4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 834: Bug in the dark

This is a world without light. In a completely dark environment, there is only a storm composed of sand and stone. It is accompanied by extreme cold and echoes above the earth.


In this environment, a group of creatures are moving on ridiculous rock, and they keep leaving their footsteps, almost without fear of the harsh environment around them.

They are three meters long and flat in shape. These are a group of creatures called ... Void, belonging to the Inca group.

This name indicates that they adapt to the virtual environment, regardless of the surrounding pressure and gravity, how low the temperature, they can adapt well, although this dark world is not a void, but it is also very close.

In this extreme environment, ten emptiness are slowly moving forward, waving their tentacles and detecting the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, they stopped and they detected something... there was something nearby.

Although everything is covered by pure darkness, the void can clearly feel that something is slowly approaching ten meters in front of them.

This thing is like a large, very thin object that has a length and width of more than ten meters when it is unfolded, but its thickness is estimated to be only a few centimeters.

Its body wanders with the wind blowing, like a piece of skin.

However, the void thinks that it is not ordinary skin to wander in this dark world. It has no purpose to know, but this piece of skin has already been ... stared at them.

‘Call...’ The whirlwind containing sand and dust continued, and the skin floating in the air floated in front of the void.

Feel. ‘皮’ is just floating in the wind. But the Void has noticed that the skin will constantly change its posture and use the wind to change the speed and direction of the movement.

It... is flying around the void of the void, constantly looping around, as if it will be rushed at any time.

The Voids have remained inactive for a long time, and the skin has been flying around, and it has not attacked. But did not leave.

'despair. A virtual emptiness took a step forward.

'call! Suddenly, a gust of wind slammed, and the skin floating in the wind rushed down, and instantly covered the empty space outside the group.

The covered void was suffering, a pain that was pierced all over the body, and when it felt this pain, it immediately sent instructions to the surrounding companions.

It's like a cell being eaten, notifying the surrounding cells of that feeling.

All the emptiness of the emptiness rushed up at this moment, and they rushed directly onto the piece of skin. Use a blade-like mouth to bite the skin...

This piece of skin is like a real skin. It is not very hard, whether it is the taste or softness of the bite. Although it is already eaten, it is not composed of cells.

But its softness made it impossible to defend against the emptiness of the emptiness, so the skin struggled.

It kept swaying and swaying, trying to fly up on the ground. Continue to ride the wind. But the emptiness realized the idea of ​​the skin, they quickly dispersed, and there were several voids that climbed to the edge of the skin, grabbed the ground with their own legs, and forced the skin to force it to fly. The rest of the void is constantly attacking everywhere on the skin.

They are looking for the key to the skin, so they try every part of it, trying to kill the piece of skin.

Unexpectedly, they have really succeeded.

There is a void and I don't know where I bite. The piece of skin suddenly fell to the ground and never struggled again.

So, the Void took the piece of skin and the companion's body that was originally killed in one direction.


Here, still the world, still cold, still can hear the wind.

But it is no longer dark, because it is a cave in the ground. The five-meter-long fluorescent worm is lying on the top of the cave, and its glowing belly illuminates the entire cave environment.

In the center of the cave, there is a body full of silver, a huge creature split.

It broke the ground and found the cave, because the outside environment was too dangerous, so they decided to build a temporary base here, allowing the insects to rest here.

There are also some other insect groups here, they are all kinds of different, and are watching a place.

At the entrance to the cave, the empty space to explore is coming back. They are dragging a big thing, which looks like the skin of a large creature, and it is covered with a lot of fine hair.

Although the skin has no cell structure, it attacks them, which makes the Inca group feel a little puzzled.

There are not many troops here, and its intelligence is also limited, so it did not think too much, decided to lock the piece of skin first, and then continue to see the skin reaction.

But where is it going to be?

"Got you."

Just as the Inca swarm was hesitating, it suddenly received a signal from the cave entrance, and saw an aircraft consisting of all metal parts and three pompoms flying in from there.

"What are you doing here?"

After finally finding the Inca group, Lynn questioned them, although the results were basically guessed.

The Inca group was somewhat surprised by this, so it replied to Lynn's question, saying that they mainly wanted to build a new base here.

Although there is nothing in this cave, the Inca group believes that it can add a lot of things, so that it has a base, ready to dispatch troops to explore and come back to treat and rest.

Lin looked up on the ground and saw the creature like a skin.

This creature is the first creature that Lynn encountered here. They fly with the wind. Although they are non-cellular, they seem to be hostile to any kind of creature and will find opportunities to attack them.

Lin and the Tibetans’ aircraft were attacked by them. During the attack, Lin also learned about some of the habits of the skin.

They have a very close relationship with their companions. Lin can know the location of other skins through a piece of skin, and know what the state is, even knowing if there is death.

Lin thought that the Inca insects had also been attacked by the skin, so they found it, and the location of these skins is not only here.

Lin can also find other places through it. In some places, Lin feels suspicious. There may be more creatures there. This dark world should have more creatures.


When Lin thought so, she suddenly heard some voices.

The skin on the ground that was bitten by the emptiness of the Insects was suddenly...not seen. (To be continued.)

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