"They... they are ready to start building bridges."

“Building a bridge?”

When the mayor said this, Lin saw the micro-mechanics begin a new movement.

The surface of the black mist slowly extended a black...like a tentacle.

The tentacle has a diameter of more than three hundred meters. It grows rapidly after it protrudes from the surface of the black mist. It should be made up of countless micro-machines, but the appearance does not look like a micro-machined black mist. There is a clear 'graininess', but a whole.

Lin thinks that the micro-machine looks like a huge fog. The main reason is that the micro-machines inside are gathered together into small objects like water droplets. Although I don’t know why they do this, but this extended tentacle It is completely integrated, so you can't see any gaps.

It grew faster and faster, and stretched out to the nearest piece of floating rock, and Lin watched it slowly touch the floating rock, and then... it was drilled into the rock.

It seems to slowly break down the surface of the rock and drill into the rock.

Then, the tentacles penetrated the rock completely, drilled to the other side of the rock, and continued to stretch farther.

"What are the purposes of their construction of this 'bridge'?" Lin looked at the situation and asked the pompon to ask the mayor.

“It seems to be...in order to expand the scope of the 'collapse'!” The mayor said: “It wants to inflate itself!”

Expanding? This doesn't look like it's bloated.

Looking at the tentacle that continued to stretch out, Lynn decided to take another test. Thinking about it. Lynn let a piece of rock in the distance slowly stretch out the 'bore' and aim at the tentacle.

The tentacle is now almost twenty kilometers in length. This length feels very long, but it is quite short compared to the entire black fog group. Now I don't know what effect it will have to interrupt it.

'boom! ’

Immediately afterwards, a missile flew out of Lynn's rock and directed straight to the tentacles that the black fog group had stretched out.

'boom! 'As usual. Without interception, no defense, the missile hit directly above the tentacle, and the glimmering light caused the extended tentacle to blast in the middle, and the tentacles broke into two.

At the same time, Lynn also noticed that the micro-mechanical fog group began to emit light, it seems that hitting the tentacle and hitting itself, it will also trigger its counterattack.

However, before being countered. Lynn has moved the rock that she just attacked and let it hide behind the rock.

But this time, hiding is not a single rock, between the rocks from the black fog to Lin, there are a total of ... a hundred floating rocks.

Micromachines are still attacking.

When it sputtered out of the light, it instantly hit the stone in the forefront.

The brilliance of the explosion turned it into a pile of debris. Together with the detritus. There are five stones behind it.

They are only a few tens of meters apart, and the diameter is less than one hundred meters, but the seventh stone after the six stones... its distance may have been affected by the fact that it has reached ten kilometers.

Even if something blocks the target, the micromachine will counterattack.

But so there is no target to destroy, what will it do?

In this way, it has been almost... a few hundred seconds.

The rock that Lin attacked was still there, hiding behind the 93 stones... The micro-machine did not attack again, which made Lin feel wonderful.

Is there no weapon that micromachines can turn? After the first time I missed it, I will not continue to attack. This makes Lin even feel that the micro-mechanical counterattack is an 'automatic defense system'.

It was Lin who beat it and it hit it back. A fully automatic behavior.

When thinking about it, Lin also looked at the tentacle that was interrupted by Lin. Now its section has not continued to grow, but it has been interrupted.

The same is true of the interceptor who was interrupted. It did not move or grow, and it looked like an arrow piercing a rock.

For this strange reaction, Lynn decided to start the next move...

'boom! ’

Suddenly, Lin saw the flash of the explosion. The attacking stone that had hidden behind the rock of the 93 rocks exploded. It suffered... attack.

But this attack is not from the black fog of the micro-mechanical, but from other angles, so it can hit this position.

What angle does this attack come from? There is a view of Lin's perspective across countless floating rocks.

It was a stone from a distance of almost 60,000 kilometers. In fact, the attack was quite inconspicuous... without the dazzling flash of the previous one, before Lin attack, Lin did not see anything like a harbinger of this stone. .

Even the objects launched during the attack are almost invisible. It is a cylindrical object with a length of about ten meters. The color of itself is almost invisible in this virtual environment.

And most of the detection methods can't sense it. This is a kind of hidden ability. Although Lin still sees it, Lin's ‘eyes’ are everywhere here.

The power is not very powerful, because Lin’s attacking stone is only over 60 meters in size. The original attack is that it is small and suitable for hiding behind various large stones. When it is destroyed, there is no explosion. Spread too far.

The rock that attacked Lin was about a kilometer in size. It looked like any other stone, and there were many small holes on the surface.

These holes look very natural, but the attack was just from a small hole.

It is possible that micromachines are not only concentrated in the center of the floating rock, but also scattered throughout the place, except that the micromachines in the surrounding area are not as conspicuous as the black fog group, they are hidden deep.

Lin had thought about this before, so Lin also felt that it was impossible to completely destroy all the micro-machines.

If they are hiding in the surrounding floating rocks, what is their number? Lin has detected some stones and has not found any abnormalities before.

However, Lin did not detect all the stones, so some places where micro-machines were hidden were not taken for granted.

What makes Lin more concerned is why they are so conspicuous in the central area, so deep in other places? Is it specially done to attack Lin?

Lin thinks it should be impossible, there should be other reasons...

“Is there any new information?” thought, Lin asked the mayor.

Now the mayor’s brain is still undergoing ‘treatment’, that is, a small nucleus is clearing the fear energy for it.

However, the purpose of this treatment has been different from before, because Lin found that the information in the mayor's brain will change during the process of clearing the fear energy of the small nucleus.

It seems that because of the elimination of this ‘stimulus’, there will be new information about micro-machines in the mayor’s mind.

"There is nothing new..." The mayor said: "But they seem to be constantly updating their ideas, which is hard to describe..."

The mayor had not finished, and Lin went into the dream of the mayor.

"What are you doing here! I haven't finished the things here!"

In the moment of entering, Lin saw a small light group flying in front of Lin's eyes. Lin did not pay attention to it, but flew behind it.

"Ah! Don't go over! There is no guardian yet!"

When I flew to the area where the little nucleator was still full of fear energy, Lin felt something... indeed it was like the micromachines updating their ideas there.

The main content is almost like this:

‘Scenario 1: Disapproval, cull. ’

‘Scenario 2: Better, but not perfect, cull. ’

‘Scenario 3: It’s great, but the implementation period must be delayed and not eliminated. ’

That's almost the case, as the content of the program is not shown here.

But what micromachines are planning, this is for sure, then Lin wakes up.

"Continue to pay attention to their information."

After explaining the words of the mayor, Lin turned her attention to the void and looked at the rock that was one kilometer long. Lin had not yet done anything about it.

This stone is obviously a micro-mechanical base, but it is hidden here and Lin thinks a lot of things.

So, let's test an idea now.

Thinking, Lin started another attack stone.

This attacking stone is about 10,000 kilometers away from the micro-mechanical base rock. It is a relatively close distance. Lin let the attacking stone aim at it, and then the surface of the attacking stone flies out a spherical object.

This spherical object is also a kind of hidden ability made by Lin.

When it is close to the target for a distance of about one kilometer, the spherical object emits a large number of signals to the surroundings.

This kind of signal can spread to a very long range and can...

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the ball exploded, and the attack came from the base rock. It seems that the micro-machine seems to care about this signal.

But it has no use for bombing the ball because the signal has already been sent out.

And these signals can also be received by another creature, that is...

Sure enough, this is the same as Lin’s thought. Lin’s perspective in the distance has noticed that some very large objects appear in the void.

It looks like a very soft material, but it has a diameter of more than 700 meters and it drifts quickly to the micro-mechanical base rock.

This is the same as Lin thinks... the reason that micromachines must be hidden outside is because gel creatures attack them.

When Lin sends their position signals, the gel creatures will destroy them. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ bursts of bruises ~ night eagle long Ming ~ 112211211212 ~ monthly ticket ~

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