4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 849: New encounter

"It seems that we are on the verge..."

Under the bright sunshine, several machines are standing on a cliff overlooking the vast environment in front of them...

Brave, scholars, and... robbers and gnomes, while Lin was watching the rock in Mars, they continued their journey in this world.

"Look at that thing..."

The brave pointed the sword under the cliff, and there was a huge creature on the ground below. It looked like a huge worm composed of many rings stacked together. It has a body length of more than 30 meters and a tail circle. The ring is the smallest, and the ring that extends all the way to the head is getting bigger and bigger. The diameter of the ring on the head is more than six meters. At the same time, it looks like a round mouth. Now it is lifted high. At the beginning, there is a dazzling glow in his mouth.

There are a lot of raised mounds around this worm. The mound is covered with small holes. If the brave person turns on the telescopic function, you can see that there are many small things flying around the mound.

“Those are ‘escapers’.” The brave looked at the mound under the cliff; “We found them, do you want to... tell it?”

"No." Scholars also looked at the mounds in the telescope mode: "They have escaped slavery and started a new life here, so we should not let them return to slavery again. Look, they are here. How happy life is..."

'咕...' The scholar’s ​​words have not been finished yet. The ring worm next to the mound suddenly makes a strange sound. Its originally raised head suddenly bends downward, and the round mouth is built up. Only a mound high in the mound.

Then, the whole body of the worm trembled fiercely, which lasted for hundreds of seconds, and the worm raised the tail, spraying a lot of gravel from the end of the tail.

Then the worm lifted his head, and the mound that had been covered by it had already disappeared.

"It seems that the escaping people are not happy to live here," said the brave.

“Hey...” the scholar said: “Well, there are a lot of dangers everywhere.”

"At least their life is full." The robbers said: "Few creatures can experience so many deaths."

"Just they have had a lot of different memories." The scholar said: "These creatures... These escapers have made me very strong... um, touch."

Scholars, what they call ‘escapers’, are actually ‘historians’.

They have seen the war of the Tibetans who will not end soon. Later, the scholars heard about the overall situation of the Tibetans, and then communicated with the intelligent machines that proposed and controlled the Tibetans.

Intelligent machinery is also willing to communicate with scholars, telling scholars a lot of things... Scholars and intelligent machinery have been talking for a long time, so that they have learned about the situation of Tibetans.

Scholars are also very interested in the various ideas of this intelligent machine. It believes that intelligent machinery is like the general use of machinery to do things, it completely uses the creature to help it do things.

However, the Tibetans were not perfectly controlled, and the intelligent machinery finally told the scholars.

Many Tibetans are constantly fighting in various places, but these Tibetans are not in the battleship after all. It's outside, so occasionally there will be some ... escape situations.

It is said that these escaped Tibetans have arrived somewhere and then started a new life. They are also known as ‘escapers’.

Intelligent machines know that scholars travel and explore in this area, so they ask scholars to inform them if they find the escaped memory. If they succeed in catching them back, the smart machine will give it something in return.

Then, what the scholars just discovered is the Tibetans who escaped.

This group of Tibetans lived on the plains under the cliffs and built a building like a mound to live in it.

But their lives don't seem to be very smooth. Scholars have just seen it... they were eaten by the ‘ring worm’.

But just eating a mound, there are many mounds nearby, and scholars wonder why they choose to live in a place with such a dangerous creature.

It is like this ring worm can easily eat all of their mounds, which is equal to the Tibetans who live in the whole.

Moreover, the worm seems to have a very powerful processing power, it seems to be able to discharge all the debris such as sand and all the nutrients inside.

It seems that this is the case, so scholars intend to study here, and at the same time, it does not intend to tell the location of these hilarious rememberers.

After all, they don't seem to be easy to escape from control...

"Do you intend to study them?" The brave asked the scholar: "I also think these things are crazy. I live in such a dangerous place, but..."

The brave looked at the huge worm that moved between the mounds: "I want to see it, or test the new ... weapon."

Said, the brave took the sword back. Then I took out a small weapon from the waist and carefully looked at it and said, "How is this thing used?"

"This weapon is..." The scholar looked at the brave weapon with a surprised expression: "I remember it... give me a look."

Said, the scholar took the weapon in the hands of the brave, this weapon has some instructions written in the virtual language.

‘This weapon can shoot a sharp little warhead. Once hit, the hitter becomes something that cannot be guarded and slowly goes crazy. ’

"Don't use this kind of thing first..." After watching it for a while. The scholars put the weapon in the hands of the brave: "I think the worm has some strange places, we will observe it here for a while."

The scholar said that he also took out a thing from his waist, but this thing is not a weapon, but a circular object with a diameter of only one centimeter.

"I can use this..."

‘Hey! The scholars have not finished, a burst of sound suddenly interrupted it, scholars and brave people looked down the cliff, only to see the worm composed of the ring actually flew up from below.

"Wow, oh!" The gnome at the feet of the brave suddenly screamed. It jumped on the cliff and jumped to the worm, and instantly entered the worm's mouth.

"Bone!" Although the brave was very loud, but the speed of the worm did not stop, it rushed down from the cliff, the huge body squatted at the edge of the cliff, and pointed the brave with a large round mouth.

After a while, the worm rushed to the brave, and the brave also took out the big sword on the back and slammed it into the worm.

'clang! 'It’s like the sound of metal colliding, the sword of the brave and the mouth of the worm collided together. During the impact, the brave man with light weight flew backwards and slammed into a stone not far behind him. .

When the brave tried to climb from the cracked stone, the worm had rushed over again and bit it hard.

'boom! ’

But at this moment, a sound sounded.

The worm's movement suddenly stopped, and the scholar was holding a small weapon against the worm in the distance...

"This effect seems to be very powerful..." The scholar looked at the worm that stopped the action, and then said to the brave: "Quick now!"

"I know!" The brave immediately jumped up from the stone and slashed it on the worm's head with a big sword.

'clang! The metal's impact sounded again, but the sword did not cause any damage to the worm's head.

"I don't want you to cut it!" The scholar said quickly: "You are hiding from there first, I want to study..."

"Oh!" The worm suddenly moved again. Its head jerked and spit out the gnome that had been eaten before, and the worm fell to the ground and then tumbling.

It looks like it is very painful.

However, this only lasted for tens of seconds, and the worm once again entered a state of motionlessness.

"...what is this?"

Looking at the immobile worm, the scholar slowly approached it. In fact, it was not very clear about the effect of the weapon, and did not expect it to cause this effect.

"It seems like nothing." And the brave is confirming the state of the gnome, it found that there are many scars on the gnome, of course, now it is not painful, so the gnome looks indifferent.

"Now maybe research can be done..."

Before the scholar came to the head of the worm, he looked a little hesitant at the round mouth of the worm.

"You don't need to hesitate." The robbers said on the shoulders of the scholar: "Going forward is a better choice than hesitation."


The scholar then came into contact with the worm, because the worm did not move again, it can well study the worm.

Soon, scholars discovered that this worm is not general, and the research time is a little longer...

Moreover, scholars almost know why Tibetans live here.

The inside of the body of the worm's ring, there are many different sizes, similar to the structure of the 'arm'.

These arms quickly break down objects as they swallow the object, such as the mounds of the sorcerer, which can quickly disassemble the entire mound and then pick out the useful things inside, and useless things. Will be discharged to the back.

However, the most important thing is that the worms selected the Tibetans hidden in the mounds are not entirely for food, they have more complex systems in their bodies, and some Tibetans may be selected and used as a living. 'residents' in the worm body.

Living in it has a very good ... treatment, so these Tibetans built the mound here in fact to actually give the worm to eat.

Scholars think so, there are still some problems that are not understood, but scholars are also very concerned about the effect of that weapon.

That weapon seems to make all the inhabitants of the worm... go crazy. (.)

Ps: Thank you ~ is the Eastern era is ~ o Shangguan Phoenix o ~ big flood ~ poor tracker ~ monthly ticket ~

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