brave put the big sword in his hand back on his back, and in front of it was a virtual person who was cut off from his waist.

"Ah! To kill... no... to kill!"

However, this imaginary people are still not dead. It is holding the ground by hand and crawling to the brave... and at its cross section, there is no blood flowing out, but a lot of strange objects are dropped.

For example, square objects like metal, spherical objects like stones, and many small objects, most of which look like metal and rock, are not like internal organs.

"Scholars say that these thieves have been transformed, and they are occupied by a large number of creatures called 'strikers'. Is there only one brain that will become mentally abnormal at any time?" The brave climbed the ground on the ground. Half of the body kicked over and then squatted down and looked at its section carefully.

The brave's body detection function is not many, but there are still some, its eye has a ability to be 'microscopic observation', in fact all players except the gnome have this function.

When it adjusted its vision to the microscopic, the brave saw the creatures called the worms.

They look like starfish, and there are multiple tentacles around the body, and the number is so large that the group of gapworms seen by the brave are mainly gathered on a metal-like object.

This object is hemispherical, with a diameter of more than ten centimeters. Countless gaps are crowded on this metal-like thing... just like being squeezed on an isolated island in the sea.

They look terrified and continually squeeze into the center. But it seems to be because the ground is covered with plants like moss.

of course. This is not moss. The brave man noticed that if the worms accidentally fell from their 'islands' to the 'moss' on the ground, their bodies would quickly rot and disappear.

So the worms are quite scared, they fall to the ground in horror, and they all continually squeeze into the center of the hemispherical metal, but it is not only the moss on the ground that threatens them.

The brave also noticed that another creature was crawling up the edge of the hemisphere, which is about the same size as the worm. But it seems to have a very powerful ... ability, its shape is eccentric, covered with spiked limbs, once close to the gapworm, it will instantly tear a gap insect, and then swallow it.

The method of phagocytosis is like direct absorption. As long as the wreckage of the worm is attached to the body, the creature can **** in the wreckage.

A large number of such creatures have been drilled out of the moss, climbing the hemisphere metal of the worm, and the worms will not sit still, or will use some ... weapons to counterattack.

The brave saw something embedded in some of the worms. They will attack those creatures, but the strength of the gapworm is not strong. Killing a few times almost every time to kill a creature.

And the number of creatures full of claws is particularly large, they climb up from the edge on a large scale.

Moreover, the brave also found more than this kind of creature, and soon there were other creatures, such as the amoeba, worm-like, and weird spherical.

They are all very tiny creatures, and they all seem to come to eat the worms, but the number is too much, and some of them do not eat the gapworms and fight each other.

Soon, the small islands where the worms gather have been flooded by microbes of various shapes.

"It turns out so, so they have to hide."

Even the brave who always wanted to sneak up and didn't want to stop researching was interested in these things, and continued to observe here.

Other things that fall out of the half-body of the imaginary people are similar. The worms are basically dead when they touch the ground.

Those who gathered on those things didn't die so fast, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the microbes that came up.

It seems that the outside environment is too dangerous for the worms, so they have to live in the body of the imaginary people...?

But how did they get in initially?

The brave is also confused about this kind of thing, so it is also very interested in watching these gaps...

Watching them slowly kill, the microbes began to go from the cross section of the virtual people to the inside, but those who are still in the virtual body seem to be more powerful than those who fall out.

They use some kind of weapon to kill the influx of microorganisms, but the number of microbes is too much. The gaps will slowly collapse regardless of the defense line.

In other words, as long as the virtual human body is cut, the worms inside can't live here.

"This is really fun..." The brave watched the battle of the worms and said: "A miniature war."

"Wow, oh oh!"

Suddenly, the brave man heard the voice of the gnome. The gnome is not with the brave now. It chased another virtual person before, and now it has gone far.

Hearing this call means...

The brave stood up and ran to the direction of the gnome, leaving behind the imaginary people who were cut into two paragraphs...

Passing through a large number of giant objects, the brave quickly approached the position of the gnome... Just as soon as he arrived, the voice of the gnome rang again.

At the same time, the brave also saw a virtual people.

"Oh oh oh ah ah!" I saw the gnome yelling and screaming on a imaginary person, and constantly biting, the skin of the imaginary people was pulled off by a large piece, but the sound of tearing down It's not leather, it feels more like a metal piece.

"Ah!" The imaginary screamed, and suddenly made a powerful force to smash the gnome on the ground and throw it on the ground, and then it immediately flew into the air.

"Don't let it run! Bone!" Under the voice of the brave, the gnome jumped and grabbed the flying imaginary, then bite into its lap.

"Ah!" The virtual people suddenly made a scream, but it continued to fly upwards.

The brave man took out his sword and aimed at the virtual people in the air... and then forced out.

The rotating blade flew through the air, and after a moment, the flying virtual people were pierced.

But it did not fall down because it was pierced, but it continued to fly upwards, and it continued to make a very screaming scream.

When the brave saw it, he wanted to fly and catch up with it, but... it noticed that a huge object was flying in the distance.

"Hurry to escape!" The brave yelled, the gnome reacted, and he let go of the mouth and jumped out of the air, and the sword of the brave also moved himself. It writhed and pulled away from the body of the imaginary. The brave jumped up and took back his sword.

What follows is the huge object... it should be said to be a creature.

The object is nearly 20 meters long and looks like a worm. The worm swept through the air at high speed and swallowed the flying virtual people.

"It seems that there is a monster here..." The brave raised the blade. It stared at the worm in the air. He saw the worm circling in the sky and flew in the direction of it.

Along with the sound of ‘bang’, the huge worm fell in front of the brave, raising his head high and aiming at the brave with a serrated round mouth.

'boom! In an instant, the head of the worm slammed into the brave, but it only made it hit the ground heavily, and the brave had already flashed to the side.

Jianguang flashed at this moment, the brave sword was on the side of the worm that hit the ground, and the powerful blade made a wound there.

However, the worm did not spray any blood-like liquid, and the brave could see something shiny inside the wound.

Those are the manufactures of the worms, can it be said that this worm is also occupied by the worms?

'咕...' The worm gave a low sigh, raised his head and bit the brave again, watching the worm getting closer and closer, and the brave quickly reached out and grabbed a 'moss' from the ground and threw it into the worm's mouth. .

'boom! The worm didn't stop, hitting the ground again, and the brave jumped out more than ten meters away, watching the worm's condition.

It seems that it has no effect?

‘呜...’ The worm was once again active, giving a low scream to the brave.

"Wow!" and the gnome behind the brave yelled at the worm, as if it was responding.

Gnomes usually have a very low goal, but they will be timid when they encounter a big opponent, just like now.


"This voice is..." When the two sides confronted each other, the brave suddenly heard a strange sound on the ground, and the worm seemed to hear it. It immediately responded and quickly rose above the sky.

The brave found that the worm's body had multiple jet points, so it could fly easily, but as it flew up, countless tiny objects floated on the ground.

These tiny objects look like green sand, and they fly all the way to the worm at the moment they appear.

The brave noticed that the target of these green sands was mainly the mouth of the worm and the wound that it had cut out before. They went to these places in large quantities, and the worm also flew higher and higher at this time, flying to almost 100 meters. At the height, its almost all-injection system seems to erupt at the same time, and then flies away in a rapid direction.

Escaped... It seems to be because of the attack by the green sand.

"What are you doing here?"

When the brave stared at the sky, it sounded behind him, turned around and saw that the scholar was standing behind it.

"There was something happening here...the situation."

The brave said a little bit about the thing just now, and the scholar said: "I know, the creatures you encountered just like green sand, I studied when I came..." (to be continued... )

Ps: Thanks ~ dark moon eclipse ~ river crab can not eat ~ soul pursuer ~ ~

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