4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 889: go ahead

"Here... is there."

Lin’s ‘clod’ advances in the soil, and through the neural structure of the mollusk trapped in the clod, Lin can feel...

Not far from the front, there is an area where all the soft creatures are connected, and that area is called the 'main consciousness zone' by Lin.

But in fact, what exactly is it?

Lin will see it... It will be easier to figure out what happened here before the war begins.

When Lin thought about these things, she had already reached the ‘conscious zone’.

After digging a pile of dirt in front, Lin saw a gray... rock wall.

The area of ​​consciousness is just behind this rock wall, and there may be something like a brain inside, sending a signal to most soft creatures...

However, not for all software creatures, Lin feels that there should be only a part, no matter how advanced, look at it and say it.

This rock wall is quite strong, because it can be regarded as a bone... the bones of the star bus.

However, there is nothing in the stellar bus that can really be regarded as a skeleton function. This kind of solid structure is generally used in some special areas, not to protect organs, but to stabilize the underground environment, and sometimes used to ... detain creatures. .

These structures are usually completely sealed, and small micro-organisms are hard to pass, but Lynn knows that there is no such death.

Lin let the clods dig more than twenty centimeters to the right to see an opening in the solid bone wall.

The opening is just about the size of the clod, so Lin let the clods drill in. After entering the hole, the passage inside is also about the size of the clod, with a diameter of about sixty centimeters.

Lin can already feel the surrounding... ‘conscious’ here.

They are constantly transmitting information to the mollusks inside the clod, and these trapped mollusks are struggling even more intensely.

However, Lynn feels very wonderful. There seems to be no software creature guarding this channel... However, Lin can also feel that there are quite a lot of soft creatures coming over here.

In fact, during the period when Lin’s clods came here, all the surrounding soft creatures gathered. Just Lynn arrived here faster than them.

Lynn thinks that they may have some other more powerful units, which may be because Linde arrives at this place, so check the secrets here before they arrive.

Walking between the passages, Lin has detected the surrounding walls...

The walls here are made of a softer substance. It is completely different from the outside structure, and the amount of microorganisms is much less than the outside.

In general, if there is no microbe in this place, but suddenly there is a hole, there will be a lot of creatures pouring in here.

But there are very few microorganisms here and it seems to have been expelled. It is only about 0.1% less than the outside.

This also seems to be the reason for the 'consciousness' here.

On the walls of the channel, there are nerve structures that are much like roots. These nerve structures are not stellar buses, but more like... multicellular creatures.

It is like the brain structure of the usual creatures, but Lin found that the cells on the nerve structure are quite 'fierce', they will quickly swallow the nearby microorganisms and grow slowly.

These neural structures have no thought ability, they are used to send information, and Lin can feel that they continue to send signals to soft organisms, close to them. This feeling is clearer...

Just study this...


When Lin was testing, she suddenly heard a sound coming from the depth of the front channel. The sound was approaching here at a fairly high speed...

That is... a large group of soft creatures?

These soft creatures are only a few centimeters in size, but they come together to form a sixty centimeter, a large group that just blocks the entire passage, and rushes over to Lin.

However, they did not directly hit the clods, but stopped before the clods.

Lynn looked at the soft body creatures with some confusion, and they were constantly squirming. It seems like I am going to do something...

It took about ten seconds, and suddenly Lin felt that they sent a lot of signals to this side.

These signals are similar to brainwave signals, but they don't have any special meaning, but when they signal. Lin felt that the nerve structures on the surrounding walls began to move.

They squirmed and broke free from the wall, and then slammed into the clods like a spear. After a moment, the clods were penetrated by a number of spears made up of these nerve structures.

It seems that this power is very strong. Before the soft creatures could not get through the crust of the clods, these nerve structures like the roots can penetrate directly... They have a function of accelerating the ejection inside.

then. The soft creatures in front of them also moved, and the soft creatures gathered together quickly dispersed, and climbed through the clods one by one, and drilled in from the cracks in the clods.

Do they want to go in and rescue their companions?

Lin didn't pay attention to them, and the clods remained still, because Lynn had already perceive...something from the neural structures that penetrated the clods.

These neural structures are interconnected, and they are connected to a rather large structure behind the wall, which should be called a 'neural network'.

They are like spider webs that are spread around the area of ​​about 100 meters in diameter, but most importantly... they are all connected to some huge structure below.

That huge structure is the origin of consciousness. If this is the case, then look at it in the past.

In the body of the clod, a small acupuncture is sticking out, and this acupuncture is inserted into a nerve structure that penetrates the clod.

At the moment of the plunging, acupuncture put a large number of micro-arms into the nerve structure. At the moment of entering, these micro-arms were attacked by cells inside the nerve structure.

Therefore, Lynn let the micro-arms swallow them, as their own nutrients, began to grow and move along the nerve structure.

They will pass this neural structure to the location of the huge thing below, and Lin feels that this will not be very smooth.

But so far, it's quite smooth. Lynn's mini-arms have combined themselves to become the shape of a worm, which is suitable for moving forward and swallowing in many places.

The cells in the nervous structure are constantly attacking and constantly becoming the nutrients of Lin, and soon the branches of Lin have moved a long distance.

The mollusks that are attacking the clods seem to have not noticed that a certain nerve structure has been attacked. They have dragged out the seized mollusks in the body of the clod and tried to dissolve the clods. Every part of it.

As they do these things, Lin's arms have advanced more than ten meters in the neural structure, and as its size increases, it is getting faster and faster.

The huge thing underground is about sixty meters away, and it will soon reach the target.

While advancing, Lin can also feel that there is a lot of information in the neural structure in the 'reverberation', which indicates that... they are nervous about Lin's worm.

When the worm advanced to more than 20 meters, many new forces have been deployed in the nervous structure, such as multi-celled units, but they are still decomposed by worms.

And those soft creatures also perceive that Lin has invaded a neural structure, and they all look very nervous, but... it seems that nothing can be done.

Lin's worm continues to move forward. It is now about ten centimeters long. The cells that are swallowed up in the nervous structure are almost directly used as part of the growth body. They don't even need any 'digestion process'. Their structure is very Suitable for.

When Lin advanced to more than 30 meters, Lin suddenly found the front... disconnected.

It seems that this nerve structure is broken in order to prevent Lin from moving forward. It is similar to the way the octopus creatures break the tentacle's survival.

But this doesn't make much sense to Lin. Lin asked the worm to drill directly from the nerve structure into the soil, and then continue to drill into the front section from the soil and continue to move forward along the nerve structure.

After discovering that this method was ineffective, Lin felt that the surrounding information was surging, and it was constantly sending out a large number of 'interfering waves' to the worm.

Lin feels that this name can be used. It should be used to drive other creatures, so that they should not be used close to it. Therefore, the microbes outside are intensive, but the number in the will area is small because they send these signals. Sufficient to damage the internal activity systems of those microorganisms.

Even so, there are still some microbes living here, so the cells on the nerve structure are full of aggressiveness and are used to solve stubborn objects.

But Lin, the worm, has become stubborn too much. In fact, even if their cells are all made of metal like micromachines, it is... it is difficult to stop Lin.

Now, Lin has almost reached the position of 60 meters deep. On the way forward, they have begun to take ... a last resort, the surrounding cells no longer attack, but begin to dissolve themselves, so as to come Limiting Lin's continued growth, but also a large number of ... non-cell arms began to attack Lin's worm.

These non-cells are mollusks, which are much smaller and somewhat different from the outside, as if they were only at the end.

But it's also hard to stop the very powerful worms that have grown up, of course... they don't care about this, they just attack wildly.

Lin didn't keep going. When the worm was surrounded by more and more soft creatures, it couldn't move forward at the end, and ‘啪’ slammed open. (~^~)

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