4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 898: Learn all

It turned out that it wanted to do this...

Now Lin is paying attention to a place that looks like a metal waste pile.

There are all kinds of metal parts around, and there are many traces of corrosion on them.

However, here it was originally a warship.

After Lin’s troops came here, they discovered a lot of things. The underground environment, which should have been called a maze, seemed to have been completely transformed.

There are various passages of metal parts, rooms, etc., a subterranean area with a diameter of tens of meters has become a place occupied by metal, and there are also a large number of Tibetans.

They seem to transform this place into their home. The sorcerers live in this place, and break down the materials around them and the original materials, creating a large number of weapons in the 'factory' here.

It is the kind of machine that Linde saw before. The mechanical structure is very simple. There is a cab inside, there are eight to ten sharp metal limbs around, and the shell is made up of a large number of sheet metal. Cm, the smallest three centimeters, the shape is usually irregular, and some machines are equipped with weapons such as bombs or flame emitters.

But most of them have no weapons. They use body limbs when fighting, but this kind of mechanical strength is very strong. Some of the limbs are pointed at the tip, so they can pierce various civilizations here.

I didn't expect the smart machine to break down the entire part of the warship during this period, and then transport all the parts into the underground, and made such a place to produce the army.

What makes Lin more interested is another factory here, which is mainly used to produce... food.

Below, the wars of civilized creatures and Tibetans are still continuing. Now we can see that some flying machines are driven by the Tibetans to fly into the battlefield. They are not responsible for the battle, but are responsible for collecting the bodies.

They transported the dead Tibetans and the enemy's bodies back to a factory here, and the factory quickly smashed the bodies into a food for the Tibetans here.

Tibetans who eat these foods will become very...very powerful in a short time.

The reaction speed of their operating machinery will be greatly improved. These Tibetans will take a mechanical jump and fight more than the original machinery.

However, the combative ability of such Tibetans will slowly weaken, but in the process of weakening, the nutrients in their bodies will slowly gather together and give a ... young cub in the body.

Finally, this Tibetan memory person will die. The pups in their bodies will be born, and the cubs will be brought back quickly, then filled into memory, and the same food will grow rapidly. It seems that this food has different effects on the pups. They allow the pups to grow to the point where they can operate the machinery, and the cubs will also participate in the battle.

This seems to be a...circulatory system.

However, the sources of the corpses on the battlefield are unstable, so the troops they produced in this way are also very unstable, but the intelligent machinery at least came up with such a method of constantly generating troops.

Therefore, Lynn also wants to know why it has to come up with various methods to deal with the ... civilization.

So, Lin found this place, this place looks like a rotten metal pile, but it is actually a very important place.

Lin's arms... Most of them are spies of various civilizations, and they were attacked by many Tibetans before they came here. But still some have successfully arrived here, and then detect the things here.

Here is a memory placement point, which is where the memories of those who remember it are placed.

This placement point was not seen before on the part battleship.

Although the parts warships have now been converted into underground parts cities, the various passage rooms and other structures inside are basically the same.

But there are also a lot of new places, like this one.

A mirror spy from Lynn came to this position and tested the various memories placed here.

Most of the memories here are memories of Tibetans, but Lin found some memories...not belonging to Tibetans.

These memories should be regarded as memories of the intelligent machine 'self', which has some of its previous things.

For example, when the smart machine was previously manufactured, it was originally for the memory of the memory. But then they began to resist the Tibetans.

This is mainly because its thoughts are connected together, not a mechanical one. If it has a 'personality', it may be more difficult to resist.

And why is its thought connected together?

It seems that the memory technology was used by the keeper of the memory. When the dream energy is connected to the thoughts of the intelligent machine, it receives some other information.

This information comes from far away, and there is a clear record here...this information comes from somewhere in the void.

Lynn thinks... this is the message of the sea of ​​fear.

Because of these memories of intelligent machinery, Lin mainly uses the ... mayor to see.

Just as the mayor knows the idea of ​​micromachines, the idea of ​​smart machinery can also be revealed in the mind of the mayor.

There is obviously a connection between them...

It is unclear how the sea of ​​fear is connected. At the beginning, this information made the smart machine know something... those things about the collapse.

The collapse will destroy the world, but the smart machine will not be involved in the destruction, and it and its collectors can continue to live in the new world formed after the collapse.

The memory of this information, the intelligent machine started from very early, and then it was very interested in the beginning of the collapse, and later decided to live in the world after the collapse.

Why does it think so? Lynn thinks it might be because the connected world is too crowded?

It seems that the intelligent machine itself did not explicitly think about why, in short, it just wants to do this, and then it has been trying to do so.

Later, micro-mechanics came to this place because they were connected to each other and communicated with each other. Then the intelligent machine decided to help attack the mollusks.

Feeling is a very simple idea.

The reason it attacks civilized creatures is mainly because they think that this group of civilizations is no longer useful, so they have to be solved, using their weapons and ... bodies to fight.

In general, Lynne has already understood all the reasons, so it should almost stop the war. (~^~)

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