4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 825: War diary II

The war...may be over.

This diary may be my last diary.

I was born in a small group, I... I don’t know the reason for my birth, who made me born, why did I let birth, I don’t know.

I only know that from the moment I remembered, I was forced to put on equipment, set foot on the battlefield, and then struggling to kill the enemy.

Our enemy...is our kind, another group, there are such groups everywhere, and all the groups are constantly attacking each other.

This is a battle that will not stop. I didn't think of it at that time. I just thought about how to live. At that time... it was really hard work.

My group is not big, even weak, but our commander ignores this and constantly directs us to rush to fight against groups stronger than us.

In the fierce battle, I survived, but I was already captured by the enemy group. This group did not care about the companions I had killed them. They let me put on equipment and fight for them.

In this way, I set foot on the battlefield again.

I don't like the battlefield. If possible, I want to never fight, but that means death, so I have to fight.

again and again.

I killed a lot of alien creatures and killed countless similar ones, from the initial I do not know how to be good, and finally adapted to the end.

why? I keep thinking about this question, why kill so many similar? Why fight?

The only reason I found out was... in order to survive.

The group I am in is also getting bigger and bigger in the battle, constantly absorbing prisoners, increasing the number, and sweeping all the surrounding groups.

At this time, I finally understood how we were born. I first discovered that we had the ‘gender’ distinction, so we can make future generations.

And these descendants, like me, are just coming to this world. When you are still confused, you have to become a new soldier to set foot on the battlefield.

But they are better than me, at least born in a strong group.

I don't want to have descendants, because I don't want them to be like me... I have to fight when I am born.

We continue to destroy those weak groups and feed on their bodies. I have become stronger and stronger, and I have survived in countless battles. I have learned how to distinguish each other's weak individuals and kill them quickly, while the other is powerful and as experienced as me. I will leave it to the recruits on our side.

Let them win by number, maybe the recruits will die a lot, but it doesn't matter, as long as they can win.

As long as you can win... the war will end.

I thought so at that time, constantly killing the enemy, let the surrounding groups disappear one by one, and finally, we could not find any weak groups around.

The war is over and we are victorious.

Because there are no enemy forces, we no longer need to fight. I don't need to kill the enemy anymore, I can finally have offspring...

Peace is coming......?

Indeed, peace has continued... a little time.

After this short past, the dispute began again, initially because of the disappearance of the commander.

The commander was gone, I was there at the time, and it suddenly disappeared in front of me. I was quite surprised.

However, what surprised me even more was the adjutant of the commander. It was not surprising that the commanders disappeared, but immediately they were competing for the position of the commander.

I was at that time... I didn’t understand what they thought, and the other companions around me started fighting because they supported different adjutants.

The battle is getting more and more intense. In the end, the once huge group began to split...

A huge and incomparable group split into many small groups after the battle, scattered around and maintaining strong hostility to each other.

Everything is back to the original point.

I also came to a small group, the companions of this group who wanted to follow me because of my rich combat experience. There are also a few... like my opposite sex.

But I don't want to fight anymore... The reason for 'I want to live' has stopped me from giving up the emotion of fighting.

I pointed at myself with the weapon that accompanied me through countless battles, and I want to end it all.

However, I failed to make the next step. I have encountered countless dangers on the battlefield. This makes me think that I am not afraid of death, but actually it is the opposite.

The extreme fear of death made me give up the idea of ​​suicide, but... Do I have to continue fighting?

The answer is... yes.

I want to continue fighting, not because I want to fight, but because I felt it at that time... It seems that there is something... talking to me directly in my mind.

It said... I want to continue fighting and ask me to become the commander of this split small group and lead them to fight.

As long as you fight again to the last moment, you will be able to usher in true peace, and after that, you will live a life far from the battle forever.

At this moment, I saw my own 'future', lying on a comfortable and soft bed, enjoying delicious food, watching the descendants of each other play chasing each other...

This is the future I want!

I want to fight... Because there are new reasons, I want that kind of future, I want to live a peaceful life!

Therefore, I want to kill all the kind that dare to stop in front of me... At that time, I just thought so, this kind of emotion is quite strong, and I have no doubts.

So, I began to become a commander, commanding our group to attack other groups, kill them, and connect the surrender, just like before.

The thing in my mind... I have been helping me all the time, saying what I should do, how to allocate equipment, who should be the adjutant, and also asking me not to have any communication with the recruits.

I have... I did it, and when I said it, I didn’t really doubt it at that time... Where did our equipment come from?

I have gone through countless battles again, stepping up from a small group to a peak step by step.

But this time, I feel that I am getting stronger and stronger, because I have no previous confusion and have a clear goal.

In pursuit of this goal, I will almost kill all the likes who used to be companions or not companions.

I became the commander of a huge group. I saw the scene of peace because there was no opponent. I also know that this is not very long.

This time, I know that the disappearing commander will be replaced by me. After I disappear, the group I have led should start to fight like before.

Because the adjutants I chose are loyal to me, but they are very poorly related to each other.

They have to go through a battle again, but I don't need it, so I don't care about them.

I am going to meet a peaceful future without war...

At that time, I felt that the surrounding scenery changed in an instant. After the change, what appeared in front of me was not the familiar rocky wasteland, but a narrow space.

The ground is made of metal, and the walls on both sides are covered with complex and dense mechanical structures.

I have never seen such a place, but I am not surprised, and I can name many things.

I am advancing in this place full of mechanical construction, wandering, I found that it is quite huge, but nothing is... I saw it in the ‘future scene’.

Although all this is special, I don't care at all. I just want to know, where is the future for which I have been fighting for so long? Where is this?

When I think so, it comes to greet me.

It’s the thing that has been talking to me all the time, it stands here, but that’s not to say that it’s the ruler here, but...

It is the thing itself.

This huge mechanical environment has a 'will,' which shows me a lot of things.

It said that it made us fight so much. It has been controlling our war. Under its special control, the war will never end.

Even if it ended unexpectedly, it would make the war start again.

I asked why it didn't tell me why.

It said that it would bring the group commanders who won the war to victory, as I am now.

Can these commanders be able to escape the war?

It said... can be temporarily removed.

Then it shut me up and shut it down into a small space.

This space is made of metal. Like other places, there is no soft bed, no chasing offspring, although it will supply food regularly, but it is difficult to eat.

This is totally different from what I saw at the time...

I don't know... what to do.

But I didn't commit suicide, but I was just alive.

It is also telling me more things and telling me more about it.

This will, it feels like a ‘God’, it has always controlled us and watched our pain.

But then I discovered that it is not a ‘God’, but... something we have made.

This whole mechanical environment, our combat equipment, and everything else... are all made by ourselves.

This thing shocked me, but it didn't give me any shocking time, because it went on to say... I have to fight.

My battle is not over yet, but this time I am not fighting with the same kind. The object I want to fight is displayed in the three-dimensional picture in front of my eyes.

It was a white ball full of fluff, which was flying outside and killing my companion.

I have no chance to ask what it is, I will also set foot on the battlefield.

Can you survive this time? (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Lin Hao ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ Engineering Technician ~ monthly ticket ~

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