4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 876: Arrivals

"Look at my head, you should be aware of how bad this situation is for you?"

"It's too bad, but I have to fight, nothing can stop... I! I want to solve you!"

"You really want to solve me, then don't start slowly, let's get started!"


This is a ... movie. ◎,

The film of the ground mirror.

Just like all the individual creatures, the ground mirror also has a lot of things to entertain themselves, such as creating various stories and giving them a 'show'.

Most of Lynn’s spies are 'soldier', but some spies are 'civilian'. They are dedicated to experiencing the life of the mirror. The film screening room of the mirror and Lin have seen it last time. The royal room is very similar, it is a room with mirrors everywhere.

Then there are all kinds of wonderful light shining in it to express the information of the movie content.

The film content of the ground mirror, Lin is somewhat unexpected, is somewhat similar to the ... virtual people, there are many scenes of ‘justice’ and ‘evil’ engagement.

Lin is still unclear why the mirrors like this too. In the film of the ground mirror, the righteous characters are of course played by themselves, while the evil characters are played by creatures that are completely different from them. Do not put the same kind in an evil position.

In the movie of the imaginary people, almost no matter whether the role of justice and evil is played by the virtual people, or even alien creatures from distant emptiness, there is also a face and figure of a virtual person, and the color is somewhat different.

The evil characters of the ground mirror are different creatures, and they are not creatures that can be seen nearby. They seem to be completely imaginary things, but these imaginary characters use all light communication.

Through the film of the ground mirror, Lin slowly learned about the way the mirrors communicated, so that they can better understand the way these creatures think. Lin feels that these creatures are more and more interesting...

At the same time, on the other side.

"I didn't find anything here, I want to go back. Go back and move quickly. I move together."

Now, the expedition team is in a narrow cave that is only three centimeters in diameter. Before the soft creatures got into the cave, under the advice of Lin, the mirrors climbed here.

But after a while, they found that the front was a dead end, so they decided to return in full. This decision was decided in an instant, and they seem to have not done any... thinking.

So, Lynn’s spy went to the end of the cave and shone to them: “Here, there are traces, buried.”

"Buried? Here? I came to discover."

The ground mirrors that were originally intended to return quickly gathered back and emitted light from the body, illuminating the rock wall at the end of the cave.

This rock wall can be clearly seen as not being 'natural', but piled up like this, it should be that the soft body creature got stuck here and blocked with stones. However, the previous mirrors were completely unreasonable, and they left without seeing the road.

I’m still reminding them, they only noticed that it’s like the ground mirror often...

Now that they noticed, the mirrors immediately made the decision.

"Take it bad."

After a ground mirror sends out such a signal, all the ground mirrors fired at the blocked place.

‘Hey! This time they used explosive weapons. After a small explosion, the road ahead became unobstructed.

This seems to be a long passage, the passage is very dark, and the mirrors go back without hesitation.

Lynn’s spy continues to follow them. Detecting the surrounding environment.

It is possible to detect the traces left by the soft creature on the ground here.

Their skin will have a layer of mucus, so there will be some traces when moving, it seems that the soft creature is indeed following this place...

"It's here."

There was a sigh in front of them, and those mirrors immediately went in one direction. Lin needs to remind them to turn to the path through which the soft creatures pass.

I feel that this group of mirrors is too... casual.


Just as Lin thought about it, a voice suddenly rang and the whole cave shook.

"I found an exception, I want to defeat the exception. Where is the exception? The exception is here!"

Both Lin and the ground mirrors found that the surrounding rock walls changed rapidly, and a large number of soft objects poured out from the cracks in the rock wall, and these things quickly wrapped the entire cave completely.

This is... a soft creature?

Lin touched the softened rock wall and examined it. It was found that this ingredient is the same as the skin of the soft creature, and now it feels here... as if it were in the stomach of a certain creature.

Moreover, Lynn feels that this 'stomach' is shrinking, and may want to crush all the ground mirrors inside.

"Come on, go ahead!"

The ground mirror did not attack, nor did it retreat from the cave, but accelerated forward, so Lin's spy followed them to move forward quickly.

Although Lin felt that this was not very good, because the cave that became the stomach did not know how long it could extend, but its contraction speed was very slow, so it could run a long distance before being squeezed.


The first mirror shone with light, guiding the mirror behind it, but there was no martyrdom.

After running for about a hundred seconds in a row, Lin found that there was no way ahead, but was completely blocked by a soft object.

This object is the soft creature that previously operated the shackle.

"Kill it."

In the face of it, the ground mirrors did not hesitate to shoot, but because of the narrow relationship between the caves, only the first three mirrors can attack, but their firepower seems to be quite sufficient.

After a few seconds, the body of the mollusk was hit with a lot of holes. This time it didn't run away, but instead climbed over here...

"Kill it! Kill it!"

The ground mirror immediately strengthened the firepower, and a large number of attacks caused the entire body of the mollusk to begin to collapse, and a large amount of flesh was continuously flying, and soon the mollusk had no original appearance.

Even so, it is constantly moving forward. It seems that it has to touch the nearest ground mirror anyway, but it has not touched its target until its body is smashed...

After the smashed mollusk, the road to the cave was revealed, and it seemed to lead to a very spacious place. (To be continued.)

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