4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 890: Underground things

More than 800 chapters of fast moving? Do you want to use it?

This is really... very interesting.

Lin is testing the 'conscious zone' of soft-formed creatures, which has a huge neural network. Of course, the most conspicuous thing here is a cylindrical structure.

It’s not very easy for Lynn to come here, because Lynn’s worm has suffered a lot of biological attacks while moving forward in the neural structure.

The number of these creatures is like a storm, rushing up, trying to kill Lin's worm.

Then, Lynn's worm blew itself when it reached a position that was almost the destination.

At the moment of self-explosion, it also involved a large number of soft creatures around it. Most importantly, Lin felt that the nervous signal that had been so intense had calmed down at this moment.

It may think that Lin's worm has been solved.

Of course, the worm was solved, but the worm exploded and a large number of mini-arms were released around, and then the units were hidden.

They haven't been discovered...Lin also needs this method to detect it. If you continue to use the worm all the way, it will only be constantly attacked. In order to attack the worm, they will definitely use the "all-in-one", including autolysis. The way it is, will make Lin... there is no way to detect the internal structure.

It is much easier to detect these hidden mini-arms now.

However, Lynn can also use the micro-arms at the beginning, but the speed of using the worm is faster, after all, it is about to start.

After the inspection, Lin found that the huge cylindrical structure was hollow and the interior was filled with another structure.

Simply put, its outer shell and inner part are two different structures, and the structure of the outer shell is very familiar to Lin.

That is... a creator.

In fact, after seeing the root-type neural network in the underground, Lin felt a bit like it, but at that time, she didn't think so completely. After coming here, Lin knew.

There are a lot of evidence on the outer shell of the cylinder that is the creator. Of course, the creator is dead and I don't know how long it has been. The structure left behind is only a small part.

It should have been much larger than this. The root structure should not only spread a hundred meters, but it is also full of nerve structures.

Previously, the patriarch found some creatures with nuclear information on the pompom. Lin felt that it was also related to the creator.

This creator became the main reason for this... It seems because of the structure inside it.

The structure in the creator. It is the organ of the stellar bus, which is an organ similar to the nervous system, but it is not the kind of nervous system that Lynd has seen. They have many different things, and they have. This nervous system does not have a true ‘thinking’ ability.

It will only send out some fixed signals and won't think too much about it.

The tension that Lynn's worm felt when he came in was sent by another thing. They are also soft creatures. They are estimated to be responsible for managing the area, but they are not the 'main' part.

The main part is the creator, as well as the stellar bus organ in the creator.

The organ of the stellar bus has been fused with the creator's outer shell and feels like the same creature.

However, Lin can clearly see that they are different after a little inspection. Why do they become like this? Lin felt that the stellar bus used the creator.

The stellar bus organ will continue to send a fixed signal, according to Lynn. It uses this signal to give commands to soft creatures.

It looks simple, but it's actually a very complicated system.

Lin has studied a lot of soft-skinned creatures and knows the situation in them. Lin found that whenever the organ of this star bus sends out a signal, the 'nuclear' in the soft-body will react and let them make various kinds. thing.

In general, it should be to let the soft creatures break down other organs. This should be the 'task' of the mollusks.

They do this kind of thing, and it really is the order given to them by the stellar bus.

However, the organ of this stellar bus is not only affecting mollusks. It also affects the creators who are 'parasitic' by it.

It is said that parasitism should not be correct, because this organ should be inserted after the creator has died.

But the creator is not completely dead, and the part that is dead should be the body, mainly the brain and the internal organs.

Lynn thinks this creator may be a creator of the attack on the stellar bus. But it was killed by the stellar bus.

This is not a strange thing, because this star bus is more ‘old’ than the kind of lining, they may have multiple defenses, and some younger creators may invade themselves instead.

After the stellar bus has grown to a certain extent, it may not only kill the creators of the invasion. Can also use it.

The use of this organ by the Stellar Bus also continually sends an influence signal to the creator, affecting the cells in the creator and the tentacle, making them transform into a protective structure and increasing the signal of the stellar bus organ.

Lynn guessed... it should be like this.

The stellar bus knew that it was going to die, so it created signal organs that allowed them to control... the soft organisms dissolved other organs in their bodies.

Maybe to prevent collapse... Lin is now learning the details of this.

The stellar bus may think that after its consciousness is dead, these organs don't know if there will be any problems... so they have done some precautions, and this signal organ uses the creators to guard against it.

Because the cells of the creator's tentacles will be continuously updated, this will enable it to effectively cope with the invading creatures around, but it is only a sudden emergence that Lin can't cope.

This can protect the signal organs well. Lin feels that this is only accidental use. There should be signal organs in other places. It may not use the creator but use other protection.

This signal organ is also home to soft creatures. These soft biological tasks are to take care of this place. Here, some intellectual management is required, so let them come.

They are the point of thought connection of all other soft creatures, but not that they control all the soft creatures, but the soft creatures connect to each other through them to gain a common consciousness.

This soft body has a larger brain, and Lynn decided to grab some of this soft body for research.

But before that... there is still a war to deal with. (~^~)

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