"Help! Don't abandon me!"

Lin's spy drill bit slowly progressed under the ground, and now comes to a small underground cave with a diameter of more than ten centimeters. ...≦

Lin saw a group of mirrors here.

There are ten mirrors in this group, they are piled up together, and they can't move because their bodies are stuck by some mucus-like substances on the ground.

They are constantly struggling, and they are constantly asking for help.

These mirrors... seem to have been caught.

When the ground mirror was sneaked by meat, many soft creatures approached the mirror and swallowed them.

In general, the mirrors that are swallowed up by the soft creatures will be crushed, but now it seems to have survived and is brought to this place by the soft creatures.

Why do software creatures want to do this?

"Monster! There are monsters!" "Help! Don't approach me!"

When they discovered Lin's spy drill bit, they suddenly struggled more flustered. The mirrors from the nearest ones were going crazy and constantly twisting their bodies.

It seems that this form is really scary for them, but without their way of thinking it may be difficult to understand this horror.

However, even so, Lin let the spy drill bit shine, asked the ground mirror: "Why are you here?"

At the moment of this question, the mirrors seemed to be stunned, and the light on them was dimmed at this moment.

But after the next second, they again gave a strong flash.

"It will actually communicate with us!" "Too horrible! Who will save me! Hurry!" "Don't!" "Why do you want to ask?"

Lin found that a ground mirror had overcome the fear, so Lin asked about it.

"They brought you here, do you want to ask what you do?"

"They can't move when we stick us here! What the **** are you? What are you doing here?" Lin can feel that this mirror is forbearing to exchange terror and communication.

Then, Lin continued to ask some questions. This ground mirror indicates that the mollusks do not do anything to them, there is no communication, and so they stay here.

Therefore, Lin did not continue to scare them here, the spy drill bit retreated, and then blocked the hole.

but. Lin also left some micro-arms in the cave, and continued to observe the captured ground mirrors. Because the spy drills got back, they were not so scared slowly, but they did not continue to cry for help. .

Maybe they think the spy drill bits come out because they are calling for help?

"What was that just..." "It’s terrible..." "I want to go home!"

Several mirrors have once again shined, but this time it is much darker than the previous call for help. They are just communicating with their peers.

While watching them communicate, Lin also let the spy drill bit be in a state of being stationary near the cave.

After a while, Lin could feel the soft creatures in the surrounding area slowly starting to move.

It turns out that... The soft creature knows the location of the spy bit by feeling the vibrations in the ground. Therefore, after Lin has moved still, they may not feel it...

They should think of spy drill bits still in this position, but they seem to ignore this problem and resume normal movement.

This is also good, you can observe the way the soft creatures usually move.

In this way, Lynn is waiting slowly here.

A soft creature drilled over here and they were next to the spy bit. However, instead of touching the drill bit, it turned to the cave where the mirror was captured.

"They are back!"

The micro-arms in the cave saw a lot of soft material on the crack in the wall. When these substances were all squeezed out, more than three centimeters of soft creatures appeared in front of the mirror captives.

The mirrors are constantly shining, making the entire cave bright, and Lin looks at the soft creatures slowly approaching them, and then shines on a mirror...

Software organisms... communicating with the ground mirror?

The meaning of this light is: "Why come here? Why attack here?"

The mollusk is asking the ground mirror...they understand the language of the mirror.

"Come here to hit you" "I will attack you!" "To kill you!" Several mirrors responded immediately, but the content they responded seemed to be inconsistent with their captured identity.

"Why are you attacking here?" The mollusk repeatedly asked again.

"We want to kill you!" "To get your resources!" "You will soon fail, and you will soon be destroyed!"

These mirrors are constantly shaking and sending out fierce messages, but they are still answering why they are attacking this place...

The ground mirror seems to be a creature that is difficult to communicate, but Lynn feels that it is very difficult for the average creature to understand their language.

Next. The mollusk did not continue to ask, but suddenly opened and wrapped a mirror in front of it.

"It wants to kill us!" "Help!"

The rest of the ground mirrors saw the light of crying for help, and at the same time, the shattering sound was heard in the soft body.

The mirror that was wrapped in... was shattered, and the remaining mirrors suddenly stopped shining, and they seemed to be in a state of considerable fear.

However, the mollusks did not break up the other mirrors. It slowly climbed to the rock wall and squeezed in from the cracks in the rock wall that had just entered.

Does it break a mirror to purely scare other mirrors? Lin feels that this should not be the case, and the soft creatures may have any purpose.

Because it didn't spit out the debris of the mirror, it just left, so Lynn decided... to follow it.

Thinking, Lin let the tiny arms in the cave fly, flew into the gap where the soft creatures left, and moved along with the soft creatures.

The mollusk has kept itself in a flat state and slowly moved underground. Obviously, he did not notice the Lin's arms that followed it. After following almost 3,000 seconds, Lin found that it came to an underground cave.

It seems that there are many such caves underground. Maybe these are the soft creatures...the city.

The cave is much larger than before, with a diameter of more than one meter. There are also many soft creatures here, and in the center of the cave, there is something like white wood.

This 'wood' has a diameter of thirty centimeters, and Lin knows it in a moment when she sees it... this is also part of the stellar bus.

It stands in the center of the cave, as if it were a pillar that propped up the cave, but it actually seems to have the status of ‘food’.

Around the organ, there are also a lot of soft creatures, which, like Lin thought before, harden a part of the body and scrape a small piece of structure from the organ... and then eat it.

The soft creature that Lin traced also climbed to the organ, and then it made a strange thing. It spit out the crushed pieces of the ground mirror before, and then grabbed the debris and stuck it. On the organ.

What is it doing?

Other soft creatures don't have the doubts of Lin. In fact, they don't care what the companion is doing at all. They continue to eat under the small structure.

Lin looked at them and ate the organ bit by bit. Suddenly, Lin’s fragments of the ground mirror stuck to the organ slowly entered.

It seems to be swallowed, caught in the organ of the stellar bus, and then completely disappeared.

The surrounding mollusks still did not respond. They ate in one bite until the columnar organ was eaten smaller and smaller, and only a small piece was left on the ground.

The mollusk originally wanted to continue eating this small piece, but all of a sudden they all turned and crawled into the cracks in the rock wall.

This is mainly because Lin's spy drills began to move to the side, they fled when they felt the moment, and then left the leftover pieces and did not take it away.

Then, Lin's drill bit came here and tested the leftover little organ.

This organ... belongs to a small part of the digestive organs of the Star Bus.

The last time Lynn discovered was part of the 'Geological Adjustment Organs', this is the digestive organs. Lin felt that the various organs of the Star Bus may have been divided into small pieces by them and then eaten bit by bit.

Will they eat casually like this?

This seems to be...somewhat possible, but Lynn feels that soft creatures are unlikely to do this because Lin thinks they are the 'original' creatures here.

If you can find the nervous system of the stellar bus, Lin can definitely find more...

They are coming.

Lin suddenly felt that the surrounding soft creatures were gathering here quickly, contrary to what they had been trying to avoid before. They seemed to be attacking Lynn's spy drill bit this time.

In this case, Lynn feels that she can try to communicate with them, maybe...

‘Hey! ’

The rock wall next to it suddenly exploded, and a huge soft creature flew directly over it, and it wrapped the spy drill bit and began to squeeze hard.

They seem to... don't want to communicate.

Thinking, Lin let the spy drill begin to turn.

Along with its drilling, the surrounding soft-skinned creatures began to distort and were then smashed by the sharp parts around the drill bit. The drill bit was then further accelerated and drilled from the body of the soft creature.

Lin looked at the soft creature that was drilled out of a hole. It seemed to have suffered serious damage and trembled in place, but there were more soft creatures on the rock wall around the cave. ... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero~ 588~

Thanks ~wanjarry~ real people ~ half bottle is not full ~ bursts of bruises ~ monthly ticket ~

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