‘Hey! ’

Lynn simulates the sound.

A ten-meter-long, metal-covered 'missile' flew out of the pagoda's tower, passing at high speed between the rocks, and soon approached its goal...

The group consisted of black fog made up of micromachines.


No obstacles, no missiles into the black fog, and then a little flash in it to completely dissipate.

In Lin's thoughts, a dull bombardment sound was simulated.

It seems...

‘Hey! ‘Lin heard another voice.

In the black mist, a dazzling ray of light illuminates quickly, and it rushes to the surface in the dark mist, like a volcanic lava that erupts into the void.

'boom! After a short moment, Lin felt that the floating rock that had just been attacked was hit... The distance of tens of thousands of kilometers is like no such thing. The floating rock with a diameter of more than 600 meters is in a brilliant light. It turns into a powder and sprinkles it around the void.

"Awesome counterattack..." The mayor could not help but scream: "It has never responded like this... This is the first time I have seen it."

Because 44, from the shooting point to the shooting target, almost all of the floating rocks on the way are placed on the eye for observation, so you can see the complete process, shooting from here to hit the target, as well as the target's counterattack Floating floating rock.

Of course, these scenes are also reflected in the video installation of the mayor's office, so the mayor and Lin can ‘appreciate’ all this together.

At present, it seems that the micro-machine will not intercept the attack against it, but it will quickly counterattack, and the counter-attack speed is quite fast. The way of attack is similar to the high-temperature light group used by the brain.

After the counterattack, the micromachine did not make any further action. It didn't look to see if there were more goals or what to do.

At least not in Lynn’s eyes.

Then, try to see what will happen next time. The floating rock just now is an attack point set by Lin near the micro-mechanical position.

It can't be regarded as a base, it's just a stone with a turret and some missiles. There are no creatures on it.

Now Lin has made a lot of such attack points, the distance is different, this time I try... an attack point of 170,000 kilometers.

This time it was a relatively small stone, more than two hundred meters in diameter, and it looks no different from ordinary stone.

However, its surface will slowly open, like a shell of shellfish, in the whole two, revealing the attack system inside.

The process of opening it is very slow, this is what Linde deliberately made, and what happens when such conspicuous movements are manifested. The movement of this stone should be easy to find, unless ... the micro-mechanical is not visible in places as close as 100,000 kilometers away.

As a result... nothing happens.

When the stone was completely open, Lin found that the micro-machine did not make any attack. Lin felt that they had several possibilities. One was to have a high confidence in their strength... so they planned to be attacked. Then fight back.

And what other plans might it have... In short, the most unlikely thing is that it didn't find the stone.

If this is the case, then let me talk first.

‘Hey! ’

In a stone that opens like a shell, a beam of light shines straight out. Instantly hit the surface of the black mechanical fog.

After a while, Lin once again saw the previous scene. The place where the micro-machine was hit lit up.

‘Hey! 'Lin's stone suddenly bursts out of energy from one side and moves toward the back of a stone.

At this point, the micro-mechanical attack also came here.

Although farther away, the hit time was not much different from the previous one. After a moment, Lin’s stone was crushed together with the stone used as a shield in front.

This power is very powerful, and Lin feels that it can adjust the power. It is stronger than before.

Lin felt that the micro-machine should notice that Lin's stone hid behind another stone, so it had to increase its power to attack.

"It seems that my troops can't easily face it." The mayor said, "It's too easy to be hit by it. Although it is hit first, it will fight back, but we don't know how to use it." A powerful firepower can destroy it at once."

"The test is not over yet."

When Lin said this, the third stone was ready.

This stone is quite close. Only a few thousand kilometers away, its attack method is not a long-range attack, but...

‘Hey! ’

The stone, about 500 meters in diameter, moved in the void, and the burst of energy allowed it to speed up rapidly, and it was like a meteorite that rushed to the micro-mechanical black mist.

They... no response.

The meteorite rushed to the black fog at high speed and fell into the surface of the black fog.

Although this stone is very large, it feels like a small stone thrown into the sea when it falls into the dark fog, and it has hardly set off any waves.

Lin can see what happens to the stone that enters the black fog, and it is slowly getting smaller and smaller.

This looks like a micromechanical attack. They are breaking down the stone, and the stone hundreds of meters in diameter will soon disappear into the dark fog.

However, when the last point is left...

'boom! The brilliant light burst out in the dark mist, which is the last effect of this stone.

Then... there was no reaction, and everything about the stone disappeared.

There was no follow-up counterattack in the micro-machine. It did not strike the direction in which the stone flew over, nor did it do anything else.

This makes Lin feel a bit strange. If you follow this reaction, you may now be able to use a powerful weapon to blast it all at once.

Or... is it better to use other methods?

Lin fell into a state of a little hesitation.

With a small nucleus, Lin mainly wants that this battle will not cause some extra damage. After all, most of the powerful weapons are not stable.

Lin also can't fully confirm that there is no way to defend the micro-machines. At present, it seems that it is not.

"They have new information!"

Suddenly, Lynn heard the mayor's speech, and it shouted nervously: "It seems like they are going to start what action to do, what to do... I...being..."

It looked as though it was trying to read the information in the brain, and Lynn noticed... something happened outside. (To be continued...)

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