4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 882: communicate with


This is the last mollusc. ...≦

Lynn's spy bit looked at it while also looking at the ground around.

There are meat pieces everywhere on the ground. This is the result of a large number of soft-body creatures besieging the drill bit. Lin thinks that they use the spy drill bit as a ground mirror, so they use the method of wrapping and crushing one by one, but this will only Drilled by the drill bit.

The last one, finally, was willing to communicate with Lin. It fired the light and asked Lin in the language of the mirror.

It is obviously a reflection of Lin as a mirror. Lin feels that the mirror does not admit that the horrible thing about the spy drill bit is their kind, and in other creatures, the spy drill bit is the ground mirror connected together, estimating the soft creature. It is directly like a kind of ground mirror, or what special weapon.

Lin was a little hesitant, how to ask about it, because there is no such thing as a stellar bus in the language of the mirror, and there is no description of the words of the tumbling.

So, Lin asked directly to it: "What are you eating?"

“What to eat?” The soft creature repeated the question of Lynn and responded: “We are growing here.”

"Do you grow that consumption?" Lynn also sent a small light to the remaining organ next to the inquiry, indicating that Lin said this thing.

"We are transforming, transforming, very big, very broad areas, and you want to come here to stop us?"

Very large area...

Lin thought a little, Lin thought it might describe the world, because the language of the ground mirror did not accurately describe the meaning of the world, so the soft creatures explained in this way, the ground mirror will use a similar method in some cases. To describe.

"What is conversion?" Thinking, Lin sent this question to it.

"After you know it, it will stop acting?" The soft creature said to Lin: "Promise to stop the action, let you know that leaving from here is good for you, otherwise it will only accept destruction."

"Commitment." Lynn responded.

"So, start moving." Said. The mollusk squeezed into the rock wall behind it, and Lin also let the spy drill bit catch up.

Although it seems to bring Lin to go there, but it does not help Lin open the way, so the spy drill bit has to go all the way, and Lin also found that it often deliberately take some hard to drill, for example, where there are strong stones, Lin feels It seems to be deliberate... to get rid of the spy drill.

However, after a while, it still brought Lin to a place.

There are many soft creatures in this place. As it moved, other soft creatures around did not show signs of evasion or hostility, but they seemed to be very curious about the spy drill bit, gathered from the side.

It is also an underground cave. These caves are bigger than one. This diameter should be more than three meters, quite spacious, and in the cave. There are many trees-like structures that stand on the ground. And there is a complex 'twig' at the top.

But each tree is only ten centimeters high. These trees are full of the ground of the cave. These are not the organs of the stellar bus, but the stones. It seems that they are specially constructed. Why do you construct this strange thing? Lin asked the soft body for the light. But it did not respond.

It climbed into the center of the grove and climbed to a tall tree.

The tree is thirty centimeters tall and much bigger than the others, and Lynn noticed that there was a white thing in its luxuriant ‘twig’.

The mollusks climbed up the trunk and took the white thing out. Put it in front of Lin, and then illuminate the light: "Bring it, leave."

Lin questioned: "Does this explain what transformation is?"

"Go back to your country." The soft creature responded: "With this thing, you know, you should know how to use it. In short, leave quickly, then let your class leave and leave forever."


Lynn didn't move, but Lynn noticed that a group of soft creatures around it seemed to be ready to fight.

Lin feels that if she wants to stay, they will attack immediately, and the soft creatures here may have stronger attack power. Lin found that some special types of them have not been seen before.

If this is the case, then leave it temporarily.

Thinking, Lin let the spy drill stick a tentacle from the side and take the white thing on the ground.

This thing is only half a centimeter in size, and Lin knows where it is used. In fact, it is the image device of the mirror.

This cannot be used alone. To return to the city of the mirror, use the 'parsing device' to analyze it in their 'cinema', and then the cinema will shine with the information.

Every movie in the mirror is like this, using this small piece of stuff to store the material of the movie.

However, there is no pheromone in this thing, no current, no light. It is a thing made of pure stone. It is necessary to use the light of the analytical device to carefully illuminate every detail before it can be projected in a radiant manner. The information inside.

Therefore, Lin has no way to directly understand the above information, Lin has not studied how they are resolved, because each of the above details, each protrusion represents a certain meaning.

Therefore, this thing is also very easy to damage, if you accidentally wear it, there is no way to parse out the information inside.

Lin didn't know why there was a mirror in it, but Lin didn't need to bring this thing back. Lin made a piece of the same thing directly in the city of the mirror.

It’s not that much trouble, it’s also awkward.

While thinking about it, Lynn left the spy drill bit here, and of course left some arms to monitor the soft creatures.

Lin thinks that soft creatures are obviously doing something very important, so they think that the ground mirror will leave here as long as they understand them.

Although Lin feels unlikely, after all, although the mirror is good for the same kind, it is extremely exclusive, but other creatures are possible.

Other creatures should have come here almost, and they are tempted by micro-mechanics. There are still many creatures to fight in the underground world. They are not only ground mirrors, they will come here through the maze.

But Lynn thinks that they may not unite and cooperate after they come here, and they may fight first because Lin found that these civilizations are not so friendly... friendly. (To be continued.)

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