4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 842: Increase knowledge

It turns out that there is not only one in the world. Oh,

It was originally thought that the world of solid creatures and the world of ethereal creatures are everything, but... after the emergence of the roots, its various ideas have undergone tremendous changes.

It decided to continue living.

But the future life will definitely be very different...

After coming to the New World, it found that it was also like the original time, surrounded by the edge of darkness, the world in which it is located has only a small scope, and there is no creature at all.

It is like usual, starting to touch the edge and expand its own world.

When it expanded the world, it also entered a state of sleep. It felt that it was not as long as it used to be, but in fact it did not know how long it took to sleep.

When it woke up, it found a lot of creatures around it.

It feels like it was... before.

But this time, its life is more objective than ever, it quickly expands the world, and soon it expands a spherical world.

Then, it touches the sky again and separates part of it. It thinks that it should be like this before, leaving a ... retreat.

It is also possible to create a new world.

Its life here is somewhat similar to the past, but it found no solid creatures here, because the solid world here seems quite... unstable.

The ground is always trembling, and it emits brightly colored substances that seem to be very harmful to solid creatures and have no particular effect on ethereal creatures.

So this is a world without solid creatures, and of course there is no such terrible...rooted person.

Therefore, it did not stay here for too long, and it quickly felt that the ‘divided’ that had touched the sky had reached a new place.

then. It left the place and went to another new world.

After it left, it found that it could still feel the original world. It can return at any time. Although it didn't do it, it felt very good.

Unfortunately. It can't return to the original one, the world occupied by the roots, it simply can't feel there.

Therefore, it has to spare no effort to continue to develop in the new world. After reaching a new world, it still uses the previous methods to continue to expand the world and create a new world to create a new world.

In this place, it found that there were many solid creatures at the beginning, so it quickly found these solid creatures. It then communicates with some of the intellectual individuals.

These intellectual individuals, like those of the past, have a feeling of admiration for it, and it believes that these solid creatures are safe.

Moreover, the time to get to the New World is faster than ever, and it also finds that you don't have to personally reach the new world to be aware of the new world and know what kind of environment and creatures there.

and so. It did not immediately go to the new world, but stayed here. And continue to create more avatars and trigger more new worlds.

When the new world was more, it left here and chose a world it wanted to travel.

Next, it lives like this.

It is no longer fixed in one world, but constantly going back and forth in various worlds. Traveling constantly in various worlds.

In the process of traveling, it has more and more knowledge. It also finds that not every world needs to develop and have creatures, and each world is different.

Occasionally, there are some worlds that can completely subvert the 'law' that they thought before, and it also found out. It turns out that these various worlds are there, not because of its 'triggering' and 'opening up'.

Even some of the world itself is a creature.

At the same time, it found that there are many kinds of solid creatures. It once saw hard solid creatures, but later saw more, such as soft, sticky, light, and constantly changing.

Slowly, it no longer does ‘laws’ for its own discoveries.

On the way to travel, it also encountered many dangers, and also seen some world destruction, but it found that it has increasingly enjoyed this journey.

But no matter where it goes, there will be many ethereal creatures accompanying it.

It believes that this is somewhat similar to the rooted, and will produce creatures that are related to itself.

And these creatures are closely related to their lives. If they don't produce creatures, they can't recover nutrients through biological activities, and they can't live.

Therefore, it is generally taken care of... the creatures that are produced by themselves.

It also encounters many intellectual creatures that react differently to themselves, many are adoring emotions, some are hostile emotions, and others try to study it.

These creatures have given them a variety of names, almost every one is different, like... 'source', 'dream star', 'maintainer', 'fallen resident', 'god' and the like of.

Most names contain respectful emotions, but some creatures, such as hostile creatures, give it a name that is insulting.

At some point, it got a name 'dreams'.

The name is not to be respected or insulted. Although there are so many names, it has never given any name to itself. It thinks that other creatures like to call it, so how to applaud.

It has seen many kinds of creatures in the life of various journeys, but it is the root of the most concerned.

It has also encountered a rooted person who has found that this kind of thing is always hostile to it and is one of the few species that can cause fatal damage to it and its world.

So, it began to learn the methods of combat, especially the method of dealing with the roots...

Once, it fought with the rooted, and it was almost killed in the fierce war, but it was won.

It found that rooted people are not invincible goals, but they are quite difficult and require some ... special methods to defeat them.

Through this battle, it also discovered more ways to influence the solid world. In the constant exploration and research, it began to become more and more powerful. It can even directly damage solid organisms and know how to The world of solid creatures... appeared.

At some point, it stopped the journey and chose to 'drop' in one place, where it intended to shape one... belongs to its own home. (To be continued...)

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