Including the spy, sixteen mirrors formed a circle, and they looked together at the soft creature that climbed out of the shackle. Oh,

No action by any of the mirrors, they don’t say anything, just stare at it...

But Lynn feels that they may launch an attack at any time. Before that, Lin carefully observed the soft creature.

Like the description, it looks like a moving metal liquid, the surface reflects the luster of the metal, and the whole is as soft as water, moving like an amoeba.

If this group of things is rolled into a ball, it is about three centimeters in diameter, but this is already a relatively large type.

Like the creatures of the tiny civilizations, the body types of the mollusks are not too big, at least in the description of the materials seen by the king.

It also shows very cautiously that the mollusk does not move after it has been drilled out of the shackle. It stretches out on the body a very slender, like a tentacles structure, which seems to be used to observe the surroundings. Detected everywhere.

This tentacles was initially detected only on the mollusks, but it slowly extended longer and extended beyond the body.

"Kill it."

Suddenly, a mirror was slightly brighter.

‘Hey! The sharp objects suddenly shot from all the surrounding mirrors, and they filled the body of the soft creature in an instant.

But the soft creatures swayed a little, and the stings stuck on it fell to the ground, and the soft creatures immediately changed the shape of the body. It slammed a pair of wings from the body.

Its wings look thin, but it seems to have a skeleton. It quickly **** its wings and drags the entire soft body off the ground, flying high in the air.

"Hit it! Kill it!"

The ground mirrors radiated light while shooting the soft creatures in the air, and a sharp spike spears out.

The soft creatures swayed in the air, which allowed most of the stings to be tied to it, successfully protecting the wings. It also flies farther and farther.


‘Hey! A nail pierced through the protection of the body, and a hole was made directly on the wings of the soft creature. The body of the flying creature that was flying suddenly slid away from the air. It landed on a distant white meadow.

"Go to harvest it!"

The ground mirrors immediately ran over there, and the falling soft creatures quickly climbed into the distance.

The soft creature crawled faster than the mirror, and it quickly climbed over the white grass and reached the opposite wall of the cave.

Then it climbed up the rock wall and climbed to the heights. At this time, the mirrors were chased into the white grass, as if they knew that their speed could not keep up, the ground mirrors gave up the pursuit.

The way the mirror moves is to use a small 'foot' to move, similar to the snail creatures, but the speed is much faster than the snails, and sometimes they can put some of the foot up and push themselves with a small amount of foot Slide on the ground.

This is very effective in the cities where they are very smooth everywhere, but it is not very slippery outside, so they... it is difficult to catch up with soft creatures.

However, the ground mirrors were not very concerned about chasing after the chase, they quickly sent the news back to the city.


"They found out! They found out!"

Within the city. The king of the mirror, who had been waiting for the news, was a little excited after receiving the news, because this time it received news about the software organism for the first time.

"They must be nearby! They must be nearby, you can follow up and move!"

"Follow the troops to dispatch! Follow up the troops to start!"

When the king gave out the light of the command, the soldiers around it also illuminate, and they are one after another like a word, and the light that has been emitted has been passed from the inside of the hall to the entrance, and then passed by the guards of the entrance. Going to the mirror in the outer corridor, and the ground mirrors in the outer corridors are lit up one by one, and the instructions are passed outside the building.

Finally, a large group of mirrors on the square outside the royal building. They light up one by one, and the light they radiate together is even more dazzling than the original lighting here.

However, this only disappeared after a few seconds, and a group of troops in the square began to act. They quickly moved in the direction of the entrance to the underground labyrinth.

This was decided before. If any exploratory team discovered a soft creature, it would immediately dispatch more troops to that location to follow up on the expedition team.

As for exploring the team... their tasks will not change.


"Continue to move."

The soft creatures have climbed to the invisible place and are completely chased, but the mirrors have no opinion. They are moving directly on this white meadow.

Lynn’s spy is also moving with them, and Lynn detects these grassy creatures around.

These creatures are still very interesting. They are not white in themselves and they don't shine. They mainly have a layer of fungus-like things attached to them.

Mainly this layer of fungus is shining.

The reason for their illuminating seems to be to capture the small creatures around. There are many flying creatures in the grass. These creatures are less than a millimeter in size, very small, but the content is complicated, when walking through the grass, You can see many small objects flying.

And these creatures are also very interesting...they don't have individual activities.

Each flying object is basically composed of a large flying creature carrying a lot of small 'passenger creatures'. When these flying creatures fly over a white grass, they will throw the 'passenger' Going on, then the fungus on the surface of the grass will devour the fallen creature.

They may have some wonderful relationship, but Lin did not study too much. Lin has a main purpose in observing the grass, that is, looking for...

Have it.

Lin found a soft substance in the haystack not far from the side, which was dropped from the soft creature.

Before the mirror was shot against it, the soft body used the body to block most of the attack, but its body was not indestructible, and a small piece of 'meat' was knocked down by the mirror and fell into the grass.

It seems that no creature is interested in this 'meat', it should not be a cellular structure. Generally, if the meat of a multi-celled creature falls on the ground connecting the world, it will disappear in a short time.

Lin's spy walked over and extended a tentacle from the head, smashed the piece of meat and put it into the body for testing.

Although Lin made such strange movements within the scope of the ground mirrors, she did not suffer any doubts. Although the ground mirror equipped with some special tools can do this kind of action, but here is the exploration team. The ground mirror is not equipped with that kind of thing.

Mainly their character, they have no doubts about their peers, but if it is too strange, it will still be suspected.

Thinking about it, Lin tested the meat of this soft body.

So, its outer layer is an inedible toxic part of cell biology, and the internal structure...

Then there are parts of the cell.

Moreover, there is a similarity between Lin and Lin's recently made 'Pseudo-Stone', which is mainly a structure in which non-cells and cells are mixed together. This structure is perfectly coordinated and has many new features.

Lin's pseudo-stones are mainly based on several other biological bus-like organisms, as well as the internal structure of gel organisms.

Therefore, the meat of this soft body is also very close... especially gel creatures.

This gave Lin an idea that there might be some connection between the mollusks and the gel creatures here.

Yes... It’s also said that there is a link in the ecology. The mollusks live on the stellar bus that is about to collapse, and then the gel creatures live on the floating rocky ground after the collapse.

However, it is not yet fully confirmed.

Because their structure is not exactly the same, Lin found a lot of differences, and there are many things in common, so there is such a possibility...

Soft organisms and gel creatures are ancestral relationships.

What they have in common is that they do not use the usual nuclear information to store vital data, but are stored in other structures that are not attacked by the usual cellular viruses, nor are they susceptible to mutations due to various effects.

Lin has not seen a virus that can affect this storage structure. Of course, such organisms are rare in themselves. There are not many found out now. If you catch a whole life, you can better understand them. .

Although it is possible to calculate what they are overall through the meat pieces found so far, it is more interesting to study directly, because that is 'discovery' rather than 'guessing'.

But now the way forward is correct...?

The mirrors have walked out of the white prairie and came under the rock wall where the soft creatures climbed up, but they did not climb up the rock wall, but walked forward along the rock wall.

“Why don’t you track the target?” Lynn sent a flash of light to them as an inquiry.

"Tracking the target will be countered. It will be attacked. It is safer to go everywhere."

In general, they seem to be afraid that if they chase the target, they will be attacked, so go everywhere.

But it's obviously not safe to go everywhere, and it will deviate from the goal. After Lin tells them these ideas, these mirrors are hard to consider for dozens of seconds instead of responding immediately, and then they decide.

"Then chase the target. Go to the target and quietly proceed."

These mirrors were not stubborn, they quickly accepted the idea and then began to climb to the rock wall.

The soft creatures had previously drilled into a small hole in the rock wall, and Lynn felt that the place might lead to their country. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~ 588~

Thank you ~ radish head No. 1 ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ the monthly ticket ~

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