4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 847: Situation there

"Hey... are you the legendary heroes? I didn't expect you to come to me..."

Under a starry sky, a creature is sitting cross-legged on a floating meteorite with a dimly colored star in front of it, and many warships floating before the stars.

The creature laughed and looked at the group of warships. It said loudly in the void: "But you can't beat me... my power is equal to the energy of ten supernovas!"

And those warships also made a voice in the void: "Damn... we will defeat you, save the whole void! Shoot! Shoot!"

After that, countless barrage shots on the rock.

"Ha ha ha ha! It's useless! But it's just a few second-order small battleships..." The creature waved his hand and put all the battleships...

……'Snapped! ’...

The picture was turned off.

It seems that this kind of animation is quite a lot.

The pompon stretched out the fluff and picked up a piece of things on the ground in front to look at it. This thing is called a 'poster', and on the poster is a line of words: 'The Legend of the Heroes of the Stars.'

This animation is like what Lin has just seen. There are many similar works in the virtual people. In short, in these works, they like to let a single individual gain a powerful force and then fight anything in the void.

Because the connected world is still in the process of exploration, there is nothing special to do, and Lin looks at the animation slightly on Mars.

Although the characters in the animation often claim to dominate the Galaxy, the makers of the animation are...

"Help! Don't come over... ah!"

Lin's pompom flew to the window of the room and looked out. She could see a group of creatures screaming and retreating.

Because this room can receive communications, Lynn can hear their screams, and this group of 'Aisha' is currently being hit by a lot of rock skins.

It is estimated that this group will be destroyed soon, and their weapons have little effect on the rock skin...

However, now other groups on Mars are now facing the threat of rock skin, they all know what is happening here.

Now Lin turned her attention to another pompom, which flew over a group base.

Look down. I can see a large number of groups gathering there, each armed with weapons and a guarded look.

Among them, it can be seen that several individuals are constantly arguing with each other.

This group is very large. Because they included several groups of 'Aisha' and 'Ruhr', they knew about the rock skin attack and gathered here, and decided to fight back.

However, their leader is now arguing about how to act, they are not very satisfied with each other's opinions. So I haven't decided how to deal with the rock skin yet.

... As soon as they were worried about it, Lin looked at the rock.


Now, the screams have slowly disappeared. If you look out the window, you can see that the whole place is full of rock skins.

The rock skins are towing the bodies one by one, and picking up the weapons on these bodies, and also open each door to investigate.

‘Hey! When Lin thought about it, the double-decker door where the pompoms were opened opened, and a rock skin climbed in from the outside.

Lynn noticed that it was holding a card that could open the door of the room.

Although most of the rock skins are directly smashed into the door. However, this seems to know how to open the door seriously.

When it came in, it saw the pompom, it looked like a slap, and then carefully stared at the pompom to observe.

The pom-pom did not move, so stayed in the same place... After almost a hundred seconds of watching, the rock skin removed the line of sight from the pom-pom and then moved to another place in the room.

In the end, it went to what it looked at... a flat-screen image device that took the device up and opened the picture.

Lynn found it to be quite skilled. So I drifted around to observe.

This rock skin is quite focused. I didn't notice that the pompom floated over. It carefully looked at the picture on the panel, and Lin found that it opened a lot of information.

These materials are some... recent status reports. For example, which house's oxygen device is damaged, and where to repair something.

The rock skin seems to be very interesting, it has been turning over the information, and finally it has locked its eyes on a piece of information.

This information is about the recent ... construction materials.

The construction materials contain details about the establishment of a signal station. This group seems to be trying to establish a signal station. But it didn't start, just write the detailed plans in it.

After watching the rock for a while, the video device was put down and then ran out to the entrance of the room.

Is it interested in this signal station? Lynn feels a bit strange.

So, Lin continued to observe the group of rock skins. Lin let the pompoms fly to the sky and observe the rock skin activities in the whole area. They seem to regard this as a nest. They all live in houses and keep on making Various things.

It is like the act of putting together all kinds of mechanical parts, using weapons to fight each other, etc., and Lin noticed a special group of rock skins, which included the ones who had seen the signal station before.

They are doing something special...that is, building a signal station.

The group of rock skins acted in full accordance with the information seen in the picture. First, an old house was targeted. After most of the things in the house were dismantled, the parts of the signal station were assembled.

Looking at the way they are assembled, it seems that they are all very skilled, as if they have done it many times.

Moreover, there are more and more rock skins added to their groups, and with their cooperation, the completion of signal stations is getting higher and higher.

Almost after ten pompons stayed up late, Lin saw that they converted the original house into a signal station. Although many parts are ready-made, they are just assembled, but there are no errors.

Lin is more interested in why they build signal stations.

The original purpose of the signal station is obvious, it is used to transmit signals, but the signal station made by the rock skin does not seem to be purely for this purpose.

In the next few days and nights, Lin continued to look at them. The rock skin did not use this signal station, but continued to modify it.

It seems that... they have not only made the signal station, but also have the ability to transform. This signal station is equipped with many special parts.

Finally, the signal stations were changed to another...special device.

After the modification, the rock skins started the device, and Lynn saw the function of the device at this time...

But instead of directly observing the effect of the device, it is seen in the memory of the rock that is responsible for making the device.

The purpose of the rock skin to make this thing... is mainly to receive the signal in the void, that is, the signal in the original position of the Ershi.

Why do you want to receive the signal there?

This is not in its memory. In fact, Lynn is also very strange why it will pop up these ideas...

Because all the microorganisms that recorded memory in the rock skin have been seen before, no relevant information has been found.

No matter how much, Lin continues to observe their behavior.

The rock skin continued to attack other groups in the following period, but they began to focus on this base, and they would not dispatch all the troops each time.

The rock skins that remain here continue to modify the various things here.

They have converted most of their homes into a style that suits them, mainly by removing the various devices that hold oxygen and temperature inside because they don't need them.

Then the disassembled items are assembled into something else, most of which are useless machines, but there are many parts that are used to install the 'signal station'.

The original signal station was small, because it was only a few meters high, but it has become higher and higher with their installation.

After almost ten days and nights, Lin found that the height of the signal station had reached more than 20 meters.

It was assembled and imaged like a tall tower, and then the rock skin was equipped with something like a signal analyzer at the bottom of the tower.

Then, Lin also found that there was a new idea in the brain of the rock skin. It wanted to use this signal station... It should be said that it was a signal tower... Received certain information.

This particular information was transmitted from the position of the original Ershi in the void, and the rock skin is expected to receive this specific information from there.

Lin feels that this information may be related to Ershi.

After all, if the rock skin establishes a new civilization here, Ershi may communicate with them, but... will it really communicate with them so quickly?

For the next period of time, Lin continued to observe them, and the rock skin did not receive any such specific signals.

While waiting for the signal, they also constantly attacked other groups. The group of groups that Lin had seen before had been slowly unable to support under the continuous attack of the rock skin, and they were ready to leave the original place.

It seems that there is no special suspense in the battle of the rock skin, and the rock skin will bring back a lot of loot from this place, and then continue to start various construction activities here.

They do seem to be building civilization, transforming small houses into larger ones, and creating places like plantations.

However, they are most concerned about the signal tower. Originally only a small group of rock skins were responsible. After that, almost all the rock skins would go to the signal tower to observe the information.

Although there is no signal, they are waiting... (~^~)

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