4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 900: Ancient things

"Choose, transform, start, travel, we will assist, travel, come to the land of the rock, the danger on the way, coping with yourself, difficult on the way, solve it yourself, horror on the way, feel your own way, despair on the way, then die."

"After experiencing countless challenges, the creatures that reach the land of the rock, will be determined and strong, and can wait for the collapse, waiting for unforeseen places."

"You, understand, you should not obstruct."

Micromachines and Lin say a lot of things, mainly because they are transforming various creatures and letting them travel to the floating rocky land in a virtual way. It is similar to what Lin knew before, but...

Lin said: "I don't think they have anything to do with the "willingness" to reach the floating rock. It is only related to ... luck."

"...the information is wrong, and the investigation is carried out." The micro-mechanical pause for a few seconds, and then said: "If the correction succeeds, the creature that reaches the place of the rock, will be lucky, and can wait for it to collapse and go to the unforeseen place. ”

Sure enough, it has a connection with luck.

Lin continued: "So why do you choose these creatures to go there? Why don't you go by yourself?"

The micro-machine responded: "Judge the problem, the decision."

"...in decision?"

Lin has already passed this question for more than a hundred seconds, but the micro-mechanical still has no response.

Thinking, Lin let the spy bit advance a little and poke it.

"In decision-making, don't bother, don't attack, or interrupt decision-making and interrupt all hostilities."

After receiving this information, Lin felt quite wonderful. How long did it take to make decisions? It should be in the decision-making whether or not to say that it is too late for it. Why is this so long?

When it made its decision, Lin also looked at the situation around him. Now the victorious civilizations are basically cleaning up the wreckage, and there is no movement in the soft creatures under the ground.

It seems that it did not continue to decide the attack when communicating with Lin. The group of Tibetans who had to drill the drill into the ground also stayed there without action.

This makes Lin feel a little bit... Micromachines really want to ‘talk and’ and don’t want to continue playing.

When thinking about it. Lin suddenly felt that the micro-mechanical body had some kind of... sound, these sounds were very subtle, as if it was doing something, but Lin did not do anything. Just waiting for it here.

"The decision is over." After almost three hundred seconds, the micro-mechanism responded. Lin found that it was like a muddy body splitting from the middle, showing some internal things...

There are several **** in the body of the micromachine. These **** are like... the galaxies are usually surrounded. There is a column below each ball as a support.

"Tasks can't be violated." Micromachined said: "I have a mission, can't reach, unpredictable land."

When it said this, Lin found that the spheres began to spin up. There were ten **** in all sizes, but the other nine were around the middle.

Although the **** are moving, the micro-machines seem to have nothing to do with these balls: "I will observe. Watch, myself, don't go."

"You don't want to know the situation in that place?" Lin asked: "Is it not because I want to know before I lead to collapse?"

"Understand, don't need to go." Micro-mechanical road: "Leaving in place will help the development."

"Why do you have to have those creatures?" Lin asked. "Why don't you choose other creatures?"

"...the choice has been forgotten." The micro-machine said: "The starting point, unknowable, the result, perfect."

This is to say that it forgot what it was like at the time...

Indeed, micro-mechanics originally had the purpose of getting those individual creatures to drift in the void. But then this purpose changed.

"So..." Lin asked: "Do you know this?"

Thinking, Lin sent it some information about...the sea of ​​fear, and now the micromachine should be controlled by the sea of ​​fear, if so, ask it. What will it react to?

"Understand the matter, you can answer it." And as far as Lin expected, it quickly answered: "The object of doubt is a special life."

“Special life?” Lin questioned: “The sea of ​​fear... is life?”

"Fear, biological emotions, sea. A lot of water, the name is not appropriate, but there are not too many problems." Micro-machines said: "That is a special life, the form is unknown, from unforeseen places."

“Is it coming from there?” Lin continued to ask: “How did this know?”

“An ancient record was obtained through communication with ancient creatures.” Micromachines said: “The collapse of intelligence is also obtained from ancient creatures.”

In general, micro-mechanics means that it is an ancient creature like the stellar bus to understand the sea of ​​fear and the collapse of the sea?

"But fear, the sea, does not come from a collapse." Micromachined said: "It comes from this place."

The **** it showed seemed to have finally worked, the most central ball radiant, and the other **** began to turn into dark colors.

"It's centered, it's starting to destroy."

Said, the ball around the center of the ball began to sound one after another, 啪 的, bursting open.

"It disappeared. It disappeared. It disappeared."

Every time a ball is blown up, the micromachine says that it has disappeared.

Finally, all the **** are blown up and the ball in the center is left.

"It started to dim." After that, the light of the ball dimmed.

"It becomes the sea."

The micro-machine said that the ball slowly changed color and finally became a water polo.

"It is considered a residence, an outsider, come here to live."

There was no special change this time. After about ten seconds, the micromachine sent another message: "You, play the occupants."

After the hair was finished, Lin found a few out of the pile of mechanical remembrance behind it, went to the micro-machine's water polo, and then... climbed up.

Although they look like water polo but they are not really water polo, they can stand on it, but... Lin feels that this kind of thing should be done by micro-mechanism, and there is no need to call anything else to 'play'.

"External people, renovating this place, living, have been going on." Micromachines said: "At some point, they think that the will should expand."

"So they call out...the thing of fear." (~^~)

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