4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 897: Mechanical idea

"It must be fake! Grab it! This is also! What? You are more suspicious!"

Above this blue plain, there are many civilizations, and now they are in a tense atmosphere.

Because they suspect that many of them are mixed in, they are trying to detect those suspicious among them.

However, there are such a group of creatures that have not done so, and they have even thrown suspicious elements out of memory.

Now, Lin looks at this group of creatures. Of course, Lin is also familiar with them. They are Tibetans.

Tibetans are in their bases, wearing armor and weapons, neatly lined up.

There are tens of thousands of Tibetans here, and each of them is a group. Each group of Tibetans has a machine. The mechanical looks like a bit-shaped, just enough size. The memory is sitting in.

And the function of this machine is the same as their appearance, it is used to ... excavate.

This group of Tibetans are ready to take these bit-shaped machines into the ground and attack the soft creatures inside.

These things are what Lin grabs a Tibetan memory and then detects its memory...

Lin had previously promoted micro-mechanical things among them, but they now have no such memories, but are replaced by new ones.

This kind of memory is to let them ride the drill bit for excavation and then invade the territory of the soft creature.

This is obviously a big problem, but the biggest problem is... there are no micro-machine-made spies among them.

Usually the micro-mechanical espionage is used to promote civilized creatures to fight with the soft creatures. Since there are no spies in the Tibetans, it is clear that the creatures of the Tibetans do not need spies to ensure that they and civilized creatures will Go to war.

Tibetans should have a relationship with micromachines.

Therefore, Lin felt that she should ask the ‘biological’ that manipulated the memory of the narrators... that is, the intelligent machine made by the sage.

But it doesn't know where it is now.

Before that, the part of the intelligent mechanical warship was flying around the virtual private land, but it has not been seen recently.

It quickly left the camp near the camp at some point, and it didn't appear in the jungle where it had been wandering, but didn't know where it was going... It seems that it is directly telling Lin that it has a relationship with micromachines. .

It hid somewhere. And in order not to let Lin find it, it also deliberately removed some part of the part battleship when leaving.

Because Lin had placed some arms on the warship, and it seemed to know that Lin’s arms were there, separating that part from the battleship. Then placed on the ground.

There are also many Tibetans who are also on this separate part, and they have begun to build a ... battlefield around this part.

Then start the war in this place.

It seems that the intelligent machine is letting the Tibetans build a new battlefield, but it should be the one who wants to get rid of Lin.

Lin did not do anything special at the time, let the smart machine leave.

Because it is not difficult to find it, after all, it also needs to control the memory of the memory. This will definitely send out the signal continuously.

Now, Lin only needs to check the signal of the Tibetans.

Thinking, Lin decided to act. Now there are several smugglers in the vicinity of the commemoration group. They are holding... a true sect.

This Tibetan memory is used by Lin to see the memory. Before viewing it, Lin knows that the Tibetans have forgotten about micro-mechanics.

Although there is no micromachine among them, Lynn can tell them to make them nervous, but they are not nervous after the memory is changed.

After that, the Tibetans have been modified several times. In general, they are still in a state of leisure before the establishment of the camp. But now it has immediately become ready to go.

The Tibetan rememberer who Lin seized did not change his memory after being caught.

Its current memory is still in a state of leisurely establishment of the base, not thinking about starting an offensive, intelligent machinery knows that Lin caught this Tibetan memory, so he did not want to move its memory.

But even if it doesn't move its memory, Lynn can know where the smart machine is now by detecting the equipment worn by the keeper.

Its location is just above... here.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, Lynn heard a loud noise coming from above. Looking up, I saw that the top of the hole covered with flashing silk was now covered with cracks. Those sharp stone pillars look crumbling, as if they would fall down at any time.

The various civilizations here are all at the same time, and the connection to the world is almost free of earthquakes. So large-scale vibrations are very rare for them.

This made them have to stop the detection of spies, and some creatures directly pointed the weapon at the top of the hole.

The vibration is likely to be a smart machine, because Lin knows it is on top, but I don't know when it will arrive.

Maybe you should track it at first? But Lynn also thought about it. If I don't follow it, I will be able to do what I want to do with peace of mind... I have been chasing it and I may always run away. It's not easy to know what it wants to do.

But is this smart machine actually going to this place? This makes Lin feel a bit strange, but what does it do here? Are you attacking soft creatures with Tibetans?

Lynn thinks that the smart machine should not be able to act on its own. It has always been done using the memory of the memory.

However, it is now...Lin thinks it seems to have driven the entire battleship to this place.

However, it should be easy to notice that smart machinery may use some method...

‘咔...’ Just as Lin thought about it, I saw that the crack above it was getting bigger and bigger, and then I climbed out of the crack... machinery.

The machine looks like a bunch of mechanical parts pieced together, six centimeters in size, and looks like a limb creature with many limbs.

As the machine climbed out, a lot of similar machines climbed out in the cracks. They looked like a pile of metal parts assembled at random. No one looks the same, but they are very similar, and each There are more than three centimeters in size, and the maximum is only ten centimeters.

So, the smart machine seems to be doing this. It disassembles the part warship into many small machines, then drills into the ground and comes here.

Is it going to use these machines to attack soft creatures?

It seems that it is indeed such a plan, Lin noticed that there are a large number of such parts assembled into the machine, this group of machines crawled around the top of the hole, it seems that there is no target.

The civilized creatures below all looked at them nervously, and they obviously felt that these machines were very threatening.

Moreover, this seems to be really a threat.

Lin found that a group of machinery suddenly jumped from the top and fell into a group of civilized creatures.

The group immediately began attacking nearby creatures, and they used sharp limbs to pierce the surrounding creatures, and the group of civilizations also counterattacked.

They instantly entered the scuffle, and Lin looked at the battle and found that the machinery had an advantage. Although they looked like they were randomly put together, they were quite strong, and these civilizations were mainly attacked by projectiles. They do nothing to damage the body.

Machinery can easily pierce them.

However, the machine will also be damaged and damaged in the case of successive attacks. In the broken machinery, Lin found that this kind of thing is not an automatic machine, there is a driver inside... that is, the Tibetan memory is inside.

It seems that here, smart machines are still doing things with Tibetans, not their own hands.

Lynn thinks that it may not know how to do it.

When Lin thought about it, the battle had become more and more unfavourable to the civilized creatures, because there were quite a lot of machinery in the cracks above the top of the cave, and then jumped into the battle.

At the same time, other civilizations were also attacked. The micro-machines continued to fall from above, attacking all the civilizations here, including the mirrors and the amphibians. The war suddenly spread on this blue plain.

Lin looked at them constantly fighting, feeling a little confused... This intelligent machine... What exactly is it doing? Why is it attacking the civilization here?

Shouldn't they attack the mollusks directly? Such civilized creatures will not care about them.

Or is it that smart machines are not hostile to soft creatures?

Lin feels that this is not the case.

Because, Lin's spies in these civilizations also participated in the battle, and killed some machinery, and caught the Tibetans in it.

Some civilizations will kill the Tibetans inside, but some civilizations seem to think that the Tibetans inside are also a part that ignores it.

Lynn caught these memories and then examined the memories in his head. Their memories are the same... that is, to attack the civilization here, and to solve them, they will join the team that attacks the soft creatures.

After all, they still have to attack the soft creatures, but they must first attack the civilization here.

Why do you have to do more? Attacking civilized creatures seems to be meaningless, because civilized creatures will not stop them from attacking mollusks.

Lin felt that if she wanted to know, she would go to find a smart machine, so Lin is now moving.

In fact, Lin has almost found it, because many of Nee’s spies and arms have already got into the gaps of mechanical drills... (~^~)

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