4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 887: analysis

They are back.

Or, they have never left.

The creatures known as the amphibitors are gathering in the passage of the cave they drilled out.

They seem to want to counterattack the ground mirror again, but when will they launch a counterattack?

For the time being, Lin didn't care about these things, because Lin is now thinking about things about stellar buses and mollusks.

The lifestyle of mollusks, and their relationship with the stellar bus, is very interesting.

Therefore, Lin wants to study them a little bit... but they are very reluctant to cooperate and are not willing to communicate, so they need to use some more direct methods.

Before, Lin was looking at the situation in the cave, where the soft creature slowly decomposed the hardened crystals on the ground, and Lin's quasi-stones observed it at the hole.

However, this behavior did not last long, it quickly noticed Lin's stone, after all, the distance is too close, it is not easy to hide.

Then, it decided to launch the attack, but it did not have any special attack capabilities, so it was quickly caught by Lin's quasi-stone.

And when Lin grabbed it, Lin found that there was movement outside.

The mollusks that gathered outside this columnar organ suddenly began to move here. It seems that after Lin attacked the mollusks here, they immediately noticed it.

So, Lynn decided to finish the study before they came in.

Now in the cave inside the pillar, Lin's quasi-stone is changing into the shape of a ball, and the inside of the ball is hollow, and the inside is trapped by the soft creatures that were caught before.

This soft creature is several centimeters in size. Although the shape is not fixed, it can't rise to a large extent, and Lin's quasi-stone is more than doubled, so not only can it be trapped, but also part of it can be blocked. live.

The fastest group creatures outside have already approached the cave through the passage, and blocking the hole should be able to get some time.

Thinking, Lin began to detect the soft creature trapped inside the ball...

Fortunately, these creatures will not blew or dissolve themselves. Although it is constantly struggling to try to drill it out, it is still very easy to study it.

The body structure of this mollusk is not the same as those seen above, but the general feeling is still like the 'simplified version' of the stellar bus organ...

The composition of organs in the stellar bus is very complicated, and in general, some of them are cells. There are also a large number of mixed structures that work together to form.

The mollusk simplifies these structures a lot, leaving only the basic part... The body structure of this mollusc can make it deform quickly, but it can't be hardened or winged like Lin's last seen.

But this is closer to the organ of the Star Bus.

Lin cares about its thoughts. It should also have a brain-like part, but Lynn only found a small 'neural system'.

This nervous system is made up of cells. But there are only ten cells.

Such a small nervous system connects and controls the soft structure of the whole body. Lin feels that such a small nerve cannot allow this soft body to control its body.

So obviously, this mollusc is not a single organism... they are similar to a divisional species.

And this tiny nerve is connected to other software organisms, or receives signals from where it is sent. The location is not yet clear.

Lin can vaguely feel... this tiny nerve is connected far away, and this connection seems to be disconnected from time to time, very unclear.

However, Lin has another clear feeling that it is connected to other soft creatures.

These include the soft creatures that are now in the cave passage. They have now come to the entrance of this place, because the entrance is blocked by the part of Lin's stone, they can't get in... but they have begun to attack the part of Lin used to block the road.

These mollusks harden part of their body into sharp claw shapes, constantly trying to dig up the blocked stone.

Although the stone is hardened, the soft body has already dug a lot of cracks on it, which obviously won't last long, and the structure of the stone makes it unable to continue to become harder.

But Lynn feels wonderful... It seems that the way the soft creatures attack and the way they live is simple. They don't even have the civilizations outside.

Thinking, Lin asked the stone in the road to send a signal of communication to the attacking mollusks.

Although Lin tried to communicate a few times before, it failed, but this time it is a signal that fully understands their nerves. This should give them a feeling of the same kind.

"You, stop the attack."

When Lin sent this message, the constantly attacking software creature suddenly slammed and stopped the attack.

"what are you?"

The attacking mollusk signaled a question. This seems to be a good start, meaning it wants to communicate with Lin.

So, Lin and it explained some situations, saying that they came from outside, harmless to them, just wanted to understand the situation here.

"You have to get out of here." The software creature sent a message to Lin: "Can't continue here. Leave here."

"Don't you care about the war above?" Lin said: "There is a creature who wants to invade you."

"Come on here." And it repeats the previous message: "Do not leave, just attack."

It seems that they still don't want to communicate, so that's it...

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly protruding a tentacle in the quasi-stone, it pierced the soft creature ready to attack.

Then in the tentacle, Lin opened a large number of openings and began to absorb the soft creature, just like a straw, the soft creature was sucked half a body in an instant.

There is still a part left, which reacts to make the structure inside harden quickly, so as to avoid being sucked in by the stone. While absorbing this soft body, Lin is also testing its structure.

Its structure is very similar to those of soft-skinned creatures on the ground. The body has the ability to transform rapidly and can harden a part of the body at will.

Moreover, it has multiple neural structures in the body, which is different from the one that was previously trapped by Lin. It seems that they are two arms.

This hardened type is responsible for things like fighting, while another type that doesn't harden is responsible for transforming the organs of the Star Bus.

Hardened species also seem to eat organs, but they have not seen their ability to directly transform. More importantly, Lin understands that it connects all the surrounding soft organisms through the neural structure in this hardened species, and the surrounding soft organisms, They are all connected to something in the distance.

Lin feels that this connection is a very important thing, but to get accurate information, Lin believes that more should be obtained... neural structure.

Only a small amount of neural structure perception, it will only feel very vague, but there are a lot of soft body biological structures ... can clearly feel.

To put it simply, Lin wants to grab all the soft creatures here.

It is impossible to do it by light.

Although it has already captured two soft creatures, there are now more soft creatures coming here, and soon the stone will be solved.

However, Lin has left many micro-arms in the dirt on the outside wall.

These mini-arms were originally used for observation, and now Lin intends to use them to create an army.

Need enough troops to capture all the mollusks here.

In fact, compared to direct capture, Lynn still thinks it is better to communicate with them, but since they are not willing to communicate, then do it.

Thinking, Lin asked the mini-arms to start moving. They began to attack various microorganisms in the surrounding soil and devour them all as nutrients.

When Lin did this, more soft creatures had reached the position of the stone, and Lin did not let the stone counterattack, so they quickly solved the stone.

The way they solve the stone is to cut the body part of the stone with the blade, and then use some solution to completely dissolve the stone.

Of course, they only think it is more thorough. Lin let the quasi-stones release a lot of micro-arms before they are dissolved, and continue to observe the situation in the columnar organs.

After the quasi-stone was solved, the column returned to its usual condition, and the mollusks continued to dissolve the crystals inside, while the hardened species left and climbed out.

Through the previous research, Lin has basically understood how it dissolves. The mollusks show the information of some nuclear information recorded in the body to the organ of the star bus, and then the organ of the star bus will dissolve itself. Reaction.

Lynn feels that it is like a stellar bus and a soft creature have reached a certain kind of 'agreement', and as long as the soft body gives the organ an agreement, the organ will respond.

It is also possible that the mollusks steal the nuclear information in some way, then modify the content inside, and let the organ make this reaction, but this is unlikely, because it is very difficult.

The nuclear information of the stellar bus is very different from the usual nuclear nucleus. Lynn feels that for the moment, any creature that Lynn encounters does not have this technology or ability.

In addition to the stellar bus itself...

Therefore, Lynn has the idea that the software creatures doing these things may be the task assigned to them by the stellar bus, so that they can help dissolve and transform all the organs.

This kind of behavior obviously has an impact on the collapse, so micromachines have to attack them.

When thinking about these things, Lin's miniature arms in the soil have grown a lot through continuous eating, and can be used to attack soft creatures.

After capturing them all and knowing where their general command is, Lin should be able to figure out the overall situation.

On the other hand, Lynn’s spy at the ground mirror and the amphibious person also found some conditions.

That is... Micromachinery has appeared. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Qingyue cold moon ~ real people ~kmt.g~pvnkkaa~ monthly ticket~

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