4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 868: Resolve the aggressor

'boom! ’

The sudden expansion of the fire, swallowed up countless black fog. ◇↓◇↓Fiction. ¥f

The explosion that bloomed on the micro-machined fog group...Lin has seen it many times, but this time it doesn't have to simulate its sound, but it can also smell the scorched smell...

... here is the connection to the world, a ball of fluff is floating above a huge pothole, and looks at the black mist flowing underneath.

They appeared here, and they confirmed their position through scholars, but before finding them, Lin knew some plans for micromachines through the mayor's brain, simply saying that they were going to attack the civilized creatures here.

Why do they want to do this or do not know, but the micro-machine is obviously not clear about the relationship between the virtual private land and Lin.

If you know, you shouldn’t be so sloppy to send a spy.

Even they don't know... Lynn has been here, so this is one of Lynn's strengths, but for now... the situation is not very good.

The current situation is as the scholars report, micro-machines have attacked and occupied some tiny civilized cities.

But Lynn still doesn't know what their purpose in attacking these civilizations is.

Thinking, Lin let the pompoms sway and sprinkle a lot of ... fluff from the air.

This pom-pom is a large pompom with a diameter of more than ten meters, so there are a lot of fluff that can be sprinkled. When the fluff falls into the cave, it immediately fights with the micro-mechanical.

Their fighting style is very simple, that is, engulfing, and then decomposing micro-machines in the body. Although the micro-machinery is small, it is not the point that it cannot be decomposed.

Some of the fluff are carried by... small nucleus.

It can make all the micro-machines that are touched into things that cannot be guarded, but in fact, Lin found that the 'sound' that can not be ignored by the small nucleus is not the main cause of damage to the micro-machine, but Small protectors can eliminate those fear energy.

After being eliminated, the micromachines fall into a state of swaying like an unconscious, they need fear energy to move.

Lin felt that this was not the case at first. But after touching and controlling the micromachines in the sea of ​​fear, they transformed the internal systems of micromachines so that they had to rely on fear energy to move.

In addition, they can create some special ... arms. These units carry only a small amount of fear energy, which makes it difficult to detect.

Those who form the false brave are the ones.

But these types of arms are rare, and the usual micromachines carry a lot of fear energy, which also makes them have certain advantages in dealing with other creatures.

Although there is no advantage when dealing with Lin.

Almost solved.

When Lin thought about various things. The black mist of the pothole below has almost dissipated and was replaced by a large amount of fluff.

They have been blown up several times before, and this time the fluff attack basically determines the outcome, and Lynn also sees the city of the creature called ‘light needle’.

Their city is built on the wall of the cave. There are many stones on the wall. These are the buildings, which are all kinds of living facilities.

Lin's fluff is now heavily plunged into these buildings and quickly solves the micromachines inside. Lin found that the various 'furniture' and other things made by the light needles in the building are gone.

Was it broken down by micro-mechanics? Why are they doing this?

The city of light needles is not only in this cave, but also in the nearby underground. But they were quickly gone by the fluff.

Soon after, Lin's fluff has spread all over the city of Light Needle, and at the same time solved the micro-mechanical inside.

Individuals who have not escaped, at least those who do not carry greater fear energy, have escaped, and Lin can find them from a long distance.

After solving them, Lin discovered that the micro-machines piled up a lot of things in the city, such as weapons, furniture, equipment and everything.

As for the light needle, it was not found, and it is estimated that all of them were killed.

Micromachines seem to be collecting these things. But they didn't use them. In fact, they didn't make any weapons. They were all fighting in the most original way.

A part of the micro-mechanical ‘thinking’ was stimulated by the small nucleus, after analysis and research. Lynn found that what they thought was very simple, that is, attacking, then occupying, and collecting the items of these civilizations, and then stacking them in some place.

There is no reason to say that these things are done... they are not used by themselves, and Lynn does not find that they use the collected things to combine what they have.

They must have some kind of plan to attack these places... Lin originally thought that they came here definitely related to the collapse. But they are attacking these civilizations, which is very strange.

After all, although many of these civilizations are very clever, they are not aware of the collapse, and they do not know that they live on a star bus...

Anyway, let them go all out first.

While Lin solved the micro-mechanics here, there were also many pompoms in other places to go to other attack points.

These attack points are known from the few light needles brought back by the brave, and civilizations have been attacked in these places.

Some civilizations have been completely destroyed, but some are supporting them, and then Lin has quickly joined their battles and helped them to solve the micro-mechanical problems.

Micromachines are attacked in a very simple way and rely heavily on fear energy. Lynn doesn't know why they are doing this because they can use the things here to make some weapons.

Therefore, with the addition of Lin, these micro-machines that attacked civilization began to retreat.

Those civilized creatures also found that Lin seemed to be helping them, so they began to cooperate with the attack, so that the micro-machines were quickly solved.

Micromachines won't run away from the last moment of battle. This point, Lin found that they seem to lose most of their fear energy on the ground.

It seems to have some connection with the environment... here.

So this is why they don't run away?

However, helping these civilizations seems to have not ended, because Lin has learned more about the attack of civilization.

I don't know how many civilizations they attacked. Lin is calculating the number of them. If they don't multiply, then the amount to be solved should be...

A group of fogs of about two kilometers in diameter, this is the last amount they escaped in the floating rock. (To be continued.)

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