4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 850: communicate with

“Is it a kind of creature? I have to admit that it is dangerous.”

Here is a... not too big a space.

There is something in this space that looks like a tree, and the place where the radius of the tree is more than ten meters is dark.

Here is the dream space that the creator's new creator came out, much smaller than the original one.

It's not just because of the re-establishment, but also because the creators have created the world at a slower rate than before.

Because it wants to add a lot of ... defensive system here, in order to prevent the dream food from taking its dreams again, the creators need more time to set defenses here.

Lin recently came here, and told the creator a little about...dreaming about things.

The creator feels a little bit about the situation of the dream food... Surprise, the creator rarely has this kind of emotion, and Lin knows that it has a very strong interest in the dream food.

"So, it killed me a lot of similar?" The creator waved the tentacles and said: "But it knows that it can't really hurt me, because I already know it, I have acquired a part of it... I can devour its world."

It seems that the creator is right. From the memory of the dream food, the creatures such as the creator are not afraid of the dream creature.

For the average creature, the dream creature is invisible and seems to be a very difficult object to deal with.

But for the creators, it seems that dream creatures are very good at dealing with them. They can influence and transform dream energy... So for creators, dream creatures can hardly hurt them, and relative creators are more afraid of real creatures.

Lynn thinks that the creators may be the 'elites' who deal with dreams, or the creators that the dreams encounter may be special. In short... they are hardly hurt by dream creatures.

"Yes, fluff, you mentioned its world." The creator continued: "The place where it is called home, I feel... it is a very good world, it is a mixture of reality and dreams. The perfect world, I think I have a new goal."

Lynn questioned: "What is the new goal?"

"You talk about the world of dreams. Fluffy." The creator said: "In your description, the creatures there have... near perfect life, the creatures in the dream and the real creatures work together to form a complete world……"

Lin asked: "Isn't this the same?"

"No. The dream symbiosis here is just a 'creative' compared to it." The creator said: "The place is more complete, you know, fluff, now I have extracted the core of the dream, so I can Feel some of its emotions. When you mentioned 'homeland', I felt it, in the distant void, the most desirable place for dream food."

"I will have it, fluff, I will always pursue a more perfect world." The creator said: "I have already felt the shortcomings here, and there will be my new goal."

"That is... you want to go to the ‘homeland’ of the dream food?” Lin felt very wonderful about this, because when talking about the things of dreaming, Lin just mentioned a little about the home.

As a result, the creator suddenly felt that there was a more perfect world and decided to go to that place... This may indeed be related to the creator extracting the core from the dream food.

Then, Lin asked: "Do you know where it is?"

"It's somewhere... I can find that place. I have the core of it, I will discover its memory, know where the world is! Its world will belong to me..." The creator showed a kind Very excited emotion: "Yes... that perfect world..."

"However, the dream food is not completely dead." Lin said: "There will be a lot of danger... and how do you go?"

"Danger is not worth mentioning, fluff..." The creator said: "I will find a way, a very convenient way, the world is destined to show up in front of me!"

It seems that the creator has made up his mind. Lin believes that the creator seems to be very good at dealing with dream creatures, but... there are so many dream creature creators that are difficult to deal with, which is why Lin came here.

“Can you produce... or make those things?” Lin said to the creator: “This is the main reason I came.”

"Fleece..." The creator instantly understood what Lynn said. It suddenly had some 'angry' emotions, but it quickly disappeared, and it also said to Lin: "Do you want to see those despicable, small, and foolish things more than fools? They can make perfect again. The world is full of embarrassment."

"They are very useful." Lin said: "They can make ... the enemy full of embarrassment."

The small nucleus has been tested as a weapon, and it turns out that these creatures can indeed be used as weapons, and they may be powerful weapons.

Lynn also feels that such weapons may be able to effectively deal with the current ... enemy.

But the small nucleators have a problem... they can't breed, so the current small nucleators are a fixed number, and if you want to increase the number. Of course, it is to find the creators who have produced them.

"This is an interesting idea, fluff." The creator said: "Every creature expects its enemy to be a fool, so they will be vulnerable."

"What is your enemy? Fluffy, who do you expect to become vulnerable? Which world do you want to hurt? What do you want to be full of?" The creator asked: "No matter what it is, I feel The word sad is very suitable for it."

After all, I have experienced it, so the creator is very clear.

"So let's test it now." Lin said: "Can you make these creatures again here?"

"Fleece, there is indeed this possibility." The creator said: "The despicable objects will reappear according to your needs, but you must take them away quickly, although I have not planned to build a perfect world here, but also I don't want this place to be contaminated again."

“Of course.” Lin said: “Using them to solve some... problems may also help you find ‘homes’.”

"Then try to look at it, fluff." The creator said: "I recently learned more about my core... I have acquired some of the mysteries inside, and some parts may be rebuilt."

"Those things of despicableness will also be produced again in the process of construction." (To be continued.)

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