4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 880: Ground gathering point

"Put up that!" "Build that!"

Here is the land of the border, originally a site belonging to soft creatures, but now thousands of mirrors have occupied this area. ∷

They cleaned up an area on the blue grass as their base, they built walls on the edge of the base, and built a lot of buildings inside.

There is now a group of mirrors around a place that is not so good to build a building... a huge pothole on the ground.

The hole was 30 centimeters in diameter and it was not at the bottom, they were deciding to block the hole.

However, there are three mirrors indicating that they are going to explore this cave. These three mirrors are the spies of Lynn.

"You want to go in there? Why?" "Explore? Don't explore!" "But it doesn't matter if you explore."

When Lin’s spies published their thoughts on cave exploration, the ground mirrors expressed their opinions on this situation.

However, Lynn's spies did not wait for their decision, but went straight into the cave... and jumped in.

"What are you doing!" "Don't move around!"

While feeling the light they radiated, the spy fell into the depths of the cave. The process lasted for more than ten seconds, and the spy fell to the ground.

Lin looked around and it was the same size as the hole above, only 30 cm in diameter, and surrounded by solid rock walls, but with a lot of gaps.

It seems that the large soft body that was drilled out before seems to be a large number of soft creatures that have been drilled from various gaps, and then gathered together to form a group of drilled ground.

Then, this underground may have a lot of soft creatures hidden...

Thinking about it. Lynn let a spy walk to the side of the rock. And gently touch the rock wall. Through this rock wall, spies can perceive the biological activities in this field.

Through these feelings, Lin discovered a place where a lot of soft creatures gather...

Just two meters away from here, there are probably dozens of soft creatures gathered there, as well as other locations, but they are scattered very scattered.

They are all in a static state, but they also perform actions like breathing, so they can feel it.

Lynn decided to dig into that position to see. But now the shape of the spy is not suitable for drilling holes, so Lin wants them to change the form first.

Thinking, Lin let the three spies gather together, and they quickly changed shape. When they were connected one after another, they formed a drill bit that could advance underground.

Its shape looks like three pyramids connected together, looks a bit strange, but suitable for moving underground.

"You...what are you! You are a monster! There are monsters here!"

When Lin was about to dig, he suddenly felt a flash of light. Lin found that several mirrors had floated from above.

When they found that Lynn's spies were connected together. It seemed to feel a huge shock, and immediately swayed and tried to run back.

But they seem to be unable to control the falling process. So they only slowly drifted to the ground, and they climbed up to the rock wall with fear and escaped.

It seems like a spy is a terrible look for them? This is quite interesting.

Thinking, Lin asked the spy to start digging on the rock wall.

The rock wall looks very strong, but it is easy to squeeze in from the gap, and then there are almost all soft materials like dirt.

There are quite a lot of creatures in the ground here. The number of these microorganisms is much more than the above, but... there seems to be no special creature.

And it seems that I have never seen a civilized creature here, only the appearance of ordinary wildlife.

Soft creatures are not like the usual civilized creatures here. Lynn thinks they are like a division of labor, or...

Are they running away?

As Lynn moved closer and closer to the goal, Lynn felt that the soft creatures gathered in that place had all left the position.

Not only they, but also the surrounding soft creatures, they seem to specifically avoid Kailin's spies, and start moving at a distance.

However, Lin did not manage so much, but continued to move forward. Soon, Lin arrived at the place where the soft creatures had gathered.

This place...is an open space about ten centimeters in diameter. Why did some soft creatures gather here before? It seems to be because of this thing.

Lynn found a white object in the center of the open space. The object is five centimeters in length and shaped like a branch.

From the traces around it, the soft creatures just gathered near this white object, and this white object...

It is something that Lynn is familiar with, in fact... it is the organ of the stellar bus.

Of course it's a small part, but this part is taken from the organ of the stellar bus, and there are many traces on it.

The traces of being eaten...accurately, it is similar to the traces of being bitten by hard objects, and this is done by soft organisms.

They can harden some parts of the body and bite on them, but why are they biting this?

And where did they bring this over?

Lin looked around and there seemed to be no clues. There were no cave passages around the rock wall, only gaps.

Soft creatures usually move underground in the way they are constantly squeezing forward in the rock peaks. Occasionally they may make some passages, but they will soon block.

So they won't leave the way forward... But since this thing is here, the complete organ is definitely nearby.

It seems that...not necessarily complete.

Can soft organisms cause damage to the organs of the stellar bus?

According to Lin’s knowledge of the stellar bus, the creatures on the stellar bus should not harm the organs of the stellar bus.

In short, you need to find where the organ is.

Thinking, Lin let the spy drill bit leave some micro-arms here as surveillance, and then it continues to drill into the rock wall and continue to detect where there are soft-body gatherings...

Soon, Lin found the next gathering point, and almost dozens of soft creatures gathered there.

When Lin went there, they all fled, so Lin thought of a way to create a spy for a soft creature...

"No! Help!"

Just as Lin thought about it, Lin’s spy drill suddenly fired in front of it.

This kind of light has the meaning of saving life if it is in the language of the mirror. (To be continued.)

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