4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 869: Weird approach

It seems almost the same... is it over?

In front of Lynn... is a city. ¥f. ¥f

The city is underground, and its architecture is mainly made up of transparent materials that can be seen from the outside.

However, it is now clear that the buildings are empty.

Because, everything inside is cleaned up by micro-machines...

Then, Lin cleaned up the micro-machine. Now this place is empty, but it is not completely nothing.

It is also possible to see some creatures with transparent bodies gathered under their transparent buildings. These are living individuals who should be discussing how to rebuild their kingdom.

This kind of battle, Lin has been carried out many times.

In connecting the world, Lynn found many micro-machines that were invading civilization, and then solved them one by one. Each time after the battle, Lin would calculate their number.

Now Lin has already carried out almost all the mechanical fog of two kilometers in diameter, but Lin feels that they will not proliferate here, so ... should not only be this.

However, the behavior of micro-machines is indeed very strange, except that they kill the aborigines, they do not move anything here.

They did not increase the quantity by using the things here as 'food', and they did not dig into other places. All micro-machines restricted the battlefield to a civilized territory.

The battle did not extend to other places, and after the battle ended, they also stayed in one place and did not leave.

It seems that this group of micro-mechanical tasks ended only after occupying the civilized territory, and there is no follow-up task.

Or do the follow-up tasks have to wait a long time, and do not need any preparation, so they can do nothing during this period?

Lynn has been very curious about this point, and Lin has now destroyed most of the micro-mechanical occupation points... Currently, there are only two points left.

Now, Lin intends to temporarily...not attack them. Instead, observe them.

It is difficult to observe micro-machines, and it is quite easy to be found among them. The reason is very simple. The area where they are located is covered by the energy of the sea of ​​fear. If something with no fear energy is mixed in them, it will definitely be discovered.

Even if you look at the exterior, it won’t work.

However, just as Lin has been mixed into the battleship of the brain, there are still some ways to mix them into them.

Now, a small unit of Lynn is mixed into a group of micro-machines...

This place... is also underground, originally belonging to a tiny biological civilization. Now that it has been completely occupied by micro-machines, Lin is now looking at them here, watching them will do the next step.

This unit of Lin is called...the stone.

The very simple name, its composition is also very simple, like a stone with a diameter of only about a millimeter.

But the ‘meaning’ of this unit itself is not simple, because it is a kind of mixed-armed unit made by Lin. It is a part of the cell-like organism itself, and there are some other materials.

The dividing line between cell-like organisms and non-cells is not really obvious. The so-called cell-like organisms are usually composed of cell-based substances in most parts of the body.

But in reality they don't have to need cells to make up the body. It doesn't matter if you install a body with another structure, as long as you can use the brain to control it.

Therefore, it is similar to Lin.

If it is through the cell to send instructions, control other non-cells such as metal or other parts of the composition is ... very simple, many of Lin's battleships are like this.

Lin has always wanted to replace some parts of the cell with parts of the non-cellular structure that can be directly directed by Lin's 'thinking'. So far, Lin can directly direct her own part of the cell with her thoughts. What happens to the material?

Lynn did a lot of testing and initially had many failed tests, but this 'pseudo stone' is one of the successful tests.

Lin replaced a part of the structure inside it. However, I have not completely used my thoughts to directly direct the internal non-cellular structure. Instead, I have used the original cell structure to make them operate according to Lin's ideas.

However, Lin felt that it was almost possible to find out how to directly use the thoughts to direct the non-cellular structure, after full control. It is possible to manufacture non-cellular arms.

Mainly through the study of bus-like organisms, and Lin recently felt that ... to study gel organisms, you can learn more about the situation.

Lin has studied some of the arms of the gel creatures before, but Lynn found that their different arms structure is somewhat different, and some of the arms and Lin's ideas are very close.

All in all, the ‘pseudo stone’ that Lin made now is hard to find. It mimics the feeling of real rock.

However, the real stone must not move, so Lin moved the stone during the micro-mechanism and the biological warfare here. At that time, Lin’s attention to hiding could escape the micro-machines that were busy fighting.

When they finished, the micro-machine began to search the surrounding environment. At this time, the quasi-stone entered a state of static motion to observe the micro-mechanical activities.

It’s like Lin is doing it now.

The whole country of underground civilization is probably about 100 meters in diameter. In many places, Lin has placed a lot of pseudo-stones, and they are observing micro-machines.

Now, Lynn can see that a large number of micro-machines are gathering a lot of micro-machines in the huge cave space.

Because this civilization itself has no architecture, they basically use the body to live together, so there is a lot of empty space here.

Now this space is of course occupied by micro-machines, they look like they are floating in the air, but they are actually glued together.

Each micro-machine is holding each other... grabbing each other and gathering together. This group is very small, so it looks like particles in the fog at a far distance.

Then they use a small number of individuals to form a 'bridge' between the groups. These 'bridges' can only be seen using the perspective of observing microorganisms.

So they usually look like fog is floating, but in fact every particle in the 'fog' is connected.

They can disperse and reorganize new connections in an extremely fast way to connect different individuals around and move, which is what they do often, and Lynn also notices that they often...assemble each other.

It is a group of micro-machines that constantly convert a group of similar ones into another, and then the modified ones in turn modify them.

The method of modification is usually to place a large number of things like armor and weapons on the companion, but... sometimes they may refit each other back to the original, remove everything, and reassemble.

It feels like I am practicing. In short, I see that they are almost doing this kind of thing, not doing anything else...

On the way of observation, Lin also found that there are many types of these micromachines.

One is more like a mechanical one, that is, there are many limbs, and the fighting methods basically rely on these limbs to attack and disassemble each other.

This kind of type will often disassemble the assembly on the companion and install the new one, and then take it back to the original. This behavior seems to be practicing loading and unloading, but it does not seem to make any sense.

There are also some types that are used for transportation. They are relatively large, can store things, and are equipped with some explosive weapons.

But the most common type here is a kind of species that has no fixed shape and size like the amoeba.

These 'amyotic species' have also been seen on the floating rocky ground, but the proportion is not much, but it is almost all here, and the other few probably only occupy 20% to 30%.

There are also some species that Lynn has seen in the floating rock formations that have not appeared here.

In general, micro-mechanics should be able to quickly modify each individual of their own and allow them to do different kinds of work when they are different.

But Lynn did not see this situation here, they never transformed one species into another.

In addition to here, Lin is also observing another group of micro-machines elsewhere, and their situation is similar.

Even after Lin had solved so many of their companions, the two groups of micro-machines occupying the civilized territory did not want to reinforce, nor did they want to proliferate and replenish their strength. They stayed here, as if waiting for Lin. Come attack them.

Lin continued to look for other civilizations to be attacked, but it has not been found so far, because these civilizations are still easy to find when they are attacked.

However, there are only two groups of micro-machines. Lin believes that all the micro-machines have been solved.

But even the last remaining group, they have no special behavior at all, which means that...

Lynn has such an idea.

This time, the attack of civilization may be just a kind of confusing.

Yes... Jean Lin aims at this group of machines that attack civilization.

Because they don't know that Lynd has been here before, but know that Lyne may chase them through the transfer point, so these micro-mechanics came here to deliberately attack various civilizations to attract Lin's attention.

There must be another group doing something else, and Lynn thinks it should be like this.

Otherwise, it is really weird that these micro-machines do nothing.

In this case, it is not easy to find them, if they are intentionally hidden...

However, Lynn feels that it is very simple to guard against them... (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~uioiooi~ trembling roaring ~ monthly ticket~

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