4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 848: Conduction effect

Sure enough...

Is this their real task?

On Mars, Lin has been observing the construction of the rock skins. Most of their construction has a clear purpose, such as planting for food, in order to have a comfortable place to live and modify the house, but some things are also No purpose.

For example, if you get signals from a signal tower, they have no reason, just ‘want to do it’.

However, the rock skin is not only waiting for signals, they also use the 'drawing function' in the video device, draw some weird symbols, and then send these symbols as signals with the signal tower.

What is the meaning of these sent symbols? These are the same as building a signal tower, for a big reason.

What's interesting is that the rock skin itself doesn't know the reason, it can't be seen in their memory, but it is seen in another place.

That is Lynn’s stellar bus.

Lin's stellar bus, the new structures in the body continue to thrive, and more recently formed a structure similar to the neural structure.

At the same time that the signal tower was sent to transmit signals with the rock skin, Lynn felt that there was some signal in these nerve structures.

These signals can be translated into specific content by Lin. Lin feels that this is not a coincidence, but that Ershi specifically ‘design’.

Ersh intends to explain these things to Lin at this time.

The content is about the collapse of the stellar bus, combined with some knowledge from the dream food...

Lynn already knows what is going on.

......... The situation is almost like this...

Collapse is mainly caused by changes in organs in the body.

The collapse of a stellar bus means that the organs involved in gravity and the organs involved in the movement begin to function abnormally, and eventually other organs are involved, causing the interior of the entire star bus to react violently.

This phenomenon will lead to large-scale earthquakes on the surface and so on. In the end, it will change the entire terrain, and even... the whole will be completely cracked, leaving a pile of floating debris. Simply put, the star bus shreds itself.

This phenomenon will appear on the stellar bus that is about to die. That is, the stellar bus that formed the ‘connected world’.

But in general, the process of collapse is stable.

Connected to the world's star buses, there will be no early or late collapse, usually all collapses will be carried out together.

if not like this. That means the exception has occurred.

This collapse will also affect other star buses. Whether it is young or adult, if a star bus approaches another star bus that is in a collapsed state, its organs may become abnormal.

This is like a common phenomenon. So usually other star buses will not be close to the kind of death.

The proximity mentioned here is not that the two are close together, but through various methods of contact, for example, what is transmitted or not.

The reason why Ersh wants to leave the place is related to this.

Ershi believes that the recent collapse of the World Star Bus will be directed to other normal star buses.

The location of the original Ershi is not a problem, but after some kind of malicious ... creatures ... to 'guide', it will be affected by this collapse, resulting in abnormal organs in the body. The whole body collapsed.

In order to avoid this collapse, Ershi left from the original position.

The rock skin is specially reserved for monitoring the original position. The rock skin is built to signal the situation there, but nothing has been found yet... This is a matter of course, because the time of the collapse has not yet To.

Lin had seen a lot of things about the collapse before, and the time of the collapse of Ershi was still a while away, although I don’t know how long.

But Lin has seen a collapse in connecting the world.

Lin learned from the neural structure of the stellar bus that this kind of guiding collapse is not only for Ershi, but also for many stellar buses. In general, it is a disaster for the stellar bus group.

Is there some creature that specifically made this way, trying to kill a lot of stellar buses? From the various information materials that Lin knew before, this is indeed the case.

But here is indicated. Ersh has another idea... It seems that it thinks it is a 'natural phenomenon', and those creatures just take the opportunity to come out at this time and pretend to be what they are.

In the information I saw before, the consensus is that those creatures are caused, but now Ershi believes that those creatures just took advantage of the opportunity.

Lin also suddenly had an idea. Lynn feels that Ershi may be able to pass information directly to this nervous system here.

However, this information is not perfect. Lin still feels that some wonderful part is that the stellar bus groups connecting the world did not collapse together. They are all connected to each other. At present, no signs are found, and the above creatures are still very active.

And is this stellar bus of Lin also affected?

And how did these collapses happen? Is there no way to defend the stellar bus except to avoid it?

However, since they can avoid it, it means that the threat should not be very big, like Ershi left the original position so early.

The task of Mars's rock skin, in addition to observing the original position of Ershi, also has the task of fighting.

If they encounter any suspicious creatures, they must attack it, but it obviously needs the rock skin to make warships, which is a bit difficult for them.

In the information that appeared in the nervous system, Lin found that there was no mention of the abnormal situation...that is, the stellar bus connecting the world did not collapse together. Why is there such an abnormality?

Because this is a big event, it has to be completely clear, but now it seems that nothing special can be done.

Recently, Lynn received a report about the Master. Its metal spiders have been exploring the stellar bus on the 'No. 1 Gate' for some time. According to its report, the creatures there are rare.

Although there are more than the dark world, it is completely incomparable to the side where the virtual private land is located. It seems to be a world that is about to collapse.

If they really collapse, it should stop, after all, so many interesting creatures live in the connected world.

All in all, let's take a look at the organs of the stellar bus that connect the world's underground. You should know more about it and maybe stop it. (To be continued.)

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