4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 886: Special behavior

There seems to be a bigger ... organ here.

When the ground mirror attacked the amphibious, Lin's exploratory forces had already reached the depths of the ground. However, when moving deep, both the mini-arms and the spy drills suffered a lot of attacks.

The attacking units are mainly a variety of microorganisms, while the attacking bits are soft organisms.

These soft creatures found out that the film spy was not still going, so they had a lot of opinions and then continually launched an attack.

Therefore, Lin did not let the spy drill continue to move down, but made a new type of stone, which has the ability to resemble a soft creature.

This kind of arms moves completely in the ground by changing the shape of the body. It does not move the soil at all, but moves through various gaps in the soil, so there is no vibration, and the soft creatures seem to pay attention to it. Go to it.

And when it is still, it can also be disguised as a stone, so it is still called a stone.

Using this new type of stone, Lin sneaked into the depths of the underground land... The soil here and the soil on the pompons have many similarities, basically consisting of biological debris and stone debris. The only difference is that the soil in this place has more dense creatures, and even a lot of parts that look like soil are made up of creatures. If you just drill them, you will be attacked.

However, this way of moving the stone will not be attacked, because it will not squeeze any soil.

Based on the activities of the surrounding soft creatures, Lin knows their general lifestyle.

The original soft creatures felt as if they were moving around in the ground, but they actually had a regular movement, and almost all the soft creatures gathered in one place...

That is where Lynn is going to see it now.

After drilling through a gap, the stone's eyes lit up. Here is another spacious cave, a cave in the dark, but a glowing object illuminates the entire cave.

It was a huge white 'pillar' with a diameter of more than six meters in the center of the room.

Moreover, you can see that there are many soft creatures under the column that are gathering there, and they crawl around and crawl. It seems to be preparing something.

Lin looked at the development of the cave on the wall. This pillar should be part of the organ of the stellar bus, but it still remains intact and has not been bitten...

It seems that it will soon become incomplete...

Lynn noticed that a group of soft creatures climbed onto the pillars. Then at the height of thirty centimeters, it began to squirm...

As they moved, they slowly dug a hole in the column and drilled it in.

Other soft creatures also plunged into the pillars one by one, which caused a lot of small holes in the pillars. Lin found that... a total of one hundred soft creatures had been drilled. There are still a lot of soft creatures under the pillars, they don't climb up to drill.

Lin feels that they are doing something in the pillars. If you want to fully understand it, you have to look at it.

Thinking, Lin let the stone be completely drilled out of the cave wall, and then swelled his body and floated into the air.

When doing this kind of action, the soft creatures under the pillars are completely unnoticed.

Because Lin recently discovered the way in which soft creatures perceive, they are less likely to perceive the floating objects in the air, and can only be easily perceived if they touch the ground.

But if you attack them in the air. They will also find out, of course, Lin will certainly not attack them now.

Slowly, Lin floated to the height of one meter of the pillar. After looking at the soft creatures below, I still climbed the stone and climbed to the position where the holes were 30 cm high.

Lin casually found a hole and drilled in.

The caves drilled by the soft creatures are quite...smooth, and there are no protrusions or gaps in the walls of the holes. It feels like it has been specially polished.

As Lin moved deeper, she also examined the structure here, which should be the sensory organ of the stellar bus.

The Stellar Bus uses this organ to detect the environment in the body. At the same time, it also has the function of illuminating, because the stellar bus also has the ability of similar vision, and it needs light to see clearly.

This organ is very close to the nerves, but not the nerves. Sensory organs are not where thinking is.

Moving forward for almost sixty centimeters, Lin found an open place in front of him.

This place... seems to be a cave dug inside. The cave is 30 centimeters wide and more than ten centimeters high. It can see a lot of silver threads hanging down, and the ground seems to be hardened by crystals. And it’s still shiny.

A mollusk that squirmed on the crystallized ground, and Lynn noticed that it seemed to be softening the structure of the ground.

The hardened crystal structure of the ground slowly softens and dissolves under the body of the soft body... It seems that the soft organism is changing its properties here.

After dissolving the crystallization of a place, it crawls to the side of the crystal to continue to dissolve. Lin sees that it has not noticed this, and let the stone stand out from the tentacles and gently touch the ground.

This crystallization...Lin has never seen this structure on her own star bus, but this is part of the stellar bus, which seems to be a reaction change.

Thinking, Lin asked the stone to stick out a sharp part and poke on the wall of the hole that was not crystallized.

Suddenly, the part that was poked by Lin quickly hardened and looked like crystal on the outside. Lin felt that this was a kind of mechanism similar to hardening after being attacked.

Although the Star Bus is no longer thinking, these mechanisms will of course continue to operate.

This organ is actually much more complicated than Lin's. Although it can recognize the type, there are many functions that Lynn has not seen yet. Although it feels like a very simple mechanism, the soft body seems to have lifted this defense mechanism. Way.

How is it lifted? What is dissolved with it?

The stone once again stretched out the tentacles, slowly approaching the soft body that is swinging the body on the ground, and then slightly touched the crystalline part of the body that is melting...

This seems to be some...special.

Instead of using a solution to dissolve the crystal, the soft organism secretes a special ... pheromone, and when the structure on the ground receives the pheromone, it will harden itself and begin to quickly Change yourself to something like a soft creature.

That is to say, after the ‘cells’ of the stellar bus received the pheromones of the mollusks, they began to turn themselves into...soft creatures. (~^~)

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