4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 833: The side of the door

This seems to be a dark world. ¥f. ¥f

No light, almost no gravitation, a temperature that almost turns oxygen into a liquid... and there is dusty air.

Not long ago, Lynn passed the door.

According to the previous statement, this is the 'door 3', the part of the battleship has reached the position of this door... After the door, the dark world is displayed in front of Lin, and there is no such thing as there.

Although I didn't see the creature, the thing that came in with Lin was already scared.

"You must refuse, don't go forward, hurry back!"

The intelligent machine is quite afraid of this area. Although its body is now in the camp of the virtual people, it is extremely afraid of the dark world and tries to leave the place quickly.

Because the warship was too big to enter the door, Lin let it control a small part of the battleship...not actually it controlled, but it controlled a group of Tibetans, and then the group of Tibetans opened a small The ship left the main ship and flew into the door.

Then, Lin let a few pompons follow the small ship.

In this way, the shipper is actually a group of Tibetans. The intelligent machine does not even need to control the movement of the ship. It feels quite fearful and wants to leave the dark world quickly.

Lynn thinks this seems to be a very interesting thing.

Because Lynn can test, it is afraid of more dark worlds, or afraid of little guardians.

"Do you want to move on, or do you want to be something you can't guard?" So, Lynn sent this information to the smart machine, and then...

The intelligent machine seems to be in a state of extreme ... uncomfortable moments. It responds to Lin: "Feeling judgment: Being greatly oppressed, don't continue this behavior."

"You have to make a choice." And Lin said to it: "Otherwise a random choice will be obtained."

"Current state: feeling extreme oppression, must fight back, must fight, must end oppression... must... must choose: move on."

It seems that smart machinery still feels that the small nucleus is terrible, so if you move forward in this dark world, there should be no big threat.

Dream food is in this place. Lin can feel that its energy is scattered in the dark, but it is impossible to confirm where it is.

The forces of the Inca worms... don’t know where they are, and they are not currently found.

Lin's pompoms are slowly moving with the aircraft opened by the Tibetans. The aircraft has a body length of about three meters... and its appearance is of course also a combination of parts. It mainly relies on the tail and the spiral injectors on both sides to fly, and the forward speed here is not bad.

The light from its head swayed in the darkness ahead, and it could not illuminate the surrounding environment, but made the darkness in front of it even more terrifying.

This is true for Tibetans who drive inside, and they observe everything around them with fear. They are obviously creatures that are quite unsuitable for the dark.

Tibetans are also visually dependent creatures, so they are very upset about the lack of light.

But according to the memory in the brain, they are still trying to manipulate the part aircraft slowly.

Lin's pompom is on the part of the aircraft, while the other two pompons fly next to the aircraft.

Under the control of intelligent machinery, Tibetans believe that pompoms are 'allies', so the location of the pompoms will add some security to them, although it is not enough to remove their fear.

Although they all look very scared, there is no danger at present...

... In this way, the exploration of the dark world is slowly going on...

This place... It seems that there is nothing special.

The exploration lasted for tens of thousands of seconds, from the beginning to the present. Lin found that the aircraft had been moving in a dark environment, and there were no creatures around.

Includes microbes, non-cellular organisms, or...dream creatures.

In fact, non-cellular organisms cannot be determined because this place has been continuously blowing sand and dust.

The wind is not very strong, but it is mixed with a lot of sundries, but among these things, there is no thing that Lynn thinks is biological.

The energy of the dream creature... I don’t feel it here. It seems to be a very ridiculous environment, and the ground is almost all rock structures.

Under the continuation of travel, Lynn found that the fear of smart machinery slowly became smaller and smaller. It seems that it starts to think that there is nothing that can scare it.

However, Lynn still found some clues.

Because the sand is getting bigger and bigger, the aircraft is also flying close to the ground, in the process. Lynn found traces of some creatures on the ground.

This is the trace left by the Inca group.

They have moved here, but the traces are strange. They are not moving in one direction, but they are turning around in the same place, which is very strange.

The shadow monster in the virtual private land said that this unit has been unable to contact. In general, the Inca group will not be able to contact when they are too far away, because they are not connected using dream energy.

And like smart machines, there are also teachers who currently use the technology of dream energy, can connect and control their own troops from a long distance, and will not be disconnected.

But it doesn't matter, because the troops left by the Inca group will form a small ‘consciousness’, character and knowledge, and remember what is exactly the same as the original Inca, but the level of intelligence will not be as high.

So they don't 'betray', and at the same time they return to the swarm, the consciousness of this group of forces will be integrated with the overall consciousness, and there will be no big problems.

The problem now is... don't know where they are going.

These traces disappeared after a while, only to be sure that they did not die in this position. The Indies who came here to live in the void can not be afraid of environmental damage here.

But Lynn thinks they might be attacked by something... As for what will happen, Lin doesn't know.

For the time being, connecting the world seems to be that in addition to the first world filled with various creatures, there are not many creatures in the dark world that Lin arrives and the place where the instructor goes.

At least not much is found...

After thinking so much, travel still has to continue.

Lin actually didn't command the flight to fly there, so they all flew casually. Unless they walked on the same road, Lin would correct it and ignore its flight direction.

This may happen when you fly around randomly.

... In this way, tens of thousands of seconds have passed...

"Unable to find meaningful objects, darkness covers everything, judgments and suggestions: end this boring journey, the next suggestion: let me go, everything is fine."

The journey of the dark world is still the same. After so long, Lin still does not see anything other than darkness and stone, so the intelligent machinery said that he did not want to continue.

It's more stable this time, but it's still a bit scary, so it still wants to leave, and of course there is another point...that is, it doesn't want to be controlled by Lin.

Intelligent machinery is quite disgusted with the ‘command’, which is one of the reasons for its resistance to Tibetans.

"Judge: The target does not respond to the suggestion and will be considered the default license, I will leave, I will leave."

Said, in the dark world, the parts of the aircraft suddenly turned direction, and went back to the road.

"You don't want to see the creature that controls you?" Lin asked the smart machine.

"Judgement: Going forward in fear, going to see the unknown, feeling uneconomical, don't get close to it, I want to go back, continue to live, move on, and say goodbye to you."

Lin continued: "That thing can affect your emotions in an instant. Are you curious about it?"

"Judgement, response: danger is too big, not worth it, but curious, there are ... found: new ideas are born, your statement is recognized, you should look at it, you should find that thing, you should see it."

Suddenly, the intelligent machine changed direction again. It no longer flew back, but continued the previous journey.

It seems... it really wants to see it.

In this case, Lyne does not need to force him to command it, because if it continues to oppress it, it may go crazy.

It’s not really crazy, it’s possible to use some extreme methods to get rid of control, but now it’s okay if it’s voluntary.

The thoughts of this intelligent machine are actually very simple, and the changes are also very fast. Lin can see the character of intelligent machinery from the previous history.

However... although this small problem has been solved, I still don't know where to move.

So, as before, continue to travel in the dark.

Although the intelligent machine feels that it should go to find a dream food, it will not find a way at all. Lin found that it has thrown all the way-finding things to the memory-retainers on the aircraft. It does nothing on its own, although it will be carried out by aircraft. Observed.

So how long will this journey last?

When Lin thought about this problem, time passed slowly...

Lin never saw any traces, and did not encounter the Inca insects, nor did she find the place where the dreams were.

In this darkness, it seems that nothing is like...

But Lin did not turn her attention away.

Because although there is nothing to look for, there are some other things that should be the residents of this dark world...

They are huge, but they look very light,

Lin feels that there may be some clues in these creatures. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ no memory ~ 俺 really not a hero ~00121ling~zoiberg~ree Yunxin~ monthly ticket~

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