4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 835: Special weapon

"What kind of impact does this kind of thing have if it does?"

"There may be no impact, and it may also make all creatures feel great fear."

"No creature wants to be its target... yes, this is..."


This is among the camps of the imaginary people, and within the largest building of the camp, there is a vast basement.

There are no imaginary people in this basement, but there are all kinds of... research equipment, and there are other things.

A pom-pom, a metal spider, has a transparent wall in front of them, and there is a special thing in the wall.

It looks like a piece of skin floating in the air, very soft and very thin skin.

This is a creature that Lynn brought back from the ‘dark world’, and Lynn decided to ask them to do... ‘floating skin’, they are also the only creatures Lynn currently sees in that dark world.

They are non-cellular organisms, composed of a very light substance, with a very complex structure in a very thin body. At the same time, these floating skins are only suitable for the low temperature environment here, if they reach the cell biological area on the door side, they It will melt, but it will not melt immediately, but will support it for a while.

So, when Lin brought it back, she used some devices to keep the temperature low, and this underground research institute did the same.

The temperature in the room where the floating skin is located is quite cold, which makes it safe and sound inside.

Of course, it doesn't feel safe by itself. It turns around and seems to be looking for ways to get out of it, but its thin skin-like body can't be broken by a transparent wall.

Floating epidermis seems to be very hostile to cell-like creatures. They can shoot a sharp object from the inside of the skin. It is not clear what the reason for their attack is.

There are other characteristics of floating floats, that is, they know the location of each companion and can also know the status of the companion.

Previously, Lin found the Inca swarm through their characteristics. Because there was a floating skin that was attacking the Inca swarm at that time, and then ... was attacked by the Inca swarm.

The state of the attacked floating skin was known by Lin from other floating skins, so the position of the Inca group was found.

In addition, the floating skin also knows... self-decomposition.

The meaning of this feature seems to be to prevent yourself from being abused. When floating skins are subjected to continuous damage and cannot be countered, they quickly break down themselves, and they can mix certain substances in the body to melt themselves quickly.

However, just shut them up, they are not self-decomposing.

This floating back floating. Lynn decided to get information about it in the dark world from it, and maybe they would know something about the location of the dream.

Floating skin will know the same kind of location, mainly because they also have a very small dream energy in the body.

Unlike the common dream symbiosis, the dream energy in the floating skin is not part of the main thinking, but acts like a locator.

Lin can use this energy to search for its similar location, but in fact, this floating floating skin is not used to detect its similar location.

It is used to test a weapon.

"This is the initial test phase of the weapon." On the side, the metal spider controlled by the Master said: "Can you start now?"

"No problem." Lin said: "First test the first step."

"Okay, start..."

Under the voice of the Master, a robotic arm protrudes from the ground in the floating room.

The end of this arm is a hollow tube. It is now aiming the tube at the floating skin in the center of the room...

A small object flew out of the tube and stabbed on the body of the floating skin.

The floating skin that had been flying around was suddenly stunned, and then stopped in the air.

After a few seconds, it suddenly began to swing all over the body and slammed into the transparent wall. After hitting the first time, it continued to hit the second time, the third time...

It seems to be crazy.

"This is really effective." Lin said to the instructor: "This kind of thing seems to be really used as a weapon."

"It can make all creatures go crazy." The instructor said: "It should be called ... can not guard the cannon."

"This name is not very good."

"...What is that?"

Yeah... what is better? Lin hasn't thought about this problem yet. The main thing is that this thing is really effective. The tube on the robotic arm is a kind of weapon that Lin and the new master have recently researched.

It is mainly used to launch small nucleus weapons, and the system inside is very simple. It is the launch of a 'dream spike' with a small nucleus. When the spike is in any position that can be sensed on the target, the dream energy message in the spike is received by the target's mind system.

Then, the target can 'hear' the voice of the little protector.

The whistle of the little protector is not a simple noise that can be ignored. This is completely different from a group of lunatics yelling in the ear. It always occupies the most obvious part of the mind. For example, no matter what you recall, no matter what you want, the words of the little nucleus will always come out. So it's easy to make other creatures go crazy.

But the most terrifying thing is... the defensive scope of the small nucleus is quite broad.

To be precise, it should be the range of species that are attacked. It not only affects cell-like organisms, but also non-cellular organisms that are completely different in composition or material composition... just as this floating skin also affects.

They ignore the boundaries between species, which is really a very special thing... It also means that dream energy can affect many things.

This helps Lin to learn more about dream energy, and for the Master, it feels that this weapon is very powerful, and this is only the small weapon of the initial experiment.

If you can make a bomb, if you can make a bigger weapon, it will be easier to attack the brain.

Lin also thinks that the box warships that may be brain-minded will be destroyed by the small guardian weapons.

No creature wants to be what the little nucleus says can't be guarded. No matter which side, they use various methods... torturing the target.

"Why do you want to study this kind of weapon?" After thinking for a while, Lin asked the instructor.

"They are very effective." The instructor said: "There will be no extra damage, it is suitable as a weapon in this world...and many places."

When Lin and the instructor said, another mechanical arm came out, which pulled the tiny spikes on the floating skin.

After being pulled out, it is no longer affected by the small guardian, so this is also a kind of damage that is easy to 'treat'.

Although it is said that the floating skin is now motionless, it seems that the damage is too much.

‘Hey! At this time, the ground was opened again. It was not a robotic arm, but another pom-pom. The pompom flew to the side of the floating skin, and then the fluff was extended to detect it.

It seems that the part of the mind is still in a normal state, but it has entered a coma.

Sure enough, the average creature is hard to get a small nucleus. Generally, two or so are good. If you put more in, it is too... dangerous.

"Then keep going to study." Lin said to the instructor: "But some very critical issues have not been resolved."

"I believe there will be a solution.

After the Master said so, its metal spider climbed to the side of an image device and opened the screen, and began to record recent research.

Then, Lynn has to do what she has been doing before...


Go back to this place.

In Lin's attention, the film appeared again... thorough darkness.

This place doesn't feel like it's in the void, but in some sort of... 'indoor environment', you can't see the stars or anything.

However, this time to confirm, Lin has now brought the floating skin of the experiment back to this place.

It is still in a coma, but when it wakes up, it will soon get in touch with its neighbors, and the more nervous it will contact, the more it will be connected.

Lynn can confirm these similar conditions when it contacts, and confirm the number and distribution of floating skin in this nearby area.

You can even find out what the environment around these floating skins is, you can find the dream food through this point, and you can confirm the environment of this place.

The Inca worms are now looking to use the previous methods to find them. They have sent out a lot of emptiness and are detected everywhere in this dark world.

Just as Lin thought about it, Lin found that the floating skin woke up.

It was a long time in a coma, and when it found out that it was in the dark world, it seemed to be a shock, and then quickly flew in one direction.

Lin felt that it seemed very happy, and did not notice that a pompom was following it.

Soon, the floating skin flew to a place with a relatively small wind, it stopped here, and then made a strange ... action.

It rolls the body together like a 'reel'.

This is how they relate to the same kind of action, then, Lin can take advantage of this opportunity to see its similar position and status.

Generally speaking, floating skins will contact the same kind of events after encountering certain events, and the larger the incidents encountered, the more the related types will be contacted.

Being hit by a small nucleus weapon should be a very serious incident, so Lynn can also know that it has a lot of similar conditions.

As the floating skin was almost completely rolled up, the pompon flew quickly and the fluff reached out and touched the surface of the floating skin.

It seems to be scared, and it opens in an instant, but Lynn already knows...thinking about it. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~ your brother's reward ~

Thanks ~ dark moon eclipse ~ maple demon month ~ go2go ~ no memory ~ monthly ticket ~

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