4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 863: Guardian handling

It seems to be connected to a new place. N∈n∈,

In front of Lynn's eyes, there is a road that stretches far and far.

Lin has been here many times, and this place in the mayor's mind is always quite wonderful. Lin has not fully understood some of the things here.

But already knowing some of the methods of operation here, Lynn can use this to do a lot of things.

"Do you feel it? This is the place to be guarded! You, you are not allowed to enter, unless you are also able to guard things!"

There are three small guardians in front of Lynn's eyes, and the road behind them has become very clean.

This kind of 'clean' does not seem to be clean, but there is no more... fear energy, which is all solved for this group of small nucleus.

So, they have treated this place as a...very capable place.

Although there is no fear energy here, it does not mean that there is no longer a connection to micro-machines. In fact, the mayor still has some connection with the group of machinery.

Moreover, there is another advantage to clearing the fear energy, that is, the mayor can get more information, although the original fear energy will continue to update, but when the micro-mechanical leaves, the information will not change.

However, when the fear energy is cleared, some new information will appear occasionally. Although the information is very fragmentary, it is useless, but it is also new information.

Of course, the most important thing is... When Lin moved the mayor to the escape location of the micro-machine, the mayor’s brain was clearly connected to a certain place.

In fact, the mayor's brain is a long passage, just like the brain's dream, can connect very far, but the mayor's dream is special...that is, the other end does not need dream squares and the like. Things as 'carriers' can be directly 'framed up'.

So, when the mayor is in some places, the dreams in his mind will come into contact with certain places in the void...

If the dream road in the mayor’s brain touches the place where the micro-machine escapes, it will... connect to that place.

Thinking, Lin asked the pom-pom to the small nucleus in front of her eyes: "Do you know? Here recently connected to something that cannot be guarded."

"What do you say..." A small nucleator was shocked: "How could there be such a thing! We have made this place very protective!"

"But hasn't there been a place that can't be guarded recently?" said a small nucleus next to him: "That place feels too guarded..."

"Wait!" The first little nucleus suddenly showed a panic: "You shouldn't tell it this!"

"Yes..." The third little nucleus said: "That would make it feel that we are not very guardian to this place. In this case, this place is not a very guardianable place."

"No," said the second little nucleus. "I knew it before I told it, so it already thought it was a place that could not be guarded."

"What!" The first little nucleator had an angry mood: "You don't tell it how it would know, don't you want to make it impossible to guard?"

"Yeah. You actually want to make it impossible to guard, this is too much to guard!" The third little nucleus also participated, and together they launched a siege of the second nucleator: "You know If you are like this, we will... nothing will do to you!"

This is quite interesting, and Lin rarely sees them arguing with each other.

But it is like the last one. They don't do anything to the second little nucleus, and in essence they are... very united.

"You take me to see the place that can't be guarded." Lin said to the little nucleus: "It may be possible to make that place to be able to guard that place."

"Are you telling the truth? Go ahead! That's here!"

Said, this group of small guardians flew in one direction.

Lin also followed the small guardians to move deep into the road.

Initially, Lynn believed that the connection point that appeared was definitely at the end of the road, but it was not actually at the end, but at somewhere on the road.

Now Lin just knows the connection, but I don't know where it is, so I need a small guardian to help me find it.

Although Lin found it and found it, the little guardian obviously knew where it was.

"It's there! Have you seen it? It's too much to guard!" The little nucleus suddenly stopped and flew to the left edge of the road.

There seems nothing there. However, these small guardians slammed into a position, and suddenly, there appeared a place in the place where they hit... a sphere.

This sphere didn't seem to have been seen before... The original mayor's brain had a road with a lot of tumbling spheres, but this one is not in that position.

And this doesn't look like a tumbling person, but like a...black ball, and Lin is a little closer to it, and it feels like it is emitting some fear energy.

"We have no way to go in and guard it! We have to remove this thing!" The little nucleus wraps around the ball, although they can eliminate the fear energy around the ball, but there is no way to move the ball itself.

Lin flew over and touched the ball a little. From the surface of the ball, Lynn can feel some strange signals, there is no special meaning.

And I don't feel where this thing is connected, although Lynn can ruin it. But of course you can't do this now.

"What's wrong with you, have you forgotten your promise!" A small nucleus said to Lin: "Hurry up and turn it into something that can be guarded!"

"You try again." Lin said: "Try to make it a guardian."

"...then try it." The little nucleus was hard to show a very obedient look, and they slammed into the sphere again.

At the moment they touch the sphere, Lin can feel that the fear energy on the sphere dissipates quickly, but when the little protector leaves, the fear energy will flow out of the ball.

It seems that this is indeed connected to the micro-machine there. It will show up, but Lin thinks that micromachines may have done something over there.

What was originally shown here should be something like an entrance, not a ball like this.

Lin felt that the micro-machine should have made some kind of encryption there, so that it could not enter directly there.

But since it is already connected, it is a matter of time to get there. Lin now uses this method to detect where the location is.

By allowing the little nucleus to continually eliminate the fear energy on the ball, a lot of new energy will appear, and this new energy will be accompanied by some impurity-like information.

Although there is no substance in this information, Lin can know from them where it comes from...

...have it.

When I thought about it, Lin felt a familiar message. This kind of information was also felt in the connected world...that is, the micro-machine went to connect the world?

Lin did have this idea, but guessing didn't make much sense. Now I can confirm that they are there, connecting the world... It should be the least unexpected.

"When is it still going to be! It has not changed to protect it!"

"It will take a while." Lin said to the little nucleus: "Before this, it will stay here first."

"What!" A small nucleus angered: "You actually made such a cruel thing! You actually want this thing that can't be guarded to stay here! I will do very...very powerful things for you, do you know?"

Lin said: "You just have to wait for a while."

"You actually...you actually..." The little nucleus seemed to be angry and didn't know what to say, but the other two felt less angry.

"There are some other things you can do." Lin said: "Let you confirm something that can be guarded and something that cannot be guarded."

"What can be guarded?" The angry anger of the little nucleus disappeared, and then immediately said: "What the **** is that?"

It seems that they can change the mood quickly, and this is... very convenient.

"It's this thing."

Thinking, Lin sent a message to the little nucleus.

The image looks like a floating rock outside, and the little nucleator immediately responded to Lin: "This place looks very guarded!"

It seems that this is a safe place.

Then... Lin sends the next image.

This is the way for the small nucleus to confirm which stone is a micro-mechanical base rock. The method is quite simple, that is, to send the stone information to the small nucleus, such as the size and shape of various detailed messages.

Then the little nucleus will respond immediately.

The definition of objects by small nucleators is not as vague as the definition of creatures. In fact, they define most objects as guardable places.

But if there is a 'dirty thing' inside, it will immediately think that it can't be guarded. In the detailed information that Lin passed to the small protector, the small protector can identify the subtle difference inside, and thus judge whether the stone can guard.

Of course, the stones with micromachines are all unprotectable.

Although there are some other ways to identify Lin, it will be even more interesting to identify with a small nucleus. Lin can also understand these creatures more.

Then, Lynn sends images to the small nucleus continuously, and the little nucleus is happy to reply because they care about whether something can be guarded.

The sending speed is getting faster and faster. From the first one second, an image is added to ten seconds, and hundreds of seconds. They can also answer perfectly.

Lynn was a little surprised.

Because there are stones that cannot be guarded here...the amount is a bit more. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks for the reward of ~hjsabgjsd...~

Thanks ~by222dgb~ was smashed ~ Dark moon eclipse ~ Zhuang 哉 political commissar ~ Zhuge not bright kylin~ monthly ticket ~

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