4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 862: Detection and tracking


It is not a miniature wreck, but a relatively large one, and some can reach several tens of meters.

But it's all the pieces left behind. Obviously, no matter how powerful, the intensive explosion will always leave some debris.

Explore the stones flying between the pieces in the void and test the pieces.

These pieces are micro-mechanical construction weapons... originally.

Micromachines make their surfaces look like a huge fog, and they hide everything they construct... hidden inside.

Therefore, when Lin blew them up a little bit, there were many other structures in the various weapons that appeared. Now almost all of them are smashed, but Lin can still judge the original appearance of these pieces.

The flash they used to counterattack was initiated with a large number of large weapons, but in addition to a weapon, Lin believes that there are many more.

There are a lot of these pieces, and Lynn can tell that there are about a dozen weapons, and there are other things that should not be weapons, but they only use one.

In the end, they did not take these things away. Lin remembered that it was very clear at the time that only the micromachines escaped when they fled.

They don't leave with any large objects, of course they can escape to other places to create new things.

So where is the place where they escaped?

Some of the exploration stones are close to the final escape point of the micro-machines, which once formed a vortex in this place. As the vortex rotates, the surrounding micro-machines constantly rush into the whirlpool and disappear.

Why are they not transmitting directly, but using this strange way to leave?

The diameter of the whirlpool... It is estimated from the scene that was seen at that time that there are hundreds of meters. Lin’s exploration stone has a diameter of ten meters, and a lot of it can fill the entire vortex eye.

Now, Lynn has let many exploration stones come to this position, where they can feel the residual transfer energy.

Now that Lin has learned more about this kind of energy, it is not necessarily right to call them energy. No matter how much, in general, Lynn can analyze the residual information through the nervous system of the stellar bus.

The transmission method used by micro-machines is not the kind that Lin often uses, but is similar to connecting the world... simply saying that there is a door.

There was originally a fairly large 'door' here.

Lin can infer that the door was temporarily opened. It was supposed to be in a closed state. When Lin had almost killed them, the doors were opened and they escaped.

Where is the direction of the escape? Lynn tries to detect where the energy is connected, but it doesn't seem to know it immediately. Because this connection is obviously disconnected.

It should be that the micromachines interfere with the transmitted energy here when they leave, and they certainly don't want Lin to track them.

The door can provide a stable transfer connection on both sides. After being blown up, you can still find some information about where it was connected by some residual information.

But these residual information will slowly dissipate, and the micro-machine does something... they give the dissipating time a little ahead of time.

However, Lynn still feels able to get their position in some way...


"What? You want me to go?" In the mayor's office, the mayor said to Lin's pompom in surprise: "Is it really safe? Is there any problem?"

The mayor obviously does not want to go.

This is not a problem. What makes Lin even more wonderful is the situation of the mayor.

The mayor can be said to be the creature that most wants to beat the micro-machine, but after Lin broke the micro-machine, it was happy. But this kind of happiness is not very complete.

Because it always feels a little bit, these feelings indicate that the micromachines are not completely destroyed, it can feel them somewhere.

But there is no information in it in the brain, but Lynn thinks they are connected to each other, just because the distance is too far, so the connection is not so clear...clear.

As long as the mayor is moved to a certain place, Lin feels that the location of the micromachine can be known, and that place is of course... where the machinery escapes.

So the mayor seemed to understand, so Lin took it away from the office and flew to the target.

While taking the mayor to fly there. Lin also basically understands the micro-mechanical base rock... with regard to its overall structure.

The structure of the two base rocks is similar, and Lin restores their structure by the blown debris... The appearance looks like a stone, and the interior is mostly the same.

However, some of the locations inside are loaded with weapon systems. These weapon systems are able to quickly attack outside targets.

There are also some micro-machines inside, which seem to be responsible for adjusting the weapon system. Many of these micro-machines are complete, and the gel creatures did not completely blow them up.

However, they are all... dead.

It should be said that it has stopped working. This is done by gel creatures. They have some way to stop the micromachines from working.

Lin found some 'invisible warheads'. The warheads have a strong hiding power. Gel creatures can't seem to find them, and these warheads are not easy to be detonated, and several are kept intact.

There is also a kind of flash attack weapon, which is crushed by the bomb.

Lin is most concerned about some special hidden systems in the base, which can make it difficult to detect them outside. Generally, unless a piece of stone is dug up, it can't be found.

Of course, it doesn't seem to be found when you dig it out. Because of the large stones, they only hide in a small part. One-kilometer-diameter stones may occupy only a few tens of meters.

Their hidden system is effective for most of the detection capabilities that Lyne knows, and Lynn feels that it is specifically for the creatures here.

The main thing is that they don't want to be discovered by gel creatures and the ... wildlife here, and most of the detection capabilities are unable to detect these things hidden in the rocks.

But Lynn feels that some ways can detect them, using the words of a small protector...

Speaking of the small nucleus has not been used in this war, Lin was originally intended to deal with the micro-mechanical forces, but they did not send any troops, from the beginning to the end are nested in a group.

Now that this time is finally useful, start testing quickly. As long as the micro-machines are completely expelled from this place, their crash plans will certainly not be carried out. (To be continued.)

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