4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 877: Blue area

"We are here! We found this place! We are the fastest!"

Here is a world in the underground. Looking up, you can see that there are countless sharp stone pillars hanging upside down on the top of the cave about three meters. The tip of the stone pillar is covered with a thin wire, and the silk wire is covered with tiny light. Things, bring lighting to the underground dark environment. ≤,

Looking forward, you can see the vast expanse of plain, half-millimeter-high pale blue ‘grass’ that fills the plains of this underground world.

On the light blue grass, there are colorful miniature creatures flying and wandering. This wonderful landscape extends to the farthest point of view.

This place is called the land of the boundary and is the edge of the site of the soft creature.

After passing through the cave that had become the stomach before, it defeated the soft creature that blocked the hole. Lin’s spy and the exploration team of the ground mirror came to this place.

Looking back, Lin found the cave on the huge rock wall behind him. In addition to the one that Lin came in, there were countless small holes in the rock wall, like a honeycomb.

Lin feels that these holes lead to somewhere in the distance, bringing other creatures from the underground world to this vast border.

The height of the border is three meters, but the width is not known, it seems to be a rather large underground square, and covered with a light blue ‘lawn’.

These grasses are the same kind of creatures as the whites I have seen before, but the colors are different.

The scenery of this place made the mirrors begin to cheer, because the scene here is completely consistent with the appearance of the boundary land described in the king's data. It is a blue underground plain, which is confirmed by the ground mirror by strong illumination. General environment.

However, the top of the cave is more dazzling than the plain on the ground, and there are countless wires that stick to the glowing debris on the sharp stone pillars. This makes the entire top of the cave look like the starry sky at night.

Exploring the players did not have time to appreciate the beautiful cave tops, they need to report to the king quickly.


"They are already here? They are here! They found it!"

In the hall where Wang waited for news, the news that surprised the mirror spread instantly, and these mirrors were shocked.

In fact, Lynn also feels wonderful, because I read them before. The underground labyrinth is quite broad. I thought I had to stay up all night with a few pompons on the road. I didn't expect to be in this position so quickly.

"Hurry up! Start!"

Then, the king once again sent instructions to its troops as before, and when a large number of instructions were passed, more troops began to prepare to go to the border.

However, Wang did not call back those teams that had been explored. It seemed to be going to let them continue to explore.

......... In short. Lin’s exploration team here only needs to continue to wait here...

After reporting to the king, the expedition team quickly unplugged the blue lawns on the ground.

This seems to be no problem, and it won't provoke any creatures. When a clear space with a diameter of about 30 centimeters is cleared, several ground mirrors open the sharp part of the head and take a thing from the inside. Come out.

This thing is not their weapon, but a building tool.

A 'semi-automatic' construction tool.

These tools look like a disc and have many limbs underneath. The number of these limbs is large, which makes them look like beetles.

of course. These tools act like beetles.

I saw that the mirror that put the tool out now illuminates a light from the head. The light shines on a tool like a beetle, and the tool suddenly moves.

It crawled on the ground like a beetle and began collecting sand and clay on the ground and stacking things up.

They use this tool to build everything, and the tool is a very complicated machine. The ground mirror uses light to input commands to the tool, and the tool moves to build everything.

According to the king's order, after they came to the border, they had to establish a camp as a contact point. Several ground mirrors were built specifically for construction. So they bring construction tools.

However, only a few of them will build quite slowly.

So, when they were built, Lynn decided to go around here to see if something interesting would be found.

"You don't want to move around!"

When Lin's spy was ready to walk into the blue grass, the mirrors suddenly shone the light onto the spy.

"Now that we have entered a stage where we cannot move casually, we must stay in the same place and do not have activities. It is the most important thing to establish a camp!"

It seems that these mirrors have a very good opinion on Lin’s thoughts, so if you do, stay here.

But only spies continue to stay here, and Lin can use a lot of ways to explore.

Thinking, Lin looked at the distance of the cave. On the blue grass in the distance, Lin found a seemingly suspicious stone.

The stone is huge, has a height of ten centimeters, and the surface is very flat, as if it had been cut by...

So, Lin's spy aimed at the stone, a sharp little object suddenly launched to the other side, and soon tied to the target.

However, before the Lin was tested, the stone shook and began to change. It became very soft in a moment, and the color of the surface became a metal-like color.

At the same time, its entire body slowly spread out on the blue grass, and the height of the towering height of ten centimeters slowly disappeared, becoming a soft mass of grass lying on the grass.

It turns out that this is... a soft creature?

Lin is not surprised that it will be deformed. Before the test, Lin thought that the soft organisms had some deformability, and the structure of the soft organisms could quickly change their shape and harden.

Before, Lin saw that the soft creature spread its wings, which is a similar situation. As long as it forms the shape of the wings and then hardens, it can maintain that.

However, it is still very hard to harden, because the wings can not be hard, they need to be perfectly coordinated to fly.

In contrast, this disguise as a stone is a relatively simple feeling.

It is now slowly creeping on the grass, not taking the spikes that Lin has stuck on it, and it slowly climbs into the direction of the ground mirror, and the mirrors have not noticed it, but Carry out the building.

In fact, only three mirrors were built there, and other mirrors were in a state of being in a daze.

The soft creature slowly climbed to a distance of only 50 centimeters from the camp. The whole body was lying on the grass, but the color did not change. However, Lin felt that if the mirror was 'looking', no matter what color it was, it would be Noticed.

Because Lin still wants to observe for a while, so she didn’t let the spy remind those mirrors, and the soft creatures didn’t do anything to the ground mirror. When it approached this distance, it stopped moving, but stayed where it was, as if it was watching. Happening……

Lin is paying attention to it while paying attention to the surrounding environment.

Lin now feels that it is very likely that there are software creatures disguised in many places here. Lin lets the spies look around...

Sure enough, soon, Lin discovered more soft creatures. Although their camouflage is very similar to real objects, there are still some differences.

Around the ground mirror camp, there are more than a dozen soft creatures within a radius of one meter, all of which are disguised as stones, blue lawns on the ground, and so on.

They seem to be monitoring the mirror, but Lynn feels that they are more likely to be in a state of ... sleeping, not paying attention to the surrounding environment.

The soft creature that began to disguise as a stone was awakened by Lin, only to notice the ground mirror and climbed over to observe.

Lin sees that the soft creatures in the Wang's data should also be a group of civilized creatures, but I don't know if this is their country or whether there is a city or something else.

Moreover, they do not seem to make things like buildings...

However, Lin is more concerned about how far is the organ from the stellar bus? It is reasonable to say that this is not very deep, because in the maze, it didn't take long to come here, so there should be some distance from those organs.

Just as Lin thought about it, the soft creature that was tied by Lin began to move.

It slowly climbed over to the nearest software creature that was camouflaging the lawn and gently touched it. At the moment of contact, the 'turf' on the ground instantly retracted to the ground and the ground began to change color. It then shrank into a group and became another soft body creature.

Then the two creatures spread out and crawled in different directions, and Lin noticed that they climbed to the soft creatures around them in camouflage.

They... Is it waking up their companions?

Lin thinks right, the two soft creatures wake up two companions, and then they spread out to reach more companions.

As soon as they touch, they will recover from the camouflage state and act.

But with so many soft creatures in action, the ground mirrors will not be noticed. Some soft creatures are close to the camp, and a mirror in a state of daze suddenly notices them.

"That kind of thing is approaching!"

After a small amount of light, all the mirrors reacted immediately, and they began to increase their perception quickly to pay attention to the position of the companion.

Soon, they discovered a surprising fact... There are soft creatures everywhere, and they are quite numerous.

Therefore, they did not decide to attack casually, but instead issued a kind of light with the meaning of 'retreat'. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Big Baby ~ Wang Ahua ~ Night Eagle Changming ~ Book Locust ~ ~

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