4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 883: a traveler

“I am a traveler, I have been to a lot... there is no place like this. Hey,”

Here is the cinema of the mirror, a space with mirrors on all sides.

In general, only ordinary people enter the cinema, but this time there are many special characters in the cinema.

The king of the ground mirror and a large number of ground mirror soldiers packed the cinema, because they heard that there was a very important thing from the front line... things were brought back, and this thing has special information.

So the king immediately came here to see what the information is.

This information is what Lin brought back in the soft creatures. Actually, it was not brought back. It just made the spies in the city create the same here.

Then, Lin told the king that it was brought back. After Wang heard about it, he thought it was very important information, so he came to the cinema to watch.

At the beginning of the screening, Lin found that the protagonist in this document was not a mollusc, but a mirror that claimed to be a traveler.

Presumably the information is also left by this mirror, but why is it placed in the soft body?

The ground mirror should be clear, but it seems to be starting from the beginning.

Lin now sees a lot of spectacle films, so Lin now has a more detailed understanding of their ‘light language’, so Lynn can translate their light descriptions directly into images.

In the film image of Lin's transformation, I can see a scene where a large group of mirrors are gathering together...

This is a ...... election king game.

Lin has seen the history of some mirrors, so knowing their situation, the king of the mirror is also selected. The way to choose the king is also very simple, that is, a regular competition.

The content of the game is more than the 'complex processing ability', which is to see which mirror can do the most complicated things. These include commanding battles, building buildings, making film stones, killing targets, giving up ideas for a group of troubled companions, answering questions from 'judges', etc... There are almost a dozen projects.

All projects are not taking turns. Instead, at the same time, the ground mirror that participates in the competition will radiate a considerable amount of light from the body to command the construction machinery and answer questions.

Can solve all problems as quickly as possible, and the best ground mirror that must be done can be selected as the king. The original king can also stand for election, but if it does not have new participants, it cannot continue to be Wang.

After choosing the king, this king will command the mirror for a long time, about ten years of pompoms. Then they will continue to play and choose a new king.

What was put in this movie is the situation of a certain competition. This time the winner is a special ground mirror.

When it is done, the surrounding mirrors illuminate it and recognize it as the new king.

It also happily accepted the status of the king and then lived in the king's 'palace'... but it seems that it does not last long.

It went inside the palace. It has discovered the information left by many kings of all ages, which contain many historical events of the mirror.

It seems to be fascinated by this information. So it took a few pompons to stay up all night to see the information.

After reading the information, it decided... not the king.

It announced the news to the ground mirrors, and the ground mirrors did not have much opinion on this. The ground mirror soon began the next round of competition.

After it abandoned the identity of the king, it left the city of the mirror and began its journey.

Before starting the journey. It first went to find some companions, and these companions were also very interested in its ideas, and then they began to explore outside the city.

The initial target of exploration was the underground world under the city...the maze.

It is mainly because I saw a lot of legends about the underground labyrinth in the history, because the kings of the past liked to dispatch various troops to explore the place. The main purpose is to search for resources, but I also found a lot of interesting things.

As for what is interesting, it is not described in detail in this movie.

In short, it just started, it does not seem to like to send troops to explore, but to explore.

But the king must stay in the city, so it must be improper king when he leaves the city, so it becomes a traveler with a mirror.

It embarked on a journey through the maze, bringing with it a long-awaited 'food' and determined to go to some of the legendary areas described in the material.

Their journey can be said to be quite ... dangerous.

Lin's spy and exploration team did not encounter any danger when they marched through the maze, except for being attacked by soft creatures.

This traveler's mirror has encountered quite a lot of dangers. In these descriptions it shows that it has been attacked by many creatures.

According to the description, these creatures are all creatures of one to ten centimeters in size, and they vary in size and quantity.

Most of the time they don't use the ground mirror as a prey, but when the ground mirror approaches them, they will be hostile and then launch an attack.

Travelers and their companions have encountered countless dangers, among them, they are constantly fighting and using all kinds of things that can be obtained as weapons ammunition.

Although it is very difficult, the traveler has no idea to go back, but has been exploring deeper.

Its companions also fell down one by one because of the difficult journey, but this traveler has been advancing. It is, after all, an elite in the ground mirror, so it survived in various crises.

Its various thrilling encounters have astounded the kings and soldiers who are now watching the movie. They often sigh with sighs, as if they were deeply infected by the ‘drama’ in the movie.

After watching it for almost 3,000 seconds, Lin found that her journey had been carried out for more than a hundred pompons, and it has been moving around in the maze.

It did not go through repeated paths, but it did not reach the territory of the soft creatures.

Moreover, Lin did not find that it had walked through the road that Lin was familiar with. The labyrinth at that time seemed completely different from the present... and it was quite dangerous.

Seeing the labyrinth in this movie, Lin felt that the mirror was justifiable to seal the road. If it is like this, it doesn't feel like sealing.

However, after experiencing countless dangers, the traveler still did not reach the interesting place it wanted to go.

It has been fighting all kinds of dangerous creatures, swaying in the maze, as if you can't find any targets.

Later, it was completely lost in the maze, it seems that because it has a special group of microorganisms on the body, it can continue to live.

However, it seems to have lost the goal of life, and the enthusiasm of the first travel adventure has slowly disappeared...

Later, this traveler always wanted to go back to the city of the mirror, but it was completely lost and could not reach the city.

It's not like being able to connect directly to a city with a soft creature. At that time, the traveler couldn't get in touch with the city since entering the maze.

However, it still has not given up and has been working hard to live...

It seems that the king and the soldiers were moved by the emotions of the travellers, and they all shed light at this moment, expressing their sigh to the traveler.

But it seems that no mirror is strange why the previous maze is different from the present.

Finally, the traveler came to a place.

This place... very special.

In its description, this is a very open cave with a white and blue meadow.

The color of the ground mirror is not the same as the color that Lynn sees, but Lynn can 'translate' it into its own color.

In this wonderful place, the traveler saw a huge object.

According to its description, this object seems to have a diameter of more than one meter, standing like a huge pillar in the cave.

The traveler came to the bottom of the pillar and found a lot of gaps under the pillar, as if it had been scratched.

On these gaps, some creatures are occasionally drilled, they are... mollusks.

The soft creatures don't immediately attack the traveler. This special behavior is different from most of the creatures here, so they make the traveler feel wonderful.

But the travellers did not touch them too much, but lived near them.

It seems that the place where the soft creature is located is rarely dangerous, so the traveler chooses to live here.

In the course of life, it has also been observing the mollusk, because the mollusks make it very interesting, it found that the mollusk seems to be 'born' from this huge pillar.

They are converted directly from a part of the column, and the more the number of mollusks, the smaller the column.

Seeing here, Wang and its soldiers showed a very boring look, as if they were not interested in this content.

However, the traveler is very interested, so it has always lived here, and during this period, it has made all kinds of things that have been encountered in the past into a movie stone.

Finally, the traveler is dead.

It didn't say that it died because it made some records before dying, and then the whole story... it is over.

But just the story of the traveler is over.

The material recorded in this film is not over yet, as it was later discovered by mollusks.

The soft creatures don't know how to understand the language of the mirror, and how they made the film stone, and then added some information here.

These materials explain what kind of creatures they are, and generally indicate that the mollusks are from underground structures, such as those found on the columns previously seen.

Lynn thinks that it is part of the stellar bus.

These pillars then have a large impact on the underground environment, and the mollusks have the task of stabilizing and transforming it.

After reading the information, Wang and the ground mirrors all agreed that...

You should continue to attack software organisms. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~m day ty~俺 is not a hero~Wings show thousands of machines~ With the monthly ticket of suo~~~u

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