4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 758: Full strength?

Ps: This is the eight hundred and fifty-eight chapters...


The explosion that Lynn saw was not always violent. Oh,

For example, this explosion, Lin saw a pile of cracked dust, no flames...

Some are just a bunch of scattered...chips.

This is the attack of the gel creature. Lin saw the diameter of more than 700 meters, and the gel-like object throws a small piece of the body to the micro-mechanical base.

Yes, it is a small piece from the body, and then throw it to the target, this attack is very slow, and the distance is very close, almost flying to a distance of 10,000 kilometers, the gel is carried out on the base Secondary attack.

However, the micro-mechanical base did not counterattack, did not blast the gel, but stayed there and was knocked out.

After the target was blown up, the huge gel flew in the other direction. Looking at it, Lin confirmed some things and had many questions.

Lin believes that micro-mechanics may not dare to 'bluntly' expand in the floating rock ground should be related to gel creatures.

Speaking of it, what is the connection between eyesight and daring? Because the purpose is very clear, will the courage open?

Regardless of that, the phenomenon that Lynn sees now is that gel creatures have a lot of opinions on the bases of micromachines. Before using the signalling ball to tell the gel creatures that they are the bases of micromachines, they immediately came to attack. .

But why does the gel creature ignore the micromachines in the central area?

There is also the ‘bridge' behavior of micro-machines, which protruded from it and pierced a rock, and the gel creature did not pay attention to it.

May be the relationship too close? In short, what are the characteristics of micromachines in the central area, so that the gel creatures do not attack, or Lin feels that they may have set some kind of agreement.

'boom! ’

at this time. Lin discovered the brilliance of the explosion. The attacking stone that Lynn used to launch the signal ball was hit by a ray of light, and it instantly vanished.

This attack is from the black mist of the micro-mechanical, and the attack is more obvious, and the gel creature will not...

At the same time, Lin also saw the tentacles that had been blown up before and continued to grow from the section. but. The reason for this growth seems to be a little different from before...

Lin watched it grow for a short while, then grabbed another broken tentacle floating in the void, and then did not continue to extend, but shrank back...

Slowly, Lin watched the entire tentacle retracted into the black fog along with the pierced rock. The rock became smaller and smaller at the moment of entering the black fog, and finally disappeared completely.

Just retracted, don't you plan to continue building the 'bridge'? Lin was wondering what it was trying to do, and the mayor suddenly made a sound.

"They plan to go on another stage of the plan!" The mayor said: "They have to start building a lot of bridges!"

After the mayor said it. Lin saw that the surface of the black fog group began to stretch out a lot... tentacle.

The number of these tentacles is a total of ... one hundred, they are spread over different positions on the surface of the black fog, each of which has a thickness of more than three hundred meters, and quickly spread out.

Is this their next stage plan? So Lynn thinks...

Almost the same should be tested.

Thinking, Lin let the massive attacking stones that spread in the floating rock group begin to move, and they are quite numerous, and Lin can use them for tests that last for quite a long time.

But Lynn now decides to skip those little tests to make bigger moves. That is……

'boom! ! ! ’

At this moment, thousands of attack stones are from different locations. Different distances attacked the micro-mechanical black mist.

A variety of light beams, missiles, bombs, stones, and light lumps, etc., flew away from the micromachine, a moment later. The surface of the black mist is like a water surface, bursting out of waves that are formed by explosions.

The explosion also bloomed on the tentacles that it tried to stretch out. When hundreds of roars sounded in Lin Si's thoughts, all the tentacles turned gray.

No one tentacle can stretch out.

The attack lasted for a little while. It stopped temporarily.

The surface of the micro-mechanical black mist group looks like a tumbling person who has been bombarded by a large number of meteorites. It has become pitted and seems to have suffered enormous damage.

This step of testing seems to be less like testing, and like a full-fledged attack, then, Lynn feels... it should also respond.

'boom! The first explosion rang, and Lin’s piece attacked the petrified powder.

In addition, there are several other micro-mechanical attacks that flash in the void and shine in the floating rock group.

Lynn's several attacking stones also dissipated, but one piece managed to hide behind another large rock, so it was safe.

So many attacking stones, did it counter the few? And it was also successfully escaped.

If this is the case, then continue to attack, if its counterattack is so weak, it may not be eliminated.

'boom! ’

The attacking stone forces once again attacked the black fog group, and countless attacks roared on the target.

At the moment of the attack, all the attacking stones also carried out the evasive action. They hid behind the nearby big stones, or hid behind a lot of rocks. At this moment they all had shields.

The surface of the micro-mechanical black fog also illuminates the counterattack.

Its surface is like a volcano with a lot of volcanoes. In the surging black fog, a ray of light bursts out, accurately hitting the position where each attack stone hides.

‘Boom! ’

At this moment, it seems that a star illuminates the floating rocky ground, and the large dark areas become bright and incomparable.

The floating rocky land may have been such a beautiful fireworks for a long time, and many of the creatures living on the rock blocks have been drilled from their hiding points, and they are trying to escape in the distance with horror.

Although the effect is shocking, most of Lynn's attacking rocks are still alive.

They fly out of the hidden rock, or just stay at the hiding point and continue to attack the micromachine.

Although the micro-mechanical black mist has the size of a tumbling person, it is scattered after all, and there is no quality of the usual tumbling.

If they are attacked in succession, they will only get fewer and fewer, and finally they will completely dissipate. (To be continued...)

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