4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 852: deal with

"How is it going?"

Under the brilliant sunshine, scholars and brave people are standing in front of a huge, ring-shaped creature.

"The little creatures inside are still playing against each other, they are completely mad." The scholar shook his head and pulled his hand out of the big round mouth.

"This weapon is terrible. It can destroy the whole...mixed civilization." The scholar said: "I don't know if I can stop this process."

"I remember there is a way, remember that there is a ... manual." The brave said: "But I just found it and didn't find it, it seems to have been lost."

"Then can I just look at this... the destruction of the city of the ring?" The scholar said: "It's a shame, I want to know more about them."

Scholars' understanding of the habits of the entire Ring City is mainly from an ‘Information Interpretation Device’ on their new assembly. This special device can interpret the language of some miniature civilizations.

Some creatures have lived in the city of the ring for a long time, and they have built a place in it... which can be called a library, in which the living state of the city of the ring is recorded.

Coupled with some speculations from scholars, it knows the overall habit of the city of the ring, but it feels that this is not enough. It wants to study this creature more, because there are still many unknown places, such as the previous ring. Why did the city attack them, but it seems unlikely now, because they are all crazy...

"This seems to be just a cub." The brave stood on the edge of the cliff and said: "We may be able to find the study, the bigger one."

"Puppy?" The scholar stood up and walked to the brave's side and looked down the cliff. He saw it on the distant land... There was such a huge creature.

It is also a city of rings, and each of its 'rings' has a diameter of more than ten meters, and the overall length is also above 100 meters, which is much larger than the scholar's side only 30 meters long.

The action of this huge ring city is also very slow. It crawls slowly on the ground and swallows a piece of stone in front of it.

"It's incredible..." The scholar looked at the huge city of the ring: "What kind of civilization... there? Maybe you can understand all the miniature civilizations in this neighborhood as long as you understand it!"

"We should look at it in the past."

"Exactly. Then look for opportunities... get close to it."

......... at the same time, on the other side.........

"This thing is a preliminary explosive test."

In the underground laboratory of the virtual private land, a pompom and a metal spider are working together to look at a transparent wall in front.

Behind the transparent wall. It has a spherical body made of metal.

"After this thing explodes, the 'energy' inside will spread and then affect the surrounding creatures." Metal spiders said: "Based on this, you can make more powerful works, after all, they If the number can multiply, then there is no limit."

"..." The pompom did not say anything, and Lin was thinking about something.

Previously, after talking with the creators, Lin found that it was indeed possible to continue to create more small nucleators at the creators, and these small nucleators could be used as weapons.

As weapons, they have a lot of good places, mainly because they don't cause massive damage. Now they are not only attacking, but also the way to recycle them.

Lin has developed some methods to quickly recover the small nucleus thrown out, which gives this weapon better control.

But this method is only for small guardian weapons. If you really create a bomb that can blow up countless small nucleators, you need a better way to recycle them.

It is hard to say how many creatures can be effective for a small nucleus weapon, but Lynn can confirm that it is definitely effective for a creature. Lin mainly uses them to deal with that creature.

It should be almost the beginning now...

Speaking of it, Lin gave the brave a small nucleus weapon to test it. According to the brave report, it seems that the effect is very good for many creatures here, but it says that I forgot how to recycle it...

"The next time you should study ‘radiation’.” The metal spider next to the pompom said: “Put them in the kind of ray-like weapon and you can accurately make any target unprotected.”

"But..." the metal spider went on to say: "It's not quite clear how to shoot them out as rays, and there are many problems that have not been dealt with."

"Only you need a powerful bomb." Pompon said: "Make a bigger, wider range of bombs. This should have been simple."

"That is of course, but... I want to study more powerful weapons." Metal Spider said: "This is a pretty... valuable thing."

It seems that the Dean is very addicted to this matter, just like the machinery that he used to like to study the spiral creator.

"So, you continue to study it. I study other things."

Said, Lin's pompoms flew to the entrance of the room, and after a little poke of the door, the door slammed open.

After the door, a virtual guard was standing. When he saw the pompoms, he immediately said, "That... the general has a message."

Said. It handed an image device to the pompom, and after the pompom was taken over, it saw the words of the general's message on the screen.

The content is generally like this. The general said that a botanical botanist recently reported to it that a special microbe was found near the camp. The plants parasitized by the microbes grew much faster and found no side effects. If you use them, you can quickly green the 'new world' wasteland.

However, it is still not at ease, so I would like to ask if the pompons can bring the microbes here back.

After thinking for half a second, Lin wrote ‘I don’t know’ on the reply to the message, then stuffed it back to the virtual people, and then flew away.

So there are still some other things to do now.

The pompom flew over the camp, overlooking the environment from a high altitude, and looked at the sky in the distance.

Lin intends to build a 'collapse prediction device' here, which can predict in many ways whether this place will collapse.

At the same time, I have to dig underground to see the organs of this stellar bus. Lin feels that there may be many problems in the process of digging down.

Because there are many creatures in the strata, especially those...there are a lot of tiny civilizations, and there may be some considerable... troubles among them. (~^~)

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