4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 874: encounter

"Slowly, don't move quickly."

The little light is shining.

The exploratory team of spies and ground mirrors is still advancing, but this time the progress is somewhat different.

Although it is still a rock cave, the width of the cave is ten meters and the height is six meters.

This is a huge environment for the ground mirror. After walking back and forth in the narrow hole, I suddenly came to this huge hole.

Now, Lynn's spy and exploration team is slowly moving against the rock wall. This group of mirrors still maintains a very cautious mood, but if they encounter almost any big creature, they will attack directly.

Lynn, now I am looking at the environment here.

Compared to the narrow hole in the past, it is obvious that the environment of this huge hole is much richer. As long as you look up, you can see that there is a stream of water between the stones protruding from the top of the cave. biological.

This creature grows more than a meter long and moves like a flowing river, mainly because it is as transparent and clear as water. They also emit light blue light, which illuminates the environment of the cave. It also makes the light used for the exchange of the mirror no longer as conspicuous as it was in the dark hole.

However, the illuminating objects here are not only at the top of the cave, but on the surrounding ground, there are a lot of creatures like grass.

Most of them are white and gold, only half a centimeter long, densely covered with ground, and emit a faint radiance. There are many small, different kinds of creatures flying between the glowing grass.

This is a complex and rich environment. Although there are many illuminating objects, the ground mirror is completely unaffected and continues to move forward.

There are several mirrors and Lin who are observing the surrounding environment. They are responsible for recording the maps here. Their records will be transmitted back at any time, and they can see the maps they pass back in the city.

Another spy in the city, along with a group of soldiers and Wang, watched the maps from various exploration teams in a room hall.

Of course, this is not an image or something. It is the material contained in the light.

Whenever a team returns information, the walls of the room glow, knowing where the team has gone and how far it has gone.

This information will allow the subsequent teams to take a lot of detours. At the same time, it can avoid a lot of dangers.

And now the exploration team can't avoid any danger...


The expedition team where Lin Spy’s team is now stopped because there is a creature in front of them. The creature is up to thirty centimeters, which is a monster for them.

It looks like a... wheel. It moves like a real wheel, rolling on the ground and holding the barbs over the skin to hold the ground, so Lin first calls it the 'hook wheel'.

"This is dangerous. Don't move around. Keep it slow."

In the face of it, the ground mirror did not attack casually, and the ground mirrors in front of them shot a small light from the body on the 'hook wheel'.

This way, the ground mirror can observe a fairly distant target and obtain detailed information about the target, as if it were observed at a very close distance with the eye.

‘咕噜噜...’ and the crochet does not seem to let the mirror observe it, it is rolling over here. And the speed is getting faster and faster.

Lin found that this creature seems to be hostile to the ground mirror. This is the first time I have seen such a thing. I have encountered many creatures before, but they are not hostile to the ground mirror.

Because the ground mirror is not a cell creature, many creatures are solved by ground attack before they react.

But this hook wheel... it has a pretty opinion on the mirror.

"Do it!"

The ground mirrors emitted a relatively strong light and hid on both sides. The huge wheels rolled directly between them, but none of them pressed.


At the same time, the mirrors aimed their weapons at the shackle. Numerous stabs flew out, and they shot on the rotating sprocket and were constantly bombed out. It is obvious that the effect of this weapon is not very large.

The sprocket wheel turned a circle in the distance and rolled over to the ground mirror again. This time is much faster than before.

However, as it rolled over, the mirrors once again hid to the side, as long as the mirror was sufficiently clear, it felt that it was difficult for the wheel to hit them.

But this time a different situation happened when the crochet wheel rolled over a mirror. Lin noticed that the center of the wheel suddenly shot a bunch of mucus like a mucus on the ground mirror. The mucus stuck to it could not move.

At the same time, all the barbs on the sprocket wheel suddenly turned a half circle, and the entire wheel also rolled back, directly pressing the mirror that could not move.

Lynn heard the smashing sound.

"Kill it! Attack it!"

The ground mirrors seemed to get angry, they launched a new round of shots to the crochet wheel, a lot of nails hit the crochet wheel without any effect, the crochet wheel rolled again, and it was stained with silver liquid again. Hit the nearest ground mirror.

This time, Lynn’s spy was also involved in the attack, but Lynn felt that it should be used with other weapons.

‘Hey! ’

Actually, there is no sound. This is simulated by Lin, but the attack did work. After the spy shot, Lin saw a small hole in the part where the hook was hit. This hole did not affect the speed of the hook wheel, but It seems to have given other ground mirror tips.

They all start using the same weapons as spies. This is a weapon that is more powerful, but has no toxins. Although they all have assembly, they don't know why they used to be used before. Obviously, this weapon is more suitable for dealing with hook wheels.

After a round of volley, the huge crochet body was suddenly punched with countless holes, and the barbs used to assist the rolling were also shot down.

It is only ten centimeters from the next mirror, but it can no longer continue to roll, and its huge figure crashed into the ground.

"We have won!"

The mirrors shone with each other to celebrate, they seemed to have forgotten that a companion was crushed to death, and when the mirror was celebrated, the side of the crochet wheel suddenly looked like a door, awkward Bounced off.

The light of the ground mirror instantly darkened, and they immediately entered the state of alert.

I saw a mess like a mucus from inside the crochet wheel that was opened.

Of course, it has a more appropriate name, this is the ... soft body creature. (To be continued.)

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