However, this memory is not over yet. :6d

Now, Lin is inside the part battleship, observing the memory inside the box, and there is still a part behind it.

When the intelligent machinery ruled the Tibetans and forced their memories into the squares, they did not stop the destruction of the Tibetans.

The intelligent machine did not kill all the Tibetans, but also retained some of their descendants.

Accurately speaking, a group of newborns, who do not understand, and then intelligent machinery began to study this group of young children.

The intelligent machine inputs the memories stored in the squares to the cubs, which allows the cubs to directly acquire the knowledge of the adult recallers, which makes them unnecessary to learn.

Moreover, smart machines also know how to input some information instead of all, so that the baby can only gain knowledge, but not memory.

Therefore, the cubs did not know how to use weapons and equipment after a long time, but did not know what happened to their own population.

Then, the smart machine did something... weird things.

At this time, the intelligent machinery has not lived in the once underground city. They have integrated all the machinery in the city and assembled into a huge machine, which is the original version of the part battleship that Lin now sees... .

Then, they left the ground, flew to the sky on the surface, and started a new life in the air that connected the world.

Lin sees that this is no longer a memory, but the various things that happened by the intelligent machine itself.

Although they recorded these things, they did not explain what they were doing in this record.

While they are living in the air, they are constantly collecting resources to make themselves bigger and stronger, because they are non-cellular organisms, where they are rarely attacked.

Then, the smart machine began to build some...the arena.

Originally built inside warships, they let the knowledgeable cubs grow up and then fight in the arena. Using the methods of inputting various information to these cubs, the cubs think that they are born to fight each other.

Later, smart machines did not seem to be content to build a small arena. It began to build a bigger... battlefield outside.

It is the place where scholars discover that intelligent machinery first finds a place where there are relatively few creatures and dangerous creatures rarely appear, where a large open space is built, and then a large number of pups are thrown there, so that these young Grow up and fight each other.

They provide equipment for the memory of the memory. And manipulating the entire war, making sure that they don't have peace, must always be... war.

There is not only one such open space for war. In fact, there are many smart machines, and there are a lot of Tibetans in the war.

These places are sometimes invaded and destroyed by powerful creatures, when the smart machine will create a new one, and then continue to put a large number of Tibetans to let them fight.

War is not... meaningless.

The intelligent machine will pick out the commander among the victorious groups of the war and let it go to the battleship... live.

Some commanders will let it live for a while, but some will immediately incorporate its memory into the box as soon as it is picked up.

Intelligent machinery has therefore collected a lot of ... 'Commander Memory'.

But Lynn doesn't know why they collect these memories. Those who have these memories are usually very good at fighting and good at various strategies.

But looking at the life of smart machines, it doesn't need to be good at the experience in these memories. But they seem to have been keen to collect this memory.

Of course, they also inject these commanders into the brains of new pups. These cubs with commander memory are not used as wars, but can start to be on warships.

Now, the small aircraft that attack Lin are basically the commanders and the cubs who have the memory of the commanders.

It is quite wonderful that this warship does not make mechanical forces, but lets them operate aircraft attacks.

And after Lin came up. Any counterattack force seen is composed of these commanders, and no one is personally controlled by intelligent machinery.

They do not seem to have created any weapons, or do they think that ... attacking the virtual private land does not need to be hands-on?

Now even if Lynn has invaded this location where a lot of memory and records are placed, they are not attacked. Maybe this location is not that important to them?

There are a lot of mysteries in this intelligent machine. What Lin wants to know is that... they have not done anything special except to make the war of making their own memory. Then why should it attack the camp of the virtual people?

Lynn thinks this is really related to the dream food.

After the dream food came here, it may control some of the creatures around. Lin believes that the intelligent machine should be controlled.

The squares here are just their records. Lin wants to know where the main consciousness of this intelligent machine is.

I thought it was the control room before, it seems that it is not the case, then continue to search and look.

Lin feels that it is not difficult to find the target location. The main reason is to search by one way. That is……

'boom! ’

The sound of the explosion caused the warship to tremble again.

Outside the battleship, the camp of the imaginary people continued to shoot against the sky, and Lin stopped all the small aircraft that attacked them, so the imaginary people could continue to shoot the battleships of the sky without any hindrance.

If you continue to be violently attacked, then these smart machines can still... indifferent?

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Lynn found that even if the warships trembled more and more, they only increased the number of 'Commander Forces' instead of deciding to fight back in person.

It seems that they really don't have the look of their own weapons. Lynn thinks this is too impossible.

In any case, Lin can still find its place, and Lin's pompom is now here to test the entire battleship.

These storage memory blocks are followed by something like a 'line' that is connected to a far distance.

This kind of line is not a real line of solids, but a feeling like a current...

Before, Lin didn't feel it, but after a fierce attack, she could clearly feel it. Lin felt that these 'lines' might be used to convey information. It is transporting the memories in these blocks elsewhere, maybe Create more commander troops in one location.

Going to the place where the army is built, you should know where its consciousness is. Welcome to you)

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