4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 836: Map edge

This is... map.

Connected to the world, in the underground laboratory of the virtual private land, Lynn's pompom is looking at a wall in the laboratory.

The wall slowly changed color under the gaze of the pompom, showing a huge map...

This is a map of the dark world. It is obvious from the map that almost the whole place is a wasteland composed of rocks.

This map was mainly learned from a floating skin. After the floating skin was attacked by the small nucleus test weapon, Lin was put back to the dark world, and then it was connected with the same kind.

Floating floats have this habit. After you encounter something, you must share it with the same kind. If it is a good thing, you can remind the same kind of attention. If it is a bad thing, you can remind the same kind of avoidance, but the small protector can not be guarded. Something is definitely not a good thing.

So it sent the message to ... about seven thousand companions around, these drifting companions scattered in the dark world is quite wide, so Lynn let the pompoms quickly touch it when it contacts, through the floating skin The dream energy on the body knows the location of these companions, the environment around them, and so on.

Because when floating, each floating skin will report its location and surroundings, and Lin can know this information.

Then, integrating the previously explored routes and the information, Lynn created a map of the dark world, which is mostly a wasteland, but...

"Judge: There, it's weird, go see, you definitely want to see."

On the side of the pompom looking at the map, there is a transparent jar that is communicating with Lin.

If you look closely, you can see that the jar is full of tiny machinery. It is the intelligent machine of the keeper. In fact, Lin wanted to put it back before, and said that he would not attack the camp again. Lin also has a basic understanding of its affairs, and does not need to explore it in the dark world.

So it doesn't have to stay here.

However, this smart machine does not seem to want to leave, although it was very much wanted to leave because it thought that Lin was deliberately trapped.

But now it doesn't have this idea. Instead, I am eager to study the state of the dark world with Lin. It now lets Lin pay attention to the lower right corner of the map.

The whole part of the map is a rocky wasteland, but the bottom right corner is different. The ground there is not composed of rocks. As for what constitutes... Lin is not very clear. In short, it is a very soft substance.

Lin is now investigating this most suspicious place.

......... on this side...

"Do you want to go first?" In the dark environment, Lin's pompom is floating in the air.

In front of the pom-pom, it is a towering steep cliff. This position is the lower right corner seen on the map. Under the cliff, it is covered with a wasteland that is not rock structure.

Beside the pompoms is a group of empty cockroaches, and the Inca worms and Lin's pompoms have reached this position together, which means that it really wants to go first.

But still have to observe and say.

The pompons and the void came to the edge of the cliff, and the pompoms glowed and slid down. I saw the ground under the cliff as if it were mud, and it has a soft and sticky feeling that seems to have this feeling.

This reminds Lin of the place where the Void Bus cub lives, the plain covered with 'Jelly', but it looks more like a huge mud.

On the mud, I can see some floating skins flying around. They don't seem to have any opinion on this wonderful environment. Lin can feel that this place is filled with a feeling of dreaming.

The dream food should be here, and the pursuit of this feeling will soon find it. At the same time, Lin also wants to see if there is any creature outside the floating skin in this muddy environment.

It seems to be apart from the first world. Other worlds have too little biological content and are not very interesting...

The Inca swarm began to move, and the voids around the pompons climbed one by one along the edge of the cliff, and after a while they all climbed. There is only one black shadow behind the pompom.

"Do you want to go down?"

The pom-pom light illuminates the back of the light, illuminating the shadow, which is a part aircraft, the one that is the memory.

Now, the Tibetans in it have entered a very special state, their fear of the environment and the memory that intelligent machinery uses to force them to explore.

They want to go on their side. I don't want to go on, and I am in an extreme entanglement.

Unlike the intelligent machines that are controlled remotely, the fear of intelligent machinery is slowly subsiding, and now it is basically gone, but the fear of those who are responsible for flying the aircraft here is deepening as the journey continues.

Is their fear going to return them? Or is the memory that smart machines put in them to let them continue to explore?

Lin felt that it was very interesting. Even so, Lin didn't look at them all the time... Lin let the pompoms fly in the direction of the cliff and came with the Void... on the ground like a mud.

There is almost no gravity here, so no matter how soft the ‘mud’ is, the emptiness can easily climb over it.

Lin's pompoms flew while using fluff to detect the composition of the mud.

The composition of the mud is very similar to that of the floating skin. Simply put, the floating skin can use this mud as a food.

This means that they have a huge amount of food, and the mud is so huge that it extends until it doesn't know where.

However, there are no other creatures here.

Except one...foreign creature.

"It seems to be here."

When Lin sent a signal, the Void stopped.

Now, Lin and Nether are marching here for a distance of about a kilometer. The original sparse dream energy suddenly became very strong here...strong.

The dream food should be in this position, it is hidden under the mud...

'boom! ’

As soon as Lin’s thoughts, the mud beneath it suddenly trembled, as if it had been blown up by explosives. Numerous muds exploded, and the void and pompom had to retreat dozens of meters.

At the same time, Lynn saw a huge object, slowly rising from the blasted mud...

It looks like a dream food... Yes, it is the dream food that Lynn sees in the dreams of the world of the creator. It is a smog...

It's just that it's much smaller than there. It sees the whole mountain, but it's only 30 meters in diameter, and... it's still solid. (~^~)

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