4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 901: a legend

A long time ago, there was such a legend.

Somewhere, there are ten worlds, these ten worlds are surrounded and feel like a galaxy... living.

Although these worlds are nothing special, it seems that ancient creatures know them.

Ancient creatures...just like a star bus.

They have lived in the void for a long time, knowing a lot of things, and sometimes they share stories with other creatures that they have experienced, and these stories are occasionally transmitted by a variety of creatures.

There is a story that is the story of these ten worlds.

They are like an ordinary galaxy.

Not noticed, not understood, although many creatures know this place, but did not care.

Until some time, the ten worlds have undergone a change, and one of the worlds has suddenly disappeared...

And, in a very short period of time, the same thing happened... There is another world that suddenly disappears.

Therefore, this place was really paid attention to at this time.

In the following time, these worlds disappeared one by one, the third, the fourth, the fifth... They seem to be destroyed, and they seem to disappear from the air.

However, in this story, there is no specific description of what happened, but only the world in which they are centered on the way to the disappearance of these worlds.

It illuminates like a star, illuminating the void around it.

However, this world is not a star. It is about the size of the world around it. Originally there was no star in this place.

Under its radiance, the last world has slowly disappeared, leaving only this world of light.

It... did not disappear, but slowly darkened in the next period of time, and changed like the original.

Then it was as if nothing had happened, floating there alone, but there was some debris around it. It was once left by the disappearing world.

Only these debris accompany it.

It is said that the original descriptor of this story once landed on this lonely world. It did not find anything when it was observed and observed. There is no creature, just like the rocky world in the void, it is a barren land.

But there is a feeling of ... fear.

Later, it left the place and did not continue to observe there... but its story continues.

This lonely world is slowly not in its original position.

Perhaps it is attracted by the gravitational force in the distant stars, or for other reasons. It deviates from the original trajectory and begins to move in a direction never seen.

Then the world reached somewhere and met... a group of creatures.

This group of creatures came from the void, and there was no fixed residence. They were originally drifting in the void.

After seeing this world. This group of creatures seems to have suddenly become interested in it. Decided to live in that world.

The storyteller of the story looks at all this happening.

This group of creatures landed in this special world and began to live on it. Although the world is ridiculously cold, this group of creatures seems to care.

The descriptor does not know if the creatures will be scared. It may not be, or they should leave instead of staying there.

After the creatures landed, they began to transform the world, and they were transformed quite quickly. The surface of this world has changed dramatically in a short period of time.

But what is this short time?

This is not known, after all, there is no accurate description, at least the original descriptor feels very short.

The surface looks no longer ridiculous, but there is a large... wonderful color.

These colors cover the earth and slowly cover the whole world. At this time, the world suddenly began to shine again.

It is like the light that was once when other worlds disappeared.

Such a strong brilliance seems to mean that the world has enormous energy, but it does not cause any harm to those creatures.

This group of creatures still live in this world, constantly transforming the environment. As the light becomes more and more bleak, the descriptors see the world becoming more and more different.

On the surface of this world, covered with a layer of ... liquid.

Or something that can be called water. Of course, it is not certain whether it is really something called water. In short, it is called water.

Initially there was only a very 'thin' layer, the world's rays illuminate from the water, the surroundings are still quite bright, and there are many 'lands' that protrude in the water, but slowly, the water seems to increase more and more There are many, and the light of this world has become darker and darker, and it has completely disappeared.

At this time, the surface of the world could not see any land. It completely became a water polo, and after it became a water polo, its operation stopped, so it stayed in this position for a while. It will not turn.

The descriptor felt a little troubled at this time.

Because, before, it was able to see changes in the world's surface, and speculate on how the group of creatures transformed the world, but now it can't know what is happening under the water polo.

It is impossible to know that it is not invisible, but it is not felt by any means of detection.

So, the original descriptor of the story, it decided to land in the world again to see, what happened there.

However, just as it approached the world, it suffered a fierce attack that made it costly and difficult to escape, which prevented it from approaching the world again.

However, it is still very interested in the world, so it has not left too far, but has maintained an observation of the world at a certain distance.

Time... it flows so slowly.

In the long-term observation, the descriptor has acquired quite a small amount of information. It occasionally sees the world shine again, but it seems that the light is much darker than before because of the water.

Other than that, there has been no change. The creatures in the world have not left the world, and the world has continued to move in one position and does not seem to be affected by any gravity.

The descriptor knows that the world is not alive, not a creature like a stellar bus.

But there must be some secrets on it, it will shine, will attract this group of creatures to come, live, and transform.

Although nothing happened in the world itself, there were occasional external situations, such as the fact that some other creatures would pass by or approach the world, and all of them were violently attacked without exception.

Few creatures survived this attack. In its observations, only once had a creature successfully escaped from this attack, but it was also greatly hurt.

Other creatures are the only endings.

Seeing that these creatures are dying in succession, the descriptors will then signal the creatures that come to them not to approach the water polo, but because there are not many creatures that know the signal, there are still many creatures that are destroyed one after another.

In this way, it has been a long time...

Special things happen again until the descriptor thinks that something special may not happen.

It found that among the water polo, there were a lot of things flying out.

These things flew out of the water polo and flew toward the void, and then the descriptor decided to grab a fly out and see what it was.

It waited for this thing to fly a certain distance. It thought it was outside the scope of the water polo and went to grab the thing.

Then... it will die.

Because it believes that the scope of the attack is wrong, it still suffered an attack at that location, this time it did not succeed... escape.

After that, I don’t know how long it took, and another creature discovered the original descriptor.

It found all the information about the water polo recorded by the descriptor, so it also became interested in the water polo, and decided to succeed as the second generation of the descriptor, continue to observe the situation here.

The things that the water polo fired were recorded before the first generation of the descriptors died. These things seem to resemble those living in the water polo.

Perhaps they fired offspring, the second generation of the thinker thought so, and then it continued to observe.

Yes... it's just watching.

Unlike a generation, the second-generation descriptors seem to like nothing, just a simple observation.

It won't catch the things that are emitted, see other creatures approaching the water polo, and don't signal them to leave anything.

It also didn't have to go to the water polo to see the idea, it kept a safe distance to observe there, until some time, it was going to leave.

After a period of time, the water polo does not launch anything outside, but returns to the initial calm.

But this did not last long, and suddenly the second generation of the descriptor felt a signal...

It seems to be sent by creatures in the water polo, which contain some of their thoughts...

In the signal, the water polo creatures indicate that they have found a ... far away.

So they intend to 'call' something from that faraway place, mainly something that can help them expand their 'will.'

Then they started to act.

Although the second generation of the descriptors felt very strange, but did not leave, but stayed in place until the creatures in the water polo really started to act, it felt a wave from the water polo...


This feeling made it extremely fearful. The second generation of the descriptors thought that they should not stay here, so they left.

But the feeling of this fear has always been with it... (to be continued.)

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