4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 846: More information

"Ask: Let me leave? Judge: I don't want to leave, don't leave, see more, but I have to leave, I am leaving."

Under the warm sky, above the camp of the imaginary people, a huge part battleship slowly flew away in the distance. The imaginary people in the camp held weapons and kept 100% alert and the warship. Say goodbye.

After all, they have fought before.

Lin's pompoms also watched the departure of the battleship on the camp, but Lin thought about something else.

Not long ago, the dark world... has collapsed.

Lin's pompom didn't see the last moment, but she had seen a lot of things. Looking at the mud pouring into the huge hole, the earth began to crack quickly. Lin also saw more creatures trying to escape to the door.

Some creatures did succeed in reaching the door, but they didn't get in. It seemed to be related to the cracking of the dark world. The door... disappeared.

Originally, the position of the door has become an ordinary stone. Those creatures have nowhere to go, and they can only wander around in panic.

Later, as the ground cracks increased, all the air around it was sucked into the cracks, including those creatures, and some of Lin's pompoms.

When it is sucked to the bottom, it will be shredded by huge force. Lin estimates that there is nothing to live there, but Lin has several pompons that insist on grasping the ground without collapse and not being sucked in.

They watched the dramatic changes in the dark world in a short period of time, and the seemingly endless rocky plains became a pitted, place full of huge holes and cracks.

As these caves and cracks increased, the ground in this area even disappeared, forming a vast, dark area.

Some of the ground did not collapse, including the position where the pompons were caught, but they did not look like the ground, but they were like islands or pillars standing in the dark ocean, and they didn't know when they would crack. Fall into the darkness.

Lin’s pompoms were caught on a stone pillar at that time, watching the surrounding environment change, but the stone pillars that were finally caught also began to collapse, and the pompoms fell into the dark ocean.

In the end, the only remaining pompons were also shredded. It's like the previous ones.

But before being shredded, Lynn's pompom saw something, like a huge creature, moving in the dark.

Lin felt that it was the organ of the stellar bus, but later. Lynn thinks this is another thing, and maybe it has something to do with the collapse of the world.

But although it is huge, it is about a hundred meters, which is still quite small compared with the whole world, so it is not necessarily related.

Only, Lin thinks this... The creature should be the creature that attacks the dream food.

It has a similar energy to sleep, but what makes Lin feel amazing is that it has not been sucked into the dark and shredded, but kept flying at a certain height.

As for its body shape, it is like some... cetacean creatures.

So far here. Lin found that there are so many, this creature may also be the original species of the dark world. Lin feels that when the whole dark world completely collapses and then looks over, it may be able to see it again, and there is something like floating skin. A species that survives.

But now I can't get through now, because the door is gone, the door here has become an ordinary stone, and seems to be permanently 'closed'.

Therefore, Lynn decided to sort out the information on the camp first, and then make the next step. At the same time, the smart machine was sent away.

Because now that I know the story of it, I also know that it has no threat to this camp and Lin. So you don't have to leave it here.

But it doesn't want to go by itself, as if it feels that it can learn more knowledge here, it is still very interested in learning.

Moreover, it is also very interested in these virtual people in the camp. Even said that I want to take a few back to see.

Lin feels that it seems to be very interested in individual creatures, but not interested in Lin and Inca.

It may be that a species with a collective consciousness cannot control the memory casually, but it did not take it away at the end, so it left.

Lin feels that it is possible not only to store the memories of the memory, but also to catch other creatures to store memories. Let them join the war of the Tibetans who will not end, like the mirror, the gapworm or something.

After letting it go, Lin once again retrieved a lot of information about the dream food. In the previous solid smoke, I saw not only the history of the dream, but also some other things.

The dream food shows that it does not... die.

When it is seriously hurt, it will return to any dream world of its own, because these dream worlds are in very distant tumbling or some places, so almost no creature can kill it.

But if the creature that attacks it can't do it even if it doesn't return, it has another way.

It can be reborn in its own home.

This is a special method, similar to the return, but only a small part of the return, and this small part of the return is simply not blocked.

At least dreams that no creature can stop this small part from returning to home, but it takes time to get this part to grow.

Thinking of this, Lin felt that she should go to the home of the dream food, do not know what kind of place it is.

However, searching for it should not be difficult.

At the same time, Lin also knew something about connecting the world. The news was discovered after the Inca swarms brought the smoke group back.

After I got it back, Lin found out more information... hidden information.

It seems that the dream food is specially made, but what is said in the message is not history, but something about connecting the world.

In addition to this place where Lin is located, the bus connecting the world's other stars is in the stage of being about to collapse or is in the process of collapse. Only this is normal.

But this kind of normal does not know when it will be maintained...

Lin feels that it should be discovered in advance, or can prevent the collapse in advance, as long as the reasons for the collapse should be easier.

There is also some information that the collapse of a stellar bus is usually not 'innocent' or that it will not affect the world with which it has a door.

But now is not the usual situation, so it seems to have an impact.

When a stellar bus crashes, the other one connected to it will quickly enter... a state of collapse. (~^~)

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