'boom! ’

After a burst of noise, a thing flew out in front of Lynn’s spy and fell heavily on the ground.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

Around Lin, there is a group of constantly shining creatures that rush to cover the thing that fell on the ground and tear it apart in various ways.

The battle here in the ground mirror should be almost no problem.

What was torn in front of Lynn’s eyes was the kind of machinery that was driven by the Tibetans. Although its power was strong, it eventually became a pile of waste parts under the group’s attack.

The Tibetans inside were also arrested, but they did not kill it, but a large group of mirrors around it continually ignited.

"Are you the accomplices of the things that are mixed into us? All of them are coming out! Come on!"

They are asking about this Tibetan memory, but those who do not understand the meaning of the mirror can only try to keep these lights.

The mirrors are free to continually photograph it here because they have already won, and Lin looked around, everywhere on the ground, broken mechanical wreckage and the body of the sorcerer.

They attacked here not long ago, but the attack quickly failed, and some spies of the mirror and Lin successfully killed all the machinery.

The ground mirror that killed these machines has completely refused to play any soft creatures, but decided to solve the micro-machines. Wang also issued relevant orders, but did not know where the target is, so he grabbed these Tibetans. Come and ask.

They may not be able to ask anything because of language barriers.

Other civilizations are similar. Lynn has let the spies mix in to help fight, and also dispatched another unit to attack the base of the cave.

Now, this base is almost going to be compromised...

'boom! ’

The sound of the explosion echoed in this base.

The metal parts on the wall sprinkled the ground because of the violent impact. In the passage, many Tibetans kept running around. They did not have any communication, but they were in their minds. Memory is constantly changing.

Sometimes, there is a lot of memory in their minds that makes them think they are a young and promising soldier to defend the invaded territory. Sometimes, their memories make them think that they are a great warrior who has experienced countless battlefields. They can make various powerful combat techniques to defeat their opponents. Sometimes, their memories will make them feel that they are given a gift. A hero whose important mission is about to be sacrificed. At this time, the Tibetans will open their own self-explosive devices and rush to the enemy to return with the other party.

After the war, all these memories will disappear, they will regard themselves as an ordinary engineering worker, and begin ordinary work such as construction, repair and maintenance.

No one remembers that all of this was originally controlled by the machinery they originally made. Under the constant change of identity, they barely noticed themselves, but they kept working.

Lin believes that this situation is mainly because their neural structure adaptability is very strong. If you do this for a virtual person, its neural structure may be damaged after a few memory changes.

But Tibetans don't, they can go through hundreds of memory changes, although they can't change all the time... but hundreds of times is enough for them to do all the things they should do in this life.

Those who have used hundreds of times after the nerves are abolished will be thrown into the factory as food for other Tibetans.

Of course, they don't like to eat the same kind, but under the influence of memory, they will think that this is a food made by other creatures... After all, they are completely undetectable because of their taste.

The intelligent machine has done a good job of "returning teeth". After all, the former memory is also to dismantle the old waste machinery, and then the parts are made into new machinery, and it does everything for the Tibetans. Almost all Tibetans have done it.

But this is not because of emotions like ‘revenge’, but purely intelligent machinery feels that it is very good and efficient.

However, since all its knowledge and opinions come from Tibetans. Then why do you like to collapse?

'boom! ’

Another explosion sounded, and a group of Tibetans who kept shooting were turned into scatters after the explosion.

Lynn’s ten mirror spies stood in the explosion.

After those smugglers were blown up, the things they wanted to protect were also displayed before Lynn’s spies, that is, a wall made up of metal parts.

This wall looks ordinary, and there is no difference between the metal parts walls everywhere, but Lynn suffered a very strong counterattack before arriving here. Other spies were almost killed, only the mirror spies came here.

This is mainly because the spy shell of the mirror is much harder than other spies, and it is also the spy that Lynn made with ‘ intention.’

Looking at the wall, Lin let the ten mirror spies come together one by one, forming a spy drill bit that is longer than before.

Then, Lin let the drill bit hit the wall made of this metal part and hit it directly.

After a roar, Lin saw the scenery behind the wall. This place can be said to be...and almost the same as other places. The room is more than one meter in diameter. The surrounding walls are made up of parts. It looks nothing special. one room.

In addition to a bunch of things in the center of the room.

This pile of things looks like a mechanically-remembered memory. They are one centimeter in shape and piled up to a height of almost thirty centimeters. They look like a hill.

They are intelligent machines, which have been issuing various commands to the surrounding sorcerers here. Its real body is such a pile of things.

However, this is not the whole of it, there are some machines in other places.

However, its order is mainly based here, so Lynn came here, and Lin believes that it is not only here...

"Judge, there is something close, it's approaching, why are you approaching, why do you want to do it, why stop it?"

This intelligent machine feels that Lin has not escaped after approaching, but sent a bunch of information to Lin.

"Why are you doing this?" So, Lin asked him, "Why help them collapse?"

At the moment Lin asked, it was silent.

Lin felt that this smart machine had never thought of a similar problem. It just suddenly had a very favorite emotion.

"Judgement: You should answer it. You may understand it. Ask questions first: How much do you know about the collapse and how much you know about the details?"

This information came out of the pile of machinery, but not the information of intelligent machinery, but...

Just as Lin thought about it, the mechanical pile suddenly moved, and a large amount of liquid was poured out from the gap between them.

But it wasn't actually a liquid, it was a pile of tiny things that looked soft, they rushed out of the mechanical pile, and then slowly gathered before Lin's spy drill and continued to send a message: " Need to answer in order to proceed to the next step."

Lin is the first time to communicate directly with them... Micromachinery, and its way of describing information is quite similar to that of intelligent machinery, so Lin translated the information in the way of the previous brainworms, and it has a very suitable feeling. .

Then, just chat with it...

Thinking, Lin said directly to it: "Can you stop the collapse?"

"Think about the problem and come to the answer: veto, continue the question: How much do you know about the collapse?"

"I don't understand." Lin said.

The micro-machine said to Lin: "I don't understand, why should I stop it? Why should I hinder it?"

Lynn said: "Because the world will be destroyed."

Micromachines said: "Different thinking, different ideas, unable to recognize values, need to be improved, if you don't understand, you need to explain, after explanation, you should stop all hostile actions."

Lin did not say anything, it continued:

"The collapse is the way forward, let the creatures cross an obstacle, let the will, reach the far side, and reach the unpredictable land."

“Where is the unforeseen place?” Lin asked. “I know this.”

"Not available in the usual way, far away." Micro-mechanical track: "Any known creature has not arrived, tested, calculated, multiple ways, multiple means, learned that collapse can reach the place."

"The role of collapse: exploring the unknown, passing the will, you, should not stop, if you want to stop, I, we will fight all the way and perform the collapse, for the most important purpose."

Lin asked: "How do you know that the collapse can get there?"

Micro-mechanical track: "Judge the question: secret, not answer."

Lin continued to ask: "What is the will to pass?"

“Put the gatherings in unforeseen places.” The micro-mechanical swayed, showing the view of the floating rock on its body, and also showing a large number of biological images.

These creatures are all drifting civilizations gathered by the mayor.

"Judgement: Through the light, to understand the situation, if you don't understand, explain the way of observation, understand the way, and remove the too stupid way, you can modify it."

It seems that it is not certain that Lin can observe things through light, so I ask Lin whether there may be other ways of observation.

But what is the meaning of being too stupid? Although the word stupid is translated by Lynn, it does have similar emotional thoughts.

Regardless of this, Lin continued to ask: "Can these creatures reach that place?"

"Part of it." The micro-machine said: "Choose, the determined will, can be reached." (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ save the frozen ~ reward ~

Thanks ~ 绯堂真寻~ 樱雪喵~ fifty okay~ big baby~o Shangguan phoenix o~ monthly ticket~

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