4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 841: Challenged world

Most creatures are not dangerous.

It always thinks so, because no creature will hurt it, and those creatures with higher intelligence will always worship it after touching it.

For worship, it still feels very good. These intellectual creatures always have a fate for it.

Therefore, it slowly has the possibility that the creature with intelligence will listen to it, and it has many other ideas.

For example, the world of solid creatures may have been created by itself, except that it has not found a world of solid creatures before, so it is not known.

Because it does not find the creatures that open up the solid world, and the intellectual creatures in these solid worlds, mainly because it is the cause of the developers, will be adored.

It has been holding this idea until... it has encountered a creature.

This creature is also a solid creature with intelligence and a high level of intelligence, higher than all the creatures it has ever seen, and... has a very special ability.

When it saw this creature, it thought that this creature should be the developer.

But where is this creature before? It was the first time I saw it... such a wonderful creature suddenly appeared.

But as it observes, it feels that this creature is very different from the developer it thinks.

First of all, this creature does not move, but stays in this place. If it is not on the edge of the world, it is impossible to open up a new world.

But now the world may have been opened up, so there is no need to open up, but it also notices that this creature does not seem to want to travel around, communicate with other creatures, etc., but it does not move.

Therefore, it calls it the ‘rooted person’, which is mainly fixed.

It did not choose to communicate with the 'rooted', which was mainly past experience, and it found that it only needed to communicate with intellectuals. These creatures will start to seek its 'guidelines'.

If it is over-directed, the creature will become more and more dependent on it and even lose its original ability to live.

So it thinks it's interesting to see how the creatures look. So I don't plan to communicate with other creatures, including this seemingly clever ‘rooted’.

The rooted person's clever performance is mainly in the other intellectual creatures, it will use various methods to deceive the intellectual, or let the intellectuals worship themselves and then enslave.

It is so observing the roots for a long time. It found many new small creatures slowly appearing around the roots.

These creatures change very fast.

On the way to long-term observation of solid creatures, you will find that some creatures can slowly change their shape or ability, but these new creatures change themselves much faster than other solid creatures. Shape.

However, such new creatures will not change all the time, but will stop when they change to a certain point.

It believes that the reason for the birth of this kind of creature is mainly related to the 'rooted', but it can not find the common point of itself and the rooted person. It thinks that the rooted person is a very abnormal creature.

Emerging creatures soon begin to attack the original solid creatures, occupying the territory, replacing the position, and slowly extinct the native solid species. And new creatures are getting more and more.

It didn't have any special thoughts at first, just observing it. Until some new creatures attacked the intellectually solid creatures that worshiped it, it thought it should stop.

So, it began to try to communicate with the 'rooted'. According to its previous experience, the rooted person would definitely worship it, and then follow what it said.

But this did not happen.

The rooted person received the exchange of information, but did not have much reaction like other creatures. Did not respond to any information.

But it noticed that the rooted are doing something special.

The rooted person was originally in a slow growth rate, but after receiving the information, the growth rate of the rooted person suddenly increased a lot.

During this time it constantly sends messages to the rooted. Because the new creatures of the rooted are already killing the intellectual creatures that worship it.

But the rooted person completely ignored it, until some time, the rooted person suddenly started a new movement... It didn't understand what the movements meant at first, and it seemed to be drilled out of the ground.

Until it found out... there was a lot of darkness around the roots.

These darknesses have been seen before, unlike ordinary darkness, which is known at the moment of sight... which is the darkness of the world's edge.

It has not seen this darkness for a long time... after opening up the whole world. It has not been seen.

However, this darkness has appeared around this rooted person. What does this mean? This means... can solid creatures affect its ethereal world?

It has never seen this phenomenon, and it has fallen into a rather confusing state, but at least it knows that it must stop this darkness from spreading.

Thus, it is like the previous opening of the world, to contact the darkness around the roots.

But it was not as smooth as it used to be. The darkness did not disappear when it was touched. It felt a power... it was preventing it from eliminating the darkness.

It is rooted.

The rooted person seems to know what it is doing and to maintain the darkness and not let it change the darkness...

At the same time, it also felt that the rooted person seemed to be full of an emotion called "hostility" for it and for all the creatures in its world.

The rooted person wants to destroy its world.

Suddenly understanding this, I felt the first fear in history. It felt that my world would collapse like this. Everything in the past has no meaning at all.

And the fact... seems to be the case.

The darkness around the roots is getting bigger and bigger, slowly swallowing its world, and it will engulf the surrounding creatures.

Yes, those ethereal creatures that originally lived in its world will be sucked in when they are exposed to the darkness...not as impossible as before.

It felt a huge sense of crisis, but it didn't know what to do, so it began to do everything to stop the expansion of darkness and hit it all in the dark.

Under its efforts, the darkness has been slightly reduced, and it feels like it can be used in some way to counter the strength of the roots.

Throw back the darkness of its darkness.

The rooted person also noticed this, so the darkness began to expand faster, and it found that it seemed difficult to counter this expansion. When the darkness was getting bigger, it was like other creatures, sucked by the darkness. Go in.

. . . What would the world in the dark be like?

For the past, darkness symbolizes ‘no’, a place that has nothing. Since there is no place for things, then you can put things on your own world.

This is a law that it used to think so.

But it only now finds that there is another world on the dark side.

After it was inhaled into the darkness, it saw this weird world... In this world, ‘Ecstatic creatures’ and ‘solid creatures’ actually live together.

Although it can feel solid organisms, it is also very clear that solid organisms are in another world and can only be connected with ethereal creatures in a very limited way. This is also a law that is doomed to the difference between the two worlds. .

But now, these two kinds of creatures are obviously mixed together, chasing each other and communicating with each other... without any gaps.

This is a violation of the law.

And the rooted person actually stands in the center of the world.

When it saw the rooted, the rooted person also sent the first message to it, which is a very simple message.


Then the rooted person began to attack it.

It is not only the roots who attack it, but also the surrounding creatures... solid creatures.

The way the attack looks is very simple, that is, the way it hits, hits, and so on.

At the moment of being hit, it actually produced a feeling called ‘pain.’

It’s all incredible for it, but its response hasn’t become dull... It’s been attacked quite violently, but it’s supported, and it’s also found in the world’s ethereal creatures Support yourself and fight solid creatures.

Thus, in this wonderfully mixed world, an extremely fierce war began.

This is not a war that will not end, the war will soon stop, and the winners... are rooted and solid creatures.

It belongs to the losing side, and it is like the rooted person said, it once again feels an unprecedented feeling, that is... the approach of death.

It has seen a lot of deaths, but did not think that death would be so close to itself... it thought that it would disappear from the world.

But under the circumstance of death, it has produced a new feeling...

It feels that in a faraway place, there is a ... world, and it can now escape to that distant world, thus avoiding this danger.

At this moment, it suddenly understood.

This distant world is related to its previous behavior. It used to fly to the sky and felt that its body was split at that time.

The split body flew off the sky and flew far and far, where a new world was formed, and the world connected to itself, so that you could escape there.

So, it escaped.

Stay away from the roots and stay away from it all...

It went to a new world, started a new life, and... never returned. (~^~)

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