4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 851: Residents in the ring

Legend has it that there is such a creature.

It has a huge body shape and lives in a connected world. According to legend, this creature is specially adapted to the surrounding biological groups.

There are quite a few...small civilizations in this position that connects the world.

It is a civilization composed of small creatures. These small creatures are usually only one centimeter in size. Their living society is very complicated, but the occupied territory is not large.

Many tiny civilizations live a fixed life, have fixed territories, and they are rarely involved in other environments... just living in a safe zone they have built.

Every tiny civilization is usually under the ground, or within some huge, heavy objects, and they strive to ensure that they do not invade the enemy and continue their lives.

Therefore, these tiny civilizations often have thoughts of looking outside, but they are too dangerous outside, and they dare not leave their own territory.

Some tiny civilizations have succeeded. They are called 'grooves'. They grasp some creatures to transform it, transform that creature into a carrier, leave their own territory, and see the rich and colorful environment outside.

Of course, not all creatures have this technique of worms, and most of them have always lived in fixed places.

Unless you encounter... this legendary creature.

This creature is called a legend by many tiny civilizations. The main reason is that this creature gives them a chance... to leave from the fixed territory and live in the outside world.

This legendary creature looks like a huge worm made up of a large number of rings because it is very long, but it is not a worm, but a very strange creature.

Some tiny civilizations call it the 'city of the ring', and it does fit the name.

When the City of the Ring touches a tiny civilization, it tries to engulf the tiny creatures in front of us.

It can tell whether these tiny creatures are civilizations, and after they are swallowed in, it will classify this group of creatures in the body.

It has many small limbs in its body and a complex resolution system. You can distinguish between the swallowed debris and the tiny civilized creatures.

Those civilized creatures will be temporarily placed in a space and stunned by methods such as anesthesia.

During the coma of civilized creatures, it will quickly and in detail examine the details of these civilizations.

For example, what kind of civilization these civilized creatures belong to. Their usual habits and ideas, etc., are all clear.

If it thinks that this civilization is too low-level, it will break down these civilizations as food.

If it believes that this civilization is in conformity, then such civilized creatures will be preserved.

Then, it will quickly begin to construct the "housing area" of this group of civilized creatures in the body.

This 'residential area' will be very suitable for civilized living. All such civilized creatures will be prepared to be comfortable, and then it will wake up this group of civilizations and let them live in residential areas.

In this way, the group of creatures officially became a part of the city of the ring. They also left the original territory and contacted the outside world to live a new life.

Although there is still some difference from the ideal.

The newly born civilizations will quickly understand where they live, the inner environment of this 'circle city'.

Just like the name, the 'City of the Rings' is a huge city, divided into many areas. And living in a variety of different micro-civilized creatures.

Each micro-civilized creature has a specific residential area and its own mission here.

Some creatures are responsible for maintaining the overall environment, some creatures are armed, usually do not do things, but need to appear in battle.

There are also some creatures responsible for the construction, they are to build all the biological needs, housing, buildings and so on.

The residential areas of the newly-inhabited creatures are also built by them, and there are also manufacturers who are responsible for making weapons and other things.

Usually different tasks. There are different kinds of tiny civilizations responsible, they are usually arranged for the most suitable task, and then live together in this huge ... ring city.

So many different kinds of creatures live together, and there will always be conflicts. Therefore, no civilized creature has the task of acting as a manager.

The ones that manage them are the city of the ring itself.

The city of the ring itself is a huge creature, not only carrying this group of tiny civilizations moving around, but also controlling this group of small creatures.

It monitors every corner of the body and sanctions creatures that violate the 'law' in the city.

The City of the Ring is also responsible for assigning tasks to small creatures, ensuring that this group of small things living in it maintains a peaceful life.

Generally speaking. The small creatures living in the city of the ring will be very satisfied with this life, and willing to work together for the entire city of the ring.

The only thing that dissatisfied them is that the city of the ring has restricted their reproduction.

The City of Rings does not allow any tiny creatures to increase in number in the body. If there is a vacancy, it will find new civilizations to swallow, rather than let the body's creatures reproduce.

Because each organism has a different life span, the city of the ring usually maintains the fullness of the body's civilized creatures without a long period of loss.

In addition to this dissatisfaction, they lived in the inner city of the ring and it was quite comfortable, so they are happy to live in it.

However, in general, reproduction is the most important thing for many creatures, so there are some special ways to limit their proliferation.

After solving this problem, the city of the ring is very peaceful.

When encountering danger or ... prey, the city of the ring will spit out the troops that have been on standby in the body, let them fight with the enemy, and when there are more biological losses in the body, the city of the ring will Go to some of the micro-civilized territories and look for joiners.

When going to the territory of the micro-civilization, the city of the ring will promote itself in a way similar to 'broadcasting', let the creatures of the micro-civilization know that it is coming, and let them know that they can move to their own bodies, in propaganda, The city of the ring will continue to praise its own environment, so that civilized creatures think that living in it is a great thing.

Therefore, they are very willing to leave the original place and live in the city of the ring.

Sometimes, the City of Rings will directly devour a group of civilized creatures without propaganda. Although this behavior is very sudden, the creatures that are swallowed will always be willing to join this huge mobile city.

There are many miniature civilizations that know the city of the ring, and its legend has always been circulated among every micro-civilization.

Many creatures are looking forward to the arrival of the city of the ring, they all want to live in this legendary city to see.

Scholars have been very curious about the city of the ring.

So it has been studying this wonderful creature all the time, and what makes it the most amazing thing is that the City of Rings can keep the peace of the city.

The City of Rings seems to be able to communicate with every resident in the city, ensuring that they are completely under their control, and while maintaining complete control, each resident is considered to have some privacy, so that they will not have opinion.

This approach is of great interest to scholars... However, this method of control can also be counterproductive at some point.

If there is a problem with the mental state of the city of the ring itself, then the whole city will have a big problem...

This is the city of the ring that scholars are studying.

At this time, the scholar is standing at the mouth of the city of the ring, and it is reaching into the mouth of the city of the ring so that it can detect the situation inside.

"Why can't you be so guarded? Why are you all this kind of thing? I have to kill you all the things that can't be guarded... Hey! Are you listening?"

A crazy ‘sound’ echoed in the city of the ring.

Under its proliferation, the city of the ring itself has been motionless. I don't know if it is too much stimulation, or want to faintly avoid the ‘sound’ that will make any creature go crazy.

However, although the city of the ring does not move by itself, the creatures in it do not.

They didn't take this sound seriously at first, it seemed to be just a strange broadcast.

But slowly, the creatures living inside find this sound irreplaceable. It won't be covered by any other noise, and it will always appear in the most important position in the brain.

That's mainly because the city of the ring originally had the ability to communicate with each biological world in the brain.

So, this crazy voice also appeared directly in the brains of these creatures.

Then they started to go mad.

They are constantly thinking of any way to avoid this sound. The content of the sound is not the focus. The point is that no creature is willing to let a voice cover all his thoughts. In the process of trying to avoid this sound, these original peace. The creatures living in the city of the ring are in conflict with each other.

They attack each other, even self-mutilation or suicide, in order to make this sound smaller.

Some creatures detonated some of the energy supply rooms in the city, and the madness made them want to use the explosion to expel this sound.

Some of the more rational creatures know how to fly out with some aircraft, but the interior of the entire ring city has fallen into a panic like the end.

Scholars want to stop this panic from continuing, but it doesn't know what to do... (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~ Nighthawk Changming~ The monthly ticket~

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