4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 861: After the fire

'Snapped! ’

A thing that is accelerated to a very fast speed disappears into the void.

Then, it will appear in the floating rock field in an instant, and rush to its target micro-mechanical fog group, and completely destroy this target.

But... before this happened, another explosion occurred on the floating rock.

A flash of light, swiftly passing through countless floating rocks, it flew away toward a target.

This goal is a creature that flies in the floating rock group, and is also one of the branches of Lin, with a soft octopus in the form of Clark.

The flash hit it and shredded its body in an instant. Because of this, Lin has no way to carry this step forward.

Playing really is quite accurate... After feeling that Clarke was blown up, Lin thought that this micro-mechanical is not too simple.

It may be that it knows what Lin wants to deliver, so I first aimed at the only unit that can be transmitted here.

It should know that Lin wants to transmit by some kind of probe to transmit energy, because there will be a little 'premonitor' before the transmission, it seems that next time you should use some transmission methods that will not have omen... If there is next time .

Moreover, in order to prevent this Lin's transmission, the micro-machine also specially used the base rock outside.

This attack is not from the mechanical fog of the center, because Clarken is in the distance of millions of kilometers, countless rocks are in front, and it is almost impossible for the fog to hit it.

Therefore, Craken was hit by a floating rock that was very close. This floating rock is obviously one of the hidden bases of micro-machinery.

and. It didn't use the kind of warhead that was strong enough to attack, but instead used the powerful attack to kill Craken.

There is no hiddenness in this kind of attack, so this base rock is quickly discovered by gel creatures.

Lynn can see that a soft rubber warship is approaching it quickly and then blasting the base rock as it was last time.

Previously, Lin felt that micro-mechanics attached great importance to those base rocks outside, which may not be large, or it was not easy to establish under the exploration of gel creatures. So it didn't use this rock to attack Lin's troops after the first time.

But this attack, it means that they will not hesitate to abandon the base rock and also blow up Craken.

Lynn feels a bit strange, is Craken really so threatening to them? Lin believes that micro-machines should not know what Lin wants to transfer.

Lin feels that there is such a possibility. Perhaps what micro-machines feel threatened is not the things that are transmitted, but the ones that transmit this behavior... itself.

Lynn feels that something special may happen to be transmitted here, because Lynn also feels...

The transmission energy here is a little... anomaly. This anomaly was there before the war, and now it seems to be more 'violent'.

It is obvious that micromachines are doing something, are they leading the collapse?

But the stellar bus connecting the world is still in a stable state. There was no crash.

Then, let's continue this war.

At present, it is impossible to transfer things here in the distance, but if there is a transmission unit here, you can pass things over.

After Craken was blown up, he was now in a state of being unable to transmit things.

Even so, the end of this war will not be delayed for too long.

A large number of attack stones continue to bombard the target. Cut off every part of the mechanical mist a little bit.

Explosion again and again. It means that it is getting smaller and smaller, and the mechanical fog group is still trying to intercept all attacks.

But it has not been perfectly intercepted.

Lin's attacking stone attack frequency has not decreased, although some of them have consumed light, and this attack stone will directly turn into a meteorite to the target.

Those who have a bomb, speed up the attack, and Lin used a lot of ‘virtual bombs’ in this battle.

It is their various shapes of bombs, because a lot of materials have been found on some floating rocks recently, so a lot of things have been made by the way.

Now these bombs and thousands of other bombs poured into the mechanical fog.

Initially, the brilliance of the explosion could only pick up a small wave on the entire fog, just as the rain dripped into the vast lake.

And now. The brilliance of the explosion has almost completely drowned the mechanical fog group, and the original dark void around it has become bright and bright because of the constant flash, and the micro-mechanical interception counterattack... has slowly stopped in the light.

All the attacks were unimpeded and frantically bloomed on the mechanical fog, which lasted... not for a long time.

The explosion stopped.

The huge black fog of the group has completely disappeared into the vision of Lin. The void has only a lot of debris left by various explosions. The dazzling brilliance is slowly dimmed, and everything returns to the original. The silence.

Is this the end?

Lin feels that it is not over...because micro-mechanics should not be completely eliminated, Lin is not referring to the base rock that may be hidden in the floating rock group, but the mechanical fog group itself may have some... survive.

At the end of the explosion, although the various flashes were extremely strong, Lin saw the last action of the mechanical fog group.

At the last moment, the micro-machines seem to be... swirls, starting to rotate at a point in the center.

Before the explosion completely destroyed them, many micromachines got into the center of the vortex and then disappeared.

This seems to be a special way of transmission, and their destination is not known where, at least... not any location of this floating rock.

They are just like this... escaped.

Their escape is not a very unexpected thing. After all, it is blown up like this, and it will always do something before it is completely destroyed.

However, the purpose of micro-mechanics is to direct the collapse to this place, then whether they escaped means that they can not achieve this goal?

Or is the base rock here able to help them complete? Or will they come back again?

All this is not clear, but this is only temporary, and Lin will soon know that because Lynn has a method of investigation.

"Their information... has disappeared." At the same time, the mayor also said to Lin: "They seem to have come a long way after an instant."

It seems that the mayor could not connect to them. Before Lin, I felt that the ‘road’ in the mayor’s mind could be connected to a far place, even if the micro-machines ran far away to know their information.

It seems that I can't know now... and it seems that there is no way to know the information about the base rocks here.

Because the micro-mechanical base rocks have no fear energy, it will be easy to find where they are.

Now, let's go and search for it.

Thinking, Lin’s attacking stones, which are close to the explosion point in the void, began to release a large number of things called ‘Exploration Stone’.

These objects, which look like stones, quickly flew to the location where the mechanical fog was located, and they explored when they got there.

Although there are no clues and no traces, Lin feels that she will find a lot of things...

For example, where did the group of micro-machines finally escape?

In addition to searching for explosions, many of these exploration stones are scattered around the area, and they explore the entire floating rock area.

And constantly increase the number.

Lin mainly wants to use them to find out those hidden bases. I don't know how many bases there are, but there are certainly, though, some... troubles.

Because the number of floating rocks is too much, they may be any one, so you can't just look for them.

A purposeful search is to identify the characteristics of the base rock of a micromachine.

They definitely have something different from other rocks. Of course, they are not different from each other, but they can be detected far away.

To this end, Lin is also conducting research on the two base rocks.

The gel creatures blow them up, but the fried ones are not clean, there are a lot of pieces left, and Lin can study their characteristic structure and so on.

At the same time, Lynn is also trying to talk to the gel creature. Lin's piece of attack stone catches up with a soft rubber battleship and sends out a lot of information to ask questions.

As it was the last time, the soft rubber warship did not respond, but slowly drifted in one direction.

To this end, Lin went to ask about the marginal individuals of the gel creatures, who have been observing the development of various things here, and they all said that they did not understand the situation.

But they all think that the micromachine is defeated is a good thing...good.

It seems that they know too little, so Lynn continues to communicate with gel creatures.

After Lynn’s attacking stone had been chasing a gel creature to send a message for a while, it finally gave Lin some responses.

"They left." The battleship of Gel Bio gave Lin a reply: "I haven't left yet, but it's a good thing, then there are still a lot of things to prepare, and I don't make any communication for the time being."

Lynn thinks that they are all the same.

But Lin can at least know that it will still communicate, but only temporarily do not communicate.

Let's leave it alone, continue all kinds of exploration and exploration. Many of the exploration stones have already flown to the location of the explosion, where they have developed their full body detection function.

This place is still filled with the explosion of 'tempering temperature', although the surroundings have completely darkened, but still can feel a lot of things.

Like some transfer energy that can be used as traces, there are many...micro-mechanical 'residues'. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Book Friends 1403171...~ Supor Deruy ~ rewards ~ Thanks ~ lonely chopsticks ~ night eagle long sound ~ o day 1994 ~ flying city socks demon ~ monthly ticket ~

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