4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 827: Changes in civilization

'boom! ’

The sound of the explosion echoed in the battleship of the parts.

It’s been a while since the pompoms invaded the warship...

Lin suffered a fierce attack here. The first pompom has been solved under this attack. The guards here are the same miniature army as outside.

It’s just a lot more, and the weapons used are more powerful...

However, Lin then sent more pompoms, defeated this miniature army, and a pompom successfully reached the ... control room.

Now, Lin's pompom is here for testing.

This place is also full of complicated metal parts, but unlike other places in the battleship, the metal parts here are very neat.

On the walls on both sides of the pompons, there are dense square metal blocks. The other parts of the battleship are also made of complex metal, but they are all different in size and shape. Lin has not seen it so neatly.

Lin believes that this place is the command room, mainly from the feeling of dream energy here, in every square on the wall.

These squares have a length and width of ten centimeters. Although they are closely stacked, they are separated. The energy on the squares is therefore also separated from the number of squares. Each square has its own individual energy. .

Lin's pompom stretched out of the fluff and touched a square on the wall next to it... this is...

At the moment of touching, Lin felt that the block had uploaded some information, which was transmitted through the dream energy.

However, the information is very vague, I don't know what it is, thinking, Lin let the pompons stick out more fluff, and the fluff uses a solution to dissolve a hole in the surface of the square and into the inside of the box.

Inside the box is a pile of complex mechanical parts, and Lin found that these parts are made of special materials.

Dream energy is attached to these materials, and Lyne can touch them to get more information. And this does not have to be seen in the dream, because this dream energy can directly convey the information that Lin can understand.

It turned out to be...

After receiving this information, Lin learned a lot of things in a flash, and this information is mainly a lot of memories.

This memory. It is the memory of the war creatures here, this square, which is what they use to store memories, which seems to be a technological invention of their former.

Lin has learned a lot from this memory, which starts from a relatively early date.

This group of war creatures...Lin felt that they should be given a name. It’s called ‘Tibetan’, and I feel that the name fits them well.

They are like a kind of 'civilization' that connects the world, as Lin knows. Connecting the world has found many similar civilizations. In short, it is like a common individual biological civilization. They can make many machines. tool.

They just can't stand in a higher position, and usually only occupy a part of the area to live as a territory.

The living place of the ‘Reminiscence’ is similar to that of the ground mirror. They mainly build a complex city under the ground and build a large number of defensive units inside to prevent any creature from invading them. In addition to breeding organisms, they also go to the surface to hunt.

This life is not easy, and their cities cannot expand until they reach a certain level. Because there are too many living things, they cannot continue to expand and expand.

But this group of ‘rememberers’ doesn’t think so, they want to expand their territory and population.

The memory that Lynn touched is that one of the group of 'hidden memory people' can be regarded as the memory of the researcher. Lin understands the squares from the memory, and the information memory inside is all about it. They were all caused by the ideas they wanted to develop at the time.

This is a long time ago...

But how long it is not clear. In short, the former Tibetans are studying a plan, that is, there are plans for life.

They didn't last long, and in order to solve this problem, they came up with a solution. That plan is to transfer your ‘consciousness’ to something that has no life limit.

That is to transfer to the machine.

This is indeed a way to survive, and it can continue to accumulate a large amount of knowledge, and finally they can develop more and more powerful, and finally expand their territory, occupy a larger territory in the connected world.

They thought so at the time, so a group of Tibetans began to do so. Together they invented a device that is complex and can be said to be the highest-tech thing that their civilization has created.

Such devices were able to store their own 'will', and they then thought they could get a mechanical body and live forever.

Although the collectors of the collectors were full of confidence in the device, none of them were willing to test the device when the first device was manufactured.

Later they selected a 'volunteer' who was placed on the device and forcibly entered its will into the mechanical device.

According to their ideas, mechanical devices can fuse their consciousness and then move.

Lynn feels that this device uses dream energy, but Tibetans do not have the concept of dream energy.

But there has been a problem...

They found that the will of the volunteers...that is, the information of knowledge, memory, etc. was indeed transmitted to the mechanical device, but the mechanical device did not receive ‘consciousness’.

According to their idea, after the mechanical device is integrated, the internal system will be 'activated' and then it will work.

But in fact, it didn't work on its own. This mechanical device didn't work. It didn't think, it didn't move, and it couldn't do anything at all.

This makes the Tibetans understand the fact that the volunteers may have died in vain.

Of course, they did not give up, and the Tibetans tried to improve the mechanism and tried to create a machine that could successfully integrate the will.

At this time, Tibetans have another group of inventors.

This group of inventors is a full-time manufacturer of 'smart machinery'. They are popular with this technology, using smart machines to do all sorts of things, including combat, which is very common in the population of Tibetans.

They have always been committed to making smart machines smarter, while also studying weapons technology and other technologies, mainly because they support the development and continuation of the entire group.

Inventors who made smart machines and inventors who made integrated devices began to have little communication with each other, but at some point they began to touch each other.

They were surprised to find that the other's technology actually had a lot of specialities, so they decided to learn from each other, and finally, they integrated the technology.

The inventors succeeded in creating a new mechanical device, and then grabbed a volunteer to transfer the volunteer's consciousness to the machine.

This time...it is a success.

When the machinery moved, they cheered, and what surprised them even more was that the machine had considerable intelligence and could communicate with them.

This means that they have successfully transferred their will into the machine and their life will never be restricted...?

Certainly some problems have occurred, otherwise they will not be like this.

According to the inventors, this machine is controlled by the will of the volunteers, so it should behave like a volunteer.

But in fact it is not the case, this mechanical character is completely different from the volunteers.

It is better to say that it has no personality at all, but like a newborn cub, curiously observes the surrounding environment, but unlike the cub, the machine has the memory and knowledge of the volunteers, but it does not regard these as their own. The memory, but extract information from it to help you understand the world around you.

Of course, this machine does not regard itself as a ‘rememberer’, but as a new species.

This made the inventors feel shocked.

So they have some differences.

Some inventors believe that this thing should be destroyed, while others believe that this kind of intelligent machinery can be used better and can serve them better.

The end result is that this thing has not been destroyed, and the inventors have also created more such machines.

The number of these machines is increasing, and they can still get along with the Tibetans. The inventors of course also added something called 'limiters' to ensure their loyalty and complete control over them.

The machinery did not show any problems at the beginning.

But at some point, an inventor discovered that these machines are not actually 'individual'.

All the machines that are made by this fusion method are actually connected together and can be said to be a common consciousness.

The inventor discovered the problem by some method and then decided to advertise the entire population.

Of course... it also failed because it has no way to prove how it was discovered. The only thing that believes is its friends.

This friend is also the protagonist of this memory that Lynn sees.

This part is rather vague, and Lin is still not quite sure what happened in detail. In short, the number of intelligent machines is increasing. They have already self-created them. They finally ruled the Tibetans and kept them. Made a special treatment.

It is to force the integration of all Tibetans and mechanical devices.

However, the mechanical device used for fusion is the original one, which is the one that does not react afterwards.

Although there is no response, but the memory can be stored in. The squares that Lin sees in the part battleships are the memories of all the memory collectors. They can be said to have been made into ‘memory cans’ by intelligent machines. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Stars and waves ~ the bumps of life ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ wrapped around saying that wrapped around ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ the dead will come ~ moon ticket ~

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