4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 824: Continue to explore

The place before... has already been confirmed.

Lin's pompom is in the camp of the imaginary people, dealing with a lot of information. At present, Lin has given a number to the various 'doors' here.

Like the number one door, the simple number of the second door.

The door that the instructor entered has many non-cellular creatures that have been confirmed to belong to a stellar bus connecting the world.

The second door that Maya entered was connected to the void, where there were some stellar buses and small internal organs.

Then, Lin found something there, where there were occasional objects that were transmitted.

These objects are usually rock or not, and the frequency of occurrence is not fixed at all, and the position of occurrence is not fixed, but it is usually within the range of the entire gravel area.

Occasionally it will appear hundreds of meters outside, but it will not be too far...

It seems that there is someone who is transporting these rocks to this side. There are other things besides the rocks, like metal, crystal, and even... creatures.

Lynn saw the creatures in a recent time. These creatures are not single, but a group.

They are located in a sphere of more than ten meters in diameter, composed of liquid, are non-cellular organisms, and the liquid is certainly not water, it is a liquid of other substances.

But after they reached the void, they quickly frozen.

But Lynn studied them and found that these creatures were... creatures that the Master had seen, and the Master had seen similar biota in the memory of the brain.

In that memory, the brains are jumping in different places, some on the ground and some on the ground.

This creature appears in the memory of a cave in the underground cave... This kind of creature lives in a liquid with a high viscosity, wandering inside and constantly creating new liquids to expand its territory. The instructor describes it as such. Theirs, and after the research, Lin also felt that they have this ability.

That is, they belong to the creatures that connect the world. There are other things in these stones, which may be transmitted from the connected world.

but. Which stellar bus connecting the world was sent?

Lin can't detect where these things are sent from, and it's usually detectable. Especially the things that have just been sent will leave some traces indicating where it came from.

However, these traces seem to have been erased. This makes them appear out of thin air, not transmitted.

Then you can only find it by other means... If a stellar bus is constantly sending its organs, rocks, and creatures here, it will obviously slowly collapse.

It's like a creature slowly emptying the body. There aren't many things here. At this frequency, it may take a long time to lead to the collapse of a stellar bus.

But I don't know if it will increase speed after this, so Lynne needs to keep watching here and quickly confirm all the stars that connect the world.

If there is a stellar bus that is slowly collapsing, it should be visible on the surface. If you can't see it, you have to dig it in.

That is more troublesome, so it is not implemented now.

It is not the trouble of the excavation process, but the creatures encountered in the excavation process are very troublesome. The underground buses connecting the world are almost the same as the ground. Gathering complex biological groups, these biological groups may continue to deep and deep positions.

Lin has a little probe, Lin believes that underground creatures are much more dangerous than the surface, so I will explore it on the ground first.

Next... Lin continued to observe various situations, and at the same time began to implement the previous plan to transport the various star bus organs in the gravel area to Lin's star bus.

But there is no way to transport it now, because Lynn can't transfer things in that position, nor can it transmit things that connect the world.

It may be that the distance is too far, or for other reasons, Lin thinks that the biggest possibility is that the star bus connecting the world is 'blocking' other transmissions.

It should be that Lynn’s stellar bus is younger. Its transmission capacity may be 'suppressed' in front of the old star bus.

They obviously have the ability to block transmissions, although according to Ershi, the stellar buses connecting the world have entered an unconscious state of dying, but they still do a lot of things.

But if you can understand how they are done. Nalin should really understand the transmission completely, and there are still many places that I don’t understand.

However, if you build a door in the gravel area, you should be able to connect to the world, and then transport the organ after you have built it.

This fixed door is different from direct long distance transmission and they are not so easily "blocked".

Lin feels that the main reason is that the star bus has to sense the target position when it is transmitted over long distances.

While Lin is paying attention to these things. Lynn also noticed that some of the Inca insects arrived near Gate 3.

What is inside the door? It may take a long time to know.

Because this unit of the Inca swarm was completely destroyed.

Scholars, their expedition team, the dean, and Maya all use metal bodies instead of themselves to connect the world, so there is no problem along the way.

However, the Inca group did not do this, so they were attacked by many creatures along the way.

Although it resisted the attack all the way until it was near the door, it was completely destroyed in a new attack.

... the shadow blame that has been here for a long time is like this.

But it does not want to use the 'mechanized' approach to start the journey again, but to express more troops.

Lynn thinks that the result may still be similar... but it doesn't matter.

Thus, the Inca group allowed more troops to come here and then proceeded to the target door.

This time they can reach a shorter distance than before. Lin feels that the creatures here are really dangerous. It is true that even plague fungi can hardly breed here, but it can occupy a part of the area.

The Inca insects did not give up. In fact, these troops are just dozens of units, so they are again adding more troops to be dispatched.

But this time, before the Inca swarm left the camp, it was attacked.

Of course, this is not for the Inca group, but for the entire camp. This seems to be the first time this camp has been attacked since its establishment.

The creatures that attacked the camp... Lin felt that it was related to the dream food. (~^~)

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